it would be if schools were supportive and did not teach things that were contrary to the children's beliefs or the beliefs of their parents.
Given the various beliefs even within one religion, it seems better to stay away from teaching any religion. I can see a place for a class giving an overview of all religions, but not trying to teach the tenants of any specific religion. To me that is the job of the respective religious institutions.
this was not a result of christianity it comes from the sin nature. bullying is sin no matter who does it.
I agree that bullying isn't necessarily indigenous to the religious.
your video didn't show where the person got kicked out of school. it was the pledge of allegience not a christian prayer so how does it relate to your point? i also see no reason for that to take place at the beginning of a game.
If you listen carefully, they are saying the Lord's Prayer. You can hear them say, "Give us this day our daily bread." Also the comment below the video tells us that the child was kicked out of school and that a lawsuit was filed against the school.
Personally, I feel it is out of line to kick someone out of school for an after school event. An after school sporting event has nothing to do with the education the child is working towards. If the sporting event doesn't add to their GPA, then any actions should not potentially impact their GPA. IOW, if the kid was smoking, kick them off the team, don't kick them out of school. IMO, no action should have been taken in this situation anyway especially since it is a public school.
because bad behavior isn't limited to the church and home and not all homes teach true morality or christian beliefs, for that matter nor do some churches.
Schools should only be tasked with enforcing the right behavior that makes school safe and nonthreating for teachers and children. They shouldn't be tasked with teaching what is right and wrong for any specific religion. That is the religions job, whether they do a good job of it or not.
I grew up when there was prayer in school, but there were still bullies and misbehavior. One of them was a preacher's son! My school was all white and predominantly Christian as far as I knew (Protestant/Catholic). I didn't really care. If there were those who were religion free, I didn't notice. Today the same area is much more diverse in race and religion.
I feel an academic learning of religions is helpful in schools and would hopefully promote better understanding between religions. The tenants of a religion need to be taught by the respective religious institutions. Too many variations for a public school to handle. I also feel a parent should be able to have their child opt out of any religious class if they choose.