I guess the main thing I was hoping to investigate was why the endings are so similar.
The additional endings of Mark, for example, bear no resemblance to the first ending. The additional ending of John, however, wraps up in the same way as the first ending. Now I do believe that there is no evidence that this gospel ever existed without this second ending (unlike Mark), that is, no texts have been found that end at chapter 20. On this, I'd say, it's almost certain that chapter 21 was the responsibility of the original redactorsresponsible for the rest of the gospel having the form it presently has.
At the same time, chapter 21 is clearly an addition; chapter 20 has a wrap-up phrase common even today, and so must have been the end to an original piece used by the redactorsadditionally, such out of place passages aren't rare in John, since the redactors, unlike the authors of the other three gospels, used something of a 'scissors-and-glue' approach for compiling their gospel.
Now, the part that intrigues me is the similarity of the two endings. When chapter 21 was pasted to the end of John, what evidence do we have that might tell us whether the similar part (21:24—25) was originally part of that pasted piece or a part added by the redactors who pasted it onto chapter 20 in order to make the new ending look like the old one (20:30—31)?
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