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Author Topic:   MMORGs and role playing discussion.
Posts: 10385
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Message 151 of 198 (601809)
01-24-2011 1:09 PM
Reply to: Message 147 by Huntard
01-24-2011 8:22 AM

Re: Keys for RIFT beta freely available.
Got a key for RIFT (though through another source).
Me too. This will be my second Rift beta event. I was impressed enough with the first beta to buy the game at release. I need a good MMO to hold me over until SWTOR comes out.

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 Message 147 by Huntard, posted 01-24-2011 8:22 AM Huntard has replied

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 Message 152 by Huntard, posted 01-24-2011 1:34 PM Taq has replied

Member (Idle past 2620 days)
Posts: 2870
From: Limburg, The Netherlands
Joined: 09-02-2008

Message 152 of 198 (601816)
01-24-2011 1:34 PM
Reply to: Message 151 by Taq
01-24-2011 1:09 PM

Re: Keys for RIFT beta freely available.
Taq writes:
Me too. This will be my second Rift beta event. I was impressed enough with the first beta to buy the game at release.
Good to hear. If this one's any fun, wow has seen the last of me. Haven't really played it since three months or so, am now leisurely exploring the new stuff from cata. It's all become rather boring to me, and I'll probably never raid again in WoW (did so extensively with WOTLK).
So, if this one tickles my fancy, I guess I'm theirs until SWTOR is realeased. Maybe even beyond that. And in 2012, I'm planning on fighting Xenos filth for the Emperor!.

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 Message 153 by Taq, posted 01-24-2011 1:47 PM Huntard has not replied

Posts: 10385
Joined: 03-06-2009
Member Rating: 5.8

Message 153 of 198 (601820)
01-24-2011 1:47 PM
Reply to: Message 152 by Huntard
01-24-2011 1:34 PM

Re: Keys for RIFT beta freely available.
Good to hear. If this one's any fun, wow has seen the last of me. Haven't really played it since three months or so, am now leisurely exploring the new stuff from cata. It's all become rather boring to me, and I'll probably never raid again in WoW (did so extensively with WOTLK).
Tears in the Rift offer dynamic events and invasions that are pretty fun. Breaks up the monotony of questing. It's somewhat like public quests on WAR without the quests being nailed down to one specific spot or one clock. What is really cool is that the Rifts scale to the number of players in the area. I joined an impromptu 40 man raid to clear a Rift one night. It was pretty cool. The ability to create complex builds is also a nice break from the ordinary.
Gameplay isn't as polished as WoW, but it is fun which is the most important part.
Edited by Taq, : No reason given.

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 Message 154 by Trae, posted 01-25-2011 12:32 AM Taq has not replied
 Message 161 by Trae, posted 01-31-2011 3:53 AM Taq has replied

Member (Idle past 4631 days)
Posts: 442
From: Fremont, CA, USA
Joined: 06-18-2004

Message 154 of 198 (601921)
01-25-2011 12:32 AM
Reply to: Message 153 by Taq
01-24-2011 1:47 PM

RIFT servers
Given how many keys they're giving out I would expect them to add more servers, but for those who like to think ahead.
Belmont PvE
Byriel PvE
Wolfsbane PvE
Briarcliff PvP
Seastone PvP
Lotham PvP
Sunrest PvP-RP
Faeblight PvE-RP
German Local Server
French Local Server
Also, oddly enough, this games factions seem to be technologists vs the faithful.

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 Message 153 by Taq, posted 01-24-2011 1:47 PM Taq has not replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 155 of 198 (601976)
01-25-2011 11:56 AM

DC Universe
I was a little excited about this game being on PS3 (I don't want to throw more money into my PC for another MMO), but I've looked at the official site and now I think I'm gonna pass on this game.
I don't like the "mentor" idea. All in all it looks rather restrictive on the character variability. I suppose this is a function of the game having to be able to work.
The skill tree is like in Diablo, which works for me.
I thought it'd be fun to try a new MMO, although chatting on the PS3 with a joystick doesn't sound cool. I guess I'll have to rent it.

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 156 of 198 (601979)
01-25-2011 12:09 PM
Reply to: Message 148 by Stile
01-24-2011 8:41 AM

Diablo 3?
Anywhere? No?
Me on 9-23-2009 writes:
I can't wait for Diablo 3 to come out and I already know of about 6 people that are going to jump on it. Too bad Blizzard is soooo slow.
It does look like the're making progress though.
I'm disappointed that its all new classes except they brought the Barbarian back... Why they gotta bring up old shit? Could've at least called it a Berserker or something... different. At least they changed the Sorceress to a Wizard.

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 Message 179 by Stile, posted 04-21-2014 12:08 PM New Cat's Eye has replied

Member (Idle past 368 days)
Posts: 4295
From: Ontario, Canada
Joined: 12-02-2004

Message 157 of 198 (601982)
01-25-2011 12:29 PM
Reply to: Message 156 by New Cat's Eye
01-25-2011 12:09 PM

Yeah, I've never been a big fan of the Barbarian. I have no motivation to play that class at all. But 4 out of 5 ain't bad!
One day... Maybe... They're joke-level, if they put in something like the cow level should be a frozen Hell level, since that's when they'll ship the game...

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 Message 156 by New Cat's Eye, posted 01-25-2011 12:09 PM New Cat's Eye has not replied

Member (Idle past 2620 days)
Posts: 2870
From: Limburg, The Netherlands
Joined: 09-02-2008

Message 158 of 198 (601991)
01-25-2011 1:18 PM

First Impressions:
Looks great so far, even my old PC can handle high settings very well, unless there are alot of people on screen, then I have to switch to medium too keep the framerate up enough (it's not unplayable on high, but it's just better on medium).
So far so good, too bad the servers are overheating at the moment.

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 Message 159 by Trae, posted 01-25-2011 1:55 PM Huntard has replied

Member (Idle past 4631 days)
Posts: 442
From: Fremont, CA, USA
Joined: 06-18-2004

Message 159 of 198 (601999)
01-25-2011 1:55 PM
Reply to: Message 158 by Huntard
01-25-2011 1:18 PM

The login server is on meltdown. But this mostly means you may have to try to login many times.
People can check to see if servers are up at: Is for Sale
and Is for Sale
As a side note on the character trees. Game seems MORE flexible than most since you can not only pick from the three souls out of 9, but you can change what souls you use later.

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 Message 160 by Huntard, posted 01-25-2011 4:15 PM Trae has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 2620 days)
Posts: 2870
From: Limburg, The Netherlands
Joined: 09-02-2008

Message 160 of 198 (602023)
01-25-2011 4:15 PM
Reply to: Message 159 by Trae
01-25-2011 1:55 PM

Right, since the servers are down now due to an update, let me give the impressions I've gathered in the short time I've played it.
Levelling is fast for the first few levels, I'm level 7 at the moment.
You unlock all three of the soul trees (talent trees) by level 5, which means you can start combining your points from very early on.
Performance is excellent, I've got a rather old PC, the only thing I update on it are the ram and the graphics card, and even that was several years ago. When I put it on medium, it still looks very good, and I can polay it even if there are 150 people on my screen.
Quests so far have been pretty standard, but what do you expect from an MMO.
In short: so far, I like it. Let's see what I think about it at the end of the week.

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Member (Idle past 4631 days)
Posts: 442
From: Fremont, CA, USA
Joined: 06-18-2004

Message 161 of 198 (602712)
01-31-2011 3:53 AM
Reply to: Message 153 by Taq
01-24-2011 1:47 PM

Re: Keys for RIFT beta freely available.
Hopefully, Trion can work out a few of the kinkshopefully they view them as kinks. One thing I’ve noticed is that once you’re in a raid it becomes less dynamic. I’ve shown up to areas where clearly not everyone at that location is in the same raid. I mean where there’s only say 10 people at that spot and for some reason I’m in a public group of two or three.

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 Message 153 by Taq, posted 01-24-2011 1:47 PM Taq has replied

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 Message 164 by Huntard, posted 01-31-2011 9:24 AM Trae has replied
 Message 165 by Taq, posted 02-01-2011 11:51 AM Trae has replied

Member (Idle past 4631 days)
Posts: 442
From: Fremont, CA, USA
Joined: 06-18-2004

Message 162 of 198 (602713)
01-31-2011 5:05 AM

Champions Online is now F2P
Champions Online is now F2P (free to play).
Champions online is a superhero MMO. F2P in this case means you have limited ability to play the game, can only go up to a certain level, etc.

Replies to this message:
 Message 163 by Wounded King, posted 01-31-2011 9:17 AM Trae has seen this message but not replied

Wounded King
Member (Idle past 357 days)
Posts: 4149
From: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Joined: 04-09-2003

Message 163 of 198 (602717)
01-31-2011 9:17 AM
Reply to: Message 162 by Trae
01-31-2011 5:05 AM

Re: Champions Online is now F2P
That's interesting. I had been thinking about giving the new DC Universe online a go, but maybe I should try this first instead.

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 Message 162 by Trae, posted 01-31-2011 5:05 AM Trae has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 2620 days)
Posts: 2870
From: Limburg, The Netherlands
Joined: 09-02-2008

Message 164 of 198 (602718)
01-31-2011 9:24 AM
Reply to: Message 161 by Trae
01-31-2011 3:53 AM

Re: Keys for RIFT beta freely available.
Trae writes:
I’ve shown up to areas where clearly not everyone at that location is in the same raid. I mean where there’s only say 10 people at that spot and for some reason I’m in a public group of two or three.
It's possible that those people simply didn't join the "public group", though. Nothing Trion can do about that.

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 Message 161 by Trae, posted 01-31-2011 3:53 AM Trae has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 173 by Trae, posted 02-09-2011 1:48 AM Huntard has not replied

Posts: 10385
Joined: 03-06-2009
Member Rating: 5.8

Message 165 of 198 (602860)
02-01-2011 11:51 AM
Reply to: Message 161 by Trae
01-31-2011 3:53 AM

Re: Keys for RIFT beta freely available.
Hopefully, Trion can work out a few of the kinkshopefully they view them as kinks. One thing I’ve noticed is that once you’re in a raid it becomes less dynamic. I’ve shown up to areas where clearly not everyone at that location is in the same raid. I mean where there’s only say 10 people at that spot and for some reason I’m in a public group of two or three.
The problem I had when joining a public group is that you couldn't tell who the tanks and healers were. It would be cool if you could define your role for public groups and have that role displayed your raid frame. This is especially true in Rift where your appearance does not reflect your playstyle given the flexibility built into each class. Standard trinity roles have been around long enough for people to know that DPS needs to focus on the tank's target and the healer needs to keep the tank up at the expense of the DPS dying. If they made this one tweak it would vastly improve public grouping, along with an algorithm that created raid groups with the trinity in mind.
I know it is only beta, but it would also be nice to see harder rifts in the next event. If they scaled up between stages to meet the size of the raid group that would be pretty cool.
Edited by Taq, : No reason given.

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 Message 161 by Trae, posted 01-31-2011 3:53 AM Trae has replied

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 Message 168 by Trae, posted 02-04-2011 1:51 AM Taq has not replied

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