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Author Topic:   New theory about evolution between creationism and evolution.
zi ko
Member (Idle past 3936 days)
Posts: 578
Joined: 01-18-2011

Message 91 of 433 (602664)
01-30-2011 1:37 PM
Reply to: Message 52 by Larni
01-27-2011 8:02 AM

Re: Mechanism?
Epigenesis and mirror cells, with punctuated equilibrium, are facts that are supporting my theory, and give clues about mechanisms.

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 Message 52 by Larni, posted 01-27-2011 8:02 AM Larni has replied

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 Message 92 by Larni, posted 01-30-2011 1:40 PM zi ko has replied

Member (Idle past 170 days)
Posts: 4000
From: Liverpool
Joined: 09-16-2005

Message 92 of 433 (602665)
01-30-2011 1:40 PM
Reply to: Message 91 by zi ko
01-30-2011 1:37 PM

Re: Mechanism?
Please show how mirror cells support your hypothesis (again, it is not a theory!).

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 Message 91 by zi ko, posted 01-30-2011 1:37 PM zi ko has replied

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 Message 93 by zi ko, posted 01-30-2011 1:47 PM Larni has replied

zi ko
Member (Idle past 3936 days)
Posts: 578
Joined: 01-18-2011

Message 93 of 433 (602666)
01-30-2011 1:47 PM
Reply to: Message 92 by Larni
01-30-2011 1:40 PM

Re: Mechanism?
Since it gives support to empathic communication, it supports my hypothetic theory.

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 Message 92 by Larni, posted 01-30-2011 1:40 PM Larni has replied

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 Message 94 by Larni, posted 01-30-2011 2:03 PM zi ko has replied

Member (Idle past 170 days)
Posts: 4000
From: Liverpool
Joined: 09-16-2005

Message 94 of 433 (602668)
01-30-2011 2:03 PM
Reply to: Message 93 by zi ko
01-30-2011 1:47 PM

Re: Mechanism?
ince it gives support to empathic communication, it supports my hypothetic theory.
No it does not. It supports the hypothesis that one human being can vicariously experience emotion by watching people when they are in an emotional state.
It has nothing to do with your hypothesis (again, it is only an unsupported hypothesis until you go and do so actual applied research).
These stages need to be moved through.
wiki writes:
Observations and Formation of the topic
Conceptual definitions
Operational definition
Gathering of data
Analysis of data
Test, revising of hypothesis
Conclusion, iteration if necessary
You are at the hypothesis stage. Nowhere near being a theory.
Research - Wikipedia
Edited by Larni, : spellink

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 Message 93 by zi ko, posted 01-30-2011 1:47 PM zi ko has replied

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 Message 96 by zi ko, posted 01-30-2011 2:25 PM Larni has replied

zi ko
Member (Idle past 3936 days)
Posts: 578
Joined: 01-18-2011

Message 95 of 433 (602670)
01-30-2011 2:06 PM
Reply to: Message 60 by Blue Jay
01-27-2011 10:36 AM

Re: Check your premise
Epigenesis and mirror cells give clues about mechanisms in my "hypothetical theory".Punctuated equilibrium and stasis are facts that can be explained by my hypothesis or theory.Aren't they enough for somebody to give attention?

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 Message 60 by Blue Jay, posted 01-27-2011 10:36 AM Blue Jay has replied

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 Message 99 by Blue Jay, posted 01-31-2011 10:22 AM zi ko has seen this message but not replied
 Message 104 by Taq, posted 01-31-2011 12:32 PM zi ko has seen this message but not replied

zi ko
Member (Idle past 3936 days)
Posts: 578
Joined: 01-18-2011

Message 96 of 433 (602672)
01-30-2011 2:25 PM
Reply to: Message 94 by Larni
01-30-2011 2:03 PM

Re: Mechanism?
Lamarc's theories have push Darvin to find the facts.

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 Message 94 by Larni, posted 01-30-2011 2:03 PM Larni has replied

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 Message 98 by Larni, posted 01-30-2011 3:05 PM zi ko has replied

zi ko
Member (Idle past 3936 days)
Posts: 578
Joined: 01-18-2011

Message 97 of 433 (602673)
01-30-2011 2:45 PM
Reply to: Message 83 by Taq
01-28-2011 3:38 PM

Re: Check your premise
Ididn't know about mirror neurons in animals and perigenetics. So i can say that these mechanisms were somewhow predicted by my hypothesis. more, punctuaded equilibrium and stasis can be explained by it. Is it right to ignore all these?

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 Message 83 by Taq, posted 01-28-2011 3:38 PM Taq has not replied

Member (Idle past 170 days)
Posts: 4000
From: Liverpool
Joined: 09-16-2005

Message 98 of 433 (602674)
01-30-2011 3:05 PM
Reply to: Message 96 by zi ko
01-30-2011 2:25 PM

Re: Mechanism?
You are wrong that mirror cells support your hypothesis.
Unless you can show that you are correct with some of that evidence all the kids are talking about, these days.

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 Message 96 by zi ko, posted 01-30-2011 2:25 PM zi ko has replied

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 Message 100 by zi ko, posted 01-31-2011 10:30 AM Larni has not replied

Blue Jay
Member (Idle past 3014 days)
Posts: 2843
From: You couldn't pronounce it with your mouthparts
Joined: 02-04-2008

Message 99 of 433 (602721)
01-31-2011 10:22 AM
Reply to: Message 95 by zi ko
01-30-2011 2:06 PM

Re: Check your premise
Hi, Zi Ko.
zi ko writes:
Epigenesis and mirror cells give clues about mechanisms in my "hypothetical theory".
Epigenesis is not a very likely mechanism: it doesn't result in sustained changes over time.
Mirror cells only explain how individual organisms feel empathy: they don't provide a way for empathy to be transferred from one organism to another, or for empathy to be recorded in epigenetic states.
zi ko writes:
Punctuated equilibrium and stasis are facts that can be explained by my hypothesis or theory. Aren't they enough for somebody to give attention?
I don't see why punctuated equilibria and stasis need a new explanation. There are already other, better explanations for these things.
For example, environmental change may only rarely become severe enough to cause species to change measurably.
Or, large, beneficial changes may be so rare that a species can go for a long period of time without experiencing one just by chance.
By themselves, these ideas (I don't think they should be called "facts") are not problematic enough to the current Theory of Evolution that we new a whole new theory just to explain them.

-Bluejay (a.k.a. Mantis, Thylacosmilus)
Darwin loves you.

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 Message 95 by zi ko, posted 01-30-2011 2:06 PM zi ko has seen this message but not replied

zi ko
Member (Idle past 3936 days)
Posts: 578
Joined: 01-18-2011

Message 100 of 433 (602722)
01-31-2011 10:30 AM
Reply to: Message 98 by Larni
01-30-2011 3:05 PM

Re: Mechanism?
Larni writes:
You are wrong that mirror cells support your hypothesis.
Unless you can show that you are correct with some of that evidence all the kids are talking about, these days.
Wikie writes:Empathy
Stephanie Preston and Frans de Waal,[33] Jean Decety,[34][35] and Vittorio Gallese[36][37] have independently argued that the mirror neuron system is involved in empathy. A large number of experiments using functional MRI, electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) have shown that certain brain regions (in particular the anterior insula, anterior cingulate cortex, and inferior frontal cortex) are active when people experience an emotion (disgust, happiness, pain, etc.) and when they see another person experiencing an emotion.[38]
As empathy is a matter of knowledge(which an imformation from enviroment,e.g it is an enviromental fact) and according to epigenetics and epigeneting theory enviroment facts can lead to evolutionary proccesses, you may have the evidence you ask for.

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 Message 98 by Larni, posted 01-30-2011 3:05 PM Larni has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 101 by New Cat's Eye, posted 01-31-2011 10:42 AM zi ko has seen this message but not replied
 Message 102 by Panda, posted 01-31-2011 10:48 AM zi ko has seen this message but not replied
 Message 103 by Blue Jay, posted 01-31-2011 11:07 AM zi ko has seen this message but not replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 101 of 433 (602724)
01-31-2011 10:42 AM
Reply to: Message 100 by zi ko
01-31-2011 10:30 AM

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 Message 100 by zi ko, posted 01-31-2011 10:30 AM zi ko has seen this message but not replied

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 Message 105 by Larni, posted 01-31-2011 2:38 PM New Cat's Eye has replied

Member (Idle past 4029 days)
Posts: 2688
From: UK
Joined: 10-04-2010

Message 102 of 433 (602725)
01-31-2011 10:48 AM
Reply to: Message 100 by zi ko
01-31-2011 10:30 AM

Re: Mechanism?
Could you clarify your hypothesis for me please?
A female deer sees another deer getting eaten by a lion and empathises with the dying deer.
She transmits this empathy to her baby deer which changes its DNA so that it can avoid lions?
She alters her own DNA so that her future babies are better able to avoid lions?
Something else?

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 Message 100 by zi ko, posted 01-31-2011 10:30 AM zi ko has seen this message but not replied

Blue Jay
Member (Idle past 3014 days)
Posts: 2843
From: You couldn't pronounce it with your mouthparts
Joined: 02-04-2008

Message 103 of 433 (602726)
01-31-2011 11:07 AM
Reply to: Message 100 by zi ko
01-31-2011 10:30 AM

Re: Mechanism?
Hi, Zi Ko.
zi ko writes:
As empathy is a matter of knowledge...
Evidence that empathy is real is not evidence that empathy is a cause of evolutionary change.
zi ko writes:
...according to epigenetics and epigeneting theory enviroment facts can lead to evolutionary proccesses...
Evidence that epigenetics is real is not evidence that empathy is inherited epigenetically, or that epigenetic empathy is a cause of evolutionary change.
It's like saying, "I think my wife ate pancakes for breakfast this morning. The reason I think this is because my wife is real and pancakes are real."
What you need is evidence for your hypothesis that epigenetically-inherited empathy causes evolutionary change, not evidence that empathy and epigenetics are real.

-Bluejay (a.k.a. Mantis, Thylacosmilus)
Darwin loves you.

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 Message 100 by zi ko, posted 01-31-2011 10:30 AM zi ko has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 10385
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Member Rating: 5.7

Message 104 of 433 (602734)
01-31-2011 12:32 PM
Reply to: Message 95 by zi ko
01-30-2011 2:06 PM

Re: Check your premise
Epigenesis and mirror cells give clues about mechanisms in my "hypothetical theory".
How so? How does empathy cause specific DNA methylation and histone packanging patterns in eggs and sperm? How does DNA methylation and histone packaging translate into DNA mutations?
Punctuated equilibrium and stasis are facts that can be explained by my hypothesis or theory.
How are they explained by your hypothesis in ways that are already not explained by random mutation and natural selection?

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 Message 95 by zi ko, posted 01-30-2011 2:06 PM zi ko has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 170 days)
Posts: 4000
From: Liverpool
Joined: 09-16-2005

Message 105 of 433 (602757)
01-31-2011 2:38 PM
Reply to: Message 101 by New Cat's Eye
01-31-2011 10:42 AM

Me too.

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 Message 101 by New Cat's Eye, posted 01-31-2011 10:42 AM New Cat's Eye has replied

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 Message 106 by New Cat's Eye, posted 01-31-2011 2:41 PM Larni has replied

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