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Author | Topic: Catholics & Inerrancy | |||||||||||||||||||||||
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
Tram Law writes: So why would it be a waste of time if there's no historical event?3... 2... Sorry, but that's gone right over my head. I do view the resurrection as an historical event if you are misreading what I wrote.
Tram law Member (Idle past 5021 days) Posts: 283 From: Weed, California, USA Joined: |
I was referring to this paragraph:
In other words if the bodily resurrection of Jesus is not an historical event then all of Christianity is a waste of time. If the resurrection isn`t historical then Jesus was delusional and although the message he preached may ring true for us there is no real reason to give it any credibility.
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
I absolutely am convinced that the resurrection was an historical event. I can't prove it so as I said "if it is an historical event".
The resuurection is the essential part of the Christian faith. Without it Christianity would not have come into existence IMHO.
ScientificBob Member (Idle past 4580 days) Posts: 48 From: Antwerp, Belgium Joined: |
GDR writes: I have read a fair amount on the subject and have become convinced that it happened in the manner that we read about in the Gospels, Acts and Paul. I read a variety of authors but what I found most informative were the debates between N T Wright and members of the Jesus Seminar Dom Crossan and Marcus Borg. Essentially the members of the Jesus Semiar treat the resurrection as a kind of "visionary experience", whereas N T Wright as an historian and theologian argues that the only thing that makes sense of the rise of the Christian church is the fact that the resurrection is an actual historical event. I read books on the debate between Crossan and Wright and Borg and Wright. I found Wright's argument more convincing and that the JS position was in the final analysis based on the idea that the resurrection couldn't possibly have happened so they cast about for other explanations such as cognitive dissonance. You know what I love about that paragraphe? How it exhibits reasoning with a clear presupposition that the bible is relevant.
GDR writes: My belief then in how I read and understand the Bible is then based on that starting point. If the resurrection is true historically then Jesus isn't a crank and we should pay a great deal of attention to what He had to say, and what those who followed him had to say. The keyword here is IF. All I see you and other theists do is simply assume that jezus, the human, existed. Assume he was crucified, assume he was born of a virgin, assume he was resurected, assume he was the son of god,... It's all the same old blind faith. You are not justifying anything here. You are just repeating your faith.
GDR writes: As Jesus was vindicated and shown to be the authentic messiah by His resurrection then I believe that it is through the lens of His ministry that we should understand all of the scriptures. And here you changed your blind faith into a statement of fact - for no apparant reason - and continue on from there.
GDR writes: When he says that he has come to fulfill the laws and the prophets, and tells us that they can all be summed up simply by loving God and loving our neighbour then it isn't that difficult to read that back into the Hebrew scriptures and discern what was of God and what wasn't. Actually, that's very false. I don't see how one follows from the other. And it still requires you to trust on "fallible humans" to make the distinction. So I don't see how it changes anythng.Also, you are clearly making an assumption that somehow, for some unspecified reason, the new testament is more thrustworthy then the old testament. Yet, it was also written by "fallible humans". By the reasoning you give me, it could just as well be that the new testament is not thrustworthy and that the true god is the vengefull, hatefull, genocidal sociopath we all know from the old testament. GDR writes: Also of course Jesus' message is fleshed out considerably in the rest of the NT but that is a good place to start. No. A good place to start would be to demonstrate the relevance/truthfullness of the bible ... without using the bible.
GDR writes: In the end though we can choose to believe what we want I heavily disagree with that. I do not "choose" what I believe. I don't even know how one would go about that. Honestly, could you "choose" to believe in Thor?I believe whatever convinces me. It seems physically impossible for me to simply "choose" to believe some idea on face value alone, let alone if there is a wealth of evidence to the contrary. GDR writes: Yes, I have to pick and choose what I believe is historical, metaphorical, literal and even pagan in the Bible And here we are at the core of the issue. You do not have a rational methodology to do this picking and choosing. It's all based on whatever "feels good". Emotions, fuzzy feelings and blind faith are not pathways to truth.
GDR writes: I see it this way. There is an in-born sense of morality in everyone. But I also see believe that when we turn to God,( as seen through Jesus), in trust for the way of life that He espoused that we somehow, in ways that are beyond my comprehension, connect with God's dimension through the Holy Spirit to strengthen us in our resolve, I think that the only verification that we can have is in what we experience ourself. Do you consider this to be intellectually honest?What's the use of blindly believing such things? How is it different from believing the same about the pink transcendend dragon under my house? Again it boils down to rational reasoning. Blind faith is not a virtue, it's gullibility. GDR writes: Human laws say that I shall not speed. God's law is that I shall love. They are different. The law against speeding comes from the brain, but the law that we are to love is written by God on our hearts. IMHO. This is again completely meaningless. And beside the point.We were talking about the laws written in the old testament, not about imaginary laws written on our poetic heart. Poetic, because my heart has no writing on it - it just pumps blood.
ScientificBob Member (Idle past 4580 days) Posts: 48 From: Antwerp, Belgium Joined: |
GDR writes: I absolutely am convinced that the resurrection was an historical event. I can't prove it You don't see anything wrong with that sentence? Let me help you... How can you EVER be "absolutely" convinced of something... if you are unable to verify it...
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
SB writes: You know what I love about that paragraphe? How it exhibits reasoning with a clear presupposition that the bible is relevant. Well seeing as how it's the largest selling book of all time I think we can assume it's relevant.
SB writes: The keyword here is IF. All I see you and other theists do is simply assume that jezus, the human, existed. Assume he was crucified, assume he was born of a virgin, assume he was resurected, assume he was the son of god,... It's all the same old blind faith. You are not justifying anything here. You are just repeating your faith. Yes it is faith, but then we have faith in all sorts of things that can't be proven. You can't prove your wife loves you. You can't prove that the world is 14 billion years old. You can't prove that evolutionary theory is correct. You just look at what evidence there is and draw your own conclusions. When it comes to the veracity of the Christian faith we have come to different conclusions. I'm not trying to change your mind I'm just giving my views on Biblical inerrancy as we were asked to do in the opening post.
GDR writes: As Jesus was vindicated and shown to be the authentic messiah by His resurrection then I believe that it is through the lens of His ministry that we should understand all of the scriptures.SB writes:
And here you changed your blind faith into a statement of fact - for no apparant reason - and continue on from there. Well I did have an apparent reason. I explained how I had come to the conclusion about the resurrection. I didn't claim that I could prove it as fact but that was my conclusion. Based on the conclusion that I came to I assumed it to be true and went on from there. As you reject the idea that the resurrection ever happened you would then presumably come to the conclusion that the rest would be rejected as well.
SB writes: No. A good place to start would be to demonstrate the relevance/truthfullness of the bible ... without using the bible. Others have done that and that isn't the point of this thread. I would suggest if you are really interested that you read "The Abolition of Man" by CS Lewis.
SB writes: I heavily disagree with that. I do not "choose" what I believe. I don't even know how one would go about that. You do love to argue don't you? ![]() SB writes: Do you consider this to be intellectually honest?What's the use of blindly believing such things? How is it different from believing the same about the pink transcendend dragon under my house? Again it boils down to rational reasoning. Blind faith is not a virtue, it's gullibility. Would that be like the blind faith that the material world is all there is and that there is no god(s)?
SB writes: my heart has no writing on it - it just pumps blood. From Webster’s a : PERSONALITY, DISPOSITION b obsolete : INTELLECT: the emotional or moral as distinguished from the intellectual nature: as a : generous disposition : COMPASSION b : LOVE, AFFECTION c : COURAGE, ARDOR
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
SB writes: How can you EVER be "absolutely" convinced of something... if you are unable to verify it... I'm absolutely convinced that the sun will rise tomorrow and that I'll be alive to see it. Verifying that is a little tougher.
Theodoric Member Posts: 9489 From: Northwest, WI, USA Joined: |
I'm absolutely convinced that the sun will rise tomorrow and that I'll be alive to see it. Verifying that is a little tougher.
Again you are talking about faith. That isn't what ScientificBob was referring to. Bob is referring to something you believe happened that is unverifiable. The future, by virtue of being the future, is unverifiable. Not the same thing at all. Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
Theodoric writes: Again you are talking about faith. That isn't what ScientificBob was referring to.Bob is referring to something you believe happened that is unverifiable. The future, by virtue of being the future, is unverifiable. Not the same thing at all. Hmmmmmm.... that's me trying to think of a good come back when I know you're right and I'm wrong. How about Caesar crossing the Rubicon? I believe it happened but I can't verify other than by what someone else has recorded.
Theodoric Member Posts: 9489 From: Northwest, WI, USA Joined: |
How about Caesar crossing the Rubicon? I believe it happened but I can't verify other than by what someone else has recorded.
Nope.There are many contemporary sources for Caesar crossing the Rubicon. There are none for the resurrection. None. Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
I'm not sure how you figure that. The contemporay sources would all be based on the original stories, as are contemporary sources that write about the resurrection.
Theodoric Member Posts: 9489 From: Northwest, WI, USA Joined: |
I'm not sure how you figure that. The contemporay sources would all be based on the original stories, as are contemporary sources that write about the resurrection.
No you are wrong. We know the provenance of many sources that were contemporary to Caesar that write about and attest to his life. We also have Caesars writings that we have provenance for. We ain't got crap for Jesus. There is nothing AT ALL about the resurrection or anything about the life of Jesus until at least 40 years after his supposed death. Paul tells us almost nothing about the life of Jesus. Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
OK I see what you're getting at. There would still be eyewitnesses around when the first letters were written even if the stories weren't being told by those who were witnesses which is most likely the case.
The guys that got involved in this dedicated their lives to it which I can't see happening if they weren't convinced of the truth of the resurrection. In addition the faith grew rapidly and sustained that growth which I can't see happening if the resurrection is just a fable. However, I think we're off topic and the stories are there. We can choose to believe or not. I personally find I believe.
Trae Member (Idle past 4623 days) Posts: 442 From: Fremont, CA, USA Joined: |
GDR writes:
So all the rest of the moral teachings of the Bible are suspect?
If the Bible is read in the way that I'm suggesting that it should, and assuming I am correct, then we don't have to worry about misusing it. It is only when we try to turn the Bible into something else, such as an object of worship that we start to run into trouble. As a Christian it is God as revealed through Jesus and His Holy Spirit that I worship. The Bible tells that story with all of its triumphs and failures. As I have said before Jesus said that by loving God and loving our neighbour all of the laws and prophets are fulfilled. It's pretty simple really and can also be summed up by Micah 6:8 when the question is asked what does God want of us. The answer is that we humbly love kindness and do justice.GDR writes:
Which just seems to bring everything back to if the Bible can be wrong in complete swatches of text, where is the justification for viewing it as nothing more than the work of tribal myth. Where is the authority?
and assuming I am correct,
Dogmafood Member Posts: 1815 From: Ontario Canada Joined: |
The bible is not literally inerrant in that it contains many historical errors, embellishments, omissions and contradictions. However, these errors are converted to ‘non-errors’ when considered as part of a whole work. Much like taking a shot of tequila might be considered an error until you follow it with some salt and lemon. Or if you looked at a picture like this and said that the horse and dragon are not anatomically correct but then you see that they are precisely what was intended.
So the ‘truth’ or perfect message is in there but it is only ‘knowable’ after you believe that it is the perfect message and therefore faith is required. A shot of ether to get the engine going. After you accept it the authority is revealed.
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