Anything apart from God is GARBAGE! Useless and worthless! People who say there is no God in their hearts ARE FOOLS! In todays world people ARE SSOOOO Proud of the thought that they might be intelligent... YET THEY ARE UTTER MORONS! All it takes is you to open the door for God... AND YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE! FROM YOUR OWN SUPIDITY!
That sums up the entire debate of evolution... you look at dna and think that is enough to form man in the womb... YET YOU ARE NOT EVEN AWARE of who makes life in the womb which follow the dna! LOOK AT YOUR OWN BODIES... the substance of your limbs... my feet SHOW ME GOD IS LIKE ME!
GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASSS and PRAY TO GOD he will forgive you for your own supidity!!!
You should be ASHAMED of yourselves! Talking garbage about the God that gave you life??? Bunch of selfish egotistical useless bunch of GARBAGE!!! I"M AMAZED THAT GOD STILL LOVES YOU!!! UTTERLY AMAZED!!!!!