You are the one on here flaming, name calling and causing a disturbance, making off topic posts that are personal attacks against me. the 3 mentioned above are not making this personal, you are. it is something you do all the time, in MY BOOK you are the troll in this thread.
No, I'm calling you out in hopes that people will stop taking you seriously and stop replying to you as if you actually do what your posts say you do. It's obvious you are an attention seeking child (THAT's name calling) and you think it's cute to glorify criminality.
please don’t tell me that after 666+ posts anyone here takes me serious at all.
The reason is because I rarely agree with anyone on any site, I am the heel, the devils advocate (seen as a troll by morons, but there is a difference if you have a brain).
(FYI: It ceases to be "playing devils advocate" when you are in opposition to EVERYONE on every post you make.)
"Why don't you call upon your God to strike me? Oh, I forgot it's because he's fake like Thor, so bite me" -Greydon Square