Catholic Scientist writes:
Bethke reversed his position
How so?
Indeed. Even though he says he hates religion, that's not the impression I get from the video. Hell, at one point he even mentions (at around 2:20):
I love the Church, I love the Bible and, yes, I believe in sin
Really? Well, what's so different about your beliefs and religion then?
But the real kicker comes near the end (at around 3:10):
Christianty is god searching for man
So, let me get this straight... "Christianity" is
not a religion?
And, most apallingly of all (at around 3:20):
Because he took the crown of thorns and the blood dripped down his face
He took what we all deserve, I guess that's why you call it grace
He took what we all deserve? He took what we all deserve? Really? We all deserve to be tortured and brutally beaten? Wow, your a font of compassion, aren't you?
He talks the talk, but he doesn't walk the walk. There is no reversal of position, his position was pro religion the entire time.