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Author | Topic: Evolution is not Abiogenesis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tangle Member Posts: 9634 From: UK Joined: Member Rating: 5.4 |
Trixie writes: You seem to be arguing that the ToE is utterly dependent on the mechanism which gave rise to the first life. Is it your case that the ToE only works if life arose from abiogenesis? No, I'm saying - or trying to say - that the ToE doesn't care what the first cause was, it works the same regardless of how first life started. Edited by Tangle, : bloody quotes...Life, don't talk to me about life - Marvin the Paranoid Android
Trixie Member (Idle past 4030 days) Posts: 1011 From: Edinburgh Joined:
Sorry Tangle, my question was addressed to marc9000
Taq Member Posts: 10385 Joined: Member Rating: 5.8
Atheists don't believe in a common ancestor? How else would they believe life started? So I can't believe that my siblings and I share a common ancestor in our parents without first figuring out how life originated? Really? Do you even think these things through?
Taq Member Posts: 10385 Joined: Member Rating: 5.8
If a designer is so important to ID proponents that their studies of evidence for it can't be separated from it, isn't the common ancestor that is equally important to evolutionists so important to them that they can't be separated from it as well?
In ID, design and origin are one in the same. In evolution, they are not. According to evolution, the design we see in organisms today came about through mechanisms that acted on life that was already here. For ID, there was no life, and the design we see in life was put there at their origin.
Taq Member Posts: 10385 Joined: Member Rating: 5.8
If a designer is so important to ID proponents that their studies of evidence for it can't be separated from it, isn't the common ancestor that is equally important to evolutionists so important to them that they can't be separated from it as well?
For evolution, it doesn't matter how that first life came about. We are following the EVIDENCE which leads to the conclusion that all life shares a common ancestral pool of genes. That is simply what the evidence shows. Nothing in atheism requires a single common ancestral pool. In fact, someone could find a rare species in some deep ocean vent that does not share the same genetic features as all other life and it would fit just fine with atheism. It would also fit just fine with evolution in that evolution does not require a single common ancestor for all life. Another thing that you and other theists seem to be misunderstanding is that gods and designers can exist in the atheist worldview. All we need is evidence for these gods and designers, and then we will accept that they exist. Magical poofing as a mechansim for the first life is also allowed in the atheistic worldview, as long as there is evidence for it. We are following the evidence Marc, no more no less.
Taq Member Posts: 10385 Joined: Member Rating: 5.8
Haha, I really have no opinion on it. I'm wondering what this threads opening poster thinks about your link! Would you accept the papers I have linked as evidence for abiogenesis or not? It is a simple yes or no.
Omnivorous Member (Idle past 200 days) Posts: 4001 From: Adirondackia Joined:
I won't quote most of your response, since you merely dodge the questions I asked. I'm already familiar with how creationists do that. I especially enjoy the maneuver of, okay, answer my question--oh dear, run away!
So I'll simply note that you cannot refute my logical demonstration that all forms of ID are furtive creationism, and that it continues to amuse me to see how, in your view, God depends on sneaky lies. But I suppose I should give you a back-handed compliment for this soupcon of honesty:
marc9000 writes: Not all judges/juries are atheists, or ACLU bought and paid for theistic evolutionists. In future ID trials you could be disappointed. Creationism's courtroom hopes depend on a religiously biased judge or jury. We know, Marc, we know."If you can keep your head while those around you are losing theirs, you can collect a lot of heads."
jar Member (Idle past 164 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
That quote really pissed me off. As a Christian Evolutionist I've never been bought or even rented (well, maybe by a few young ladies once) and I could really use the money.
Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!
Omnivorous Member (Idle past 200 days) Posts: 4001 From: Adirondackia Joined:
Every day I check the mail for my ACLU check.
Boy are they in arrears."If you can keep your head while those around you are losing theirs, you can collect a lot of heads."
marc9000 Member Posts: 1536 From: Ky U.S. Joined: Member Rating: 1.0
Because explanation is the whole point of science. Look, if I saw a prehistoric spearhead, I would take it to an archaeologist and ask him where it came from. The archaeologist would tell me that a prehistoric human made it. Then, I would ask him how the prehistoric human made it. The archaeologist might then talk about a certain technique for flaking stone to make spearheads. If I asked, he would probably be able to point me to some evidence that shows why this is the way he thinks the prehistoric human used that technique. Archaeologists have legitimate scientific theories about intelligent design. You should model yours on theirs. The attempt to do just that is made by ID’s top theorists. But there is a difference in what we can understand about the supernatural v what we can understand about prehistoric humans. There’s nothing wrong, or religious, about disregarding technique or intent of the supernatural, and focusing on only the design itself, or maybe a time sequence of the design.
marc9000 writes: The current scientific community doesn't legitimately distinguish between the simplest forms of life and evolution, and as has been learned only recently, the simplest forms of life are very complex. I'm making an honest effort to try to figure out what you're trying to say here, but I think I've so far failed. From Darwin’s time through the mid 20th century, evolution’s starting point, the simplest forms of life, were thought to be pretty simple. Today, we know they’re not simple. They consist of information, complexity, order. As the scientific community tries to come up with some kind of hypothesis/theory for the development of the common ancestor that they claim all life on earth shares, they look for it to develop gradually, slowly, change over time, just like evolution. That’s what I mean when I say they don’t legitimately try to distinguish between the two, between evolution and abiogenesis. But as we see by this thread, it flip flops according to the argument. This thread’s intention was to show that they’re not related. In response to me, Taq says they are. Lucky for evolutionists that all this isn’t taken to court and examined and hammered on like ID was at Dover.
If you're just saying that we don't distinguish between abiogenesis and evolution, I am first obligated to scold you for simply repeated your unelaborated original point. Taq elaborated it for me.
marc9000 writes: As you can see by the two messages before yours (127 & 128)t he evolutionists have been very confusing about those two separate phenomena in this thread alone. I wonder if the threads starter will respond to that? Taq is arguing that, if evolution and abiogenesis are so closely interrelated that the lack of evidence for one can cast doubt on the other, then it's only fair that the presence of evidence for one supports the other. Well that’s pretty cool, if only ID were allowed to do changeable switchables like that!
marc9000 writes: bluejay writes: For example, we don't expect you to explain antibiotic-resistant bacteria as the result of de novo creations of the Designer: we are perfectly happy to let you explain it through mutations and natural selection, if you want. Which people like Behe and Dembski readily do. Marc, are you even reading what I'm saying? How on Earth is this helping your case? ID is so often accused of wishing to explain all of biology with supernatural action. I read your paragraph to contain two messages; 1) it could have been an acceptance that ID can accept some of the more non controversial aspects of evolution, or 2)it could have been sarcasm that ID refuses to do that. I covered them both with that simple statement. The fact is, ID does accept a LOT about evolution. It just doesn’t automatically accept naturalism when naturalism doesn’t seem capable of doing mathematically impossible things, mainly concerning the origins of life.
You just confirmed that you are okay with IDists using two very different theories to explain these two things, but refuse to allow our theories to be separate. Another double standard! It's not always two very different theories at all - ID harmonizes with evolution in many instances. ID usually supplements evolution, it doesn’t always compete with it. The only thing it competes with is atheism. Evolutionists seldom see that, they're stopped short by their own impatience and anger.
marc9000 writes: Since most anti religious/ anti ID people believe in common descent, they're relying on the first single celled organism as a beginning for their belief in evolution. Since they're so faithful/committed to that organism, they should be more faithful/committed to its origin. Does that make sense? Let me see if I understand this. You're saying that, because evolutionists tend to accept common descent, that evolution and abiogenesis must be the same thing? I’m saying the common ancestor that evolution claims all life on earth descended from is very important to evolutionists. Every bit as important as any designer would be to an ID proponent.
marc9000 Member Posts: 1536 From: Ky U.S. Joined: Member Rating: 1.0 |
marc9000 writes: If a designer is so important to ID proponents that their studies of evidence for it can't be separated from it, isn't the common ancestor that is equally important to evolutionists so important to them that they can't be separated from it as well? Marc, you keep conflating all kinds of things. Evolution, abiogenesis, atheism and common descent are all different things. Abiogenesis is a hypothetical process by which a living organism emerged from non-living precursors. Common descent is the idea that all modern organisms are descended from a single organism that emerged through abiogenesis. Evolution is the theory that explains how organisms descended from prior organisms become different from their ancestors. Atheism is the belief that God had nothing to do with any of the preceding things, because He doesn't exist. You’re making it too complicated, it’s really quite simple. For ID, the designer is a big deal. For evolution, the common ancestor is a big deal. Both big deals can be shelved, and study about their existence (or actions) can be shelved. Both can, or neither can.
marc9000 Member Posts: 1536 From: Ky U.S. Joined: Member Rating: 1.0 |
marc9000 writes: Not really, because you dont show enough knowledge of what ID actually is. Motivation of a designer isnt formally involved. I have two different, but related, responses to this point.First, no, of course it's not formally involved, because ID is a religious movement trying to camouflage itself as science. We al know that the only designer that the ID movement has in mind is an Abrahamic god. For them to openly discuss motives would let the cat out of the bag. (Not that it's much of a secret, but at least they can pretend they're not talking about their god.) Just like we all know that the naturalism in evolution is atheism. All I ever hear is that the mere existence of theistic evolutionists disproves that. It doesn’t, especially since theistic evolutionists clearly agree with atheists on just about everything. A non active God is right next to a non existent God.
marc9000 writes: As more and more conclusions are drawn about what evolution is, what it has done, more and more philosophy creeps in. I really have no idea what you mean here. Can you clarify or provide examples? It’s a reference to what you agreed with me on, when you said;
quote: The parts that are more lacking than others in the evidentiary support are there for a reason. They come up short on evidence, but someone (or group) WANTS them to be there. A conclusion is drawn first, then evidence is used to work backwards to that conclusion. Of course, IDists are accused of doing that, yet evolutionists do it too.
marc9000 Member Posts: 1536 From: Ky U.S. Joined: Member Rating: 1.0 |
marc9000 writes: But your question goes both ways, would what you feel about religion or evolution change if ID proponents get on a roll with a lot of peer reviewed papers? If the scientific peer reviewers had no choice but to take them seriously, or risk an obvious exposure of being biased? I would be genuinely excited - as I was when I first heard about ID. The whole of science would be. Why wouldn't they? Science doesn't/can't argue against real fact and proper science.All the ID guys have to do is produce some science, it really is that simple. The whole of science has clearly proven that when it’s presented with something from ID that is completely non religious, it does not get excited, it gets ANGRY. Because that’s exactly what it did when the book ‘Darwin’s Black Box’ came out. Evolution being challenged by a new thought concept called irreducible complexity did nothing but make them angry. Here's a list of some "nonexistant" peer reviewed publications by ID proponents. Were you not aware that any of this existed? I haven't noticed any excitement by anyone in the scientific community. Peer-Reviewed Articles Supporting Intelligent Design | Center for Science and Culture
marc9000 Member Posts: 1536 From: Ky U.S. Joined: Member Rating: 1.0 |
You seem to be arguing that the ToE is utterly dependent on the mechanism which gave rise to the first life. Is it your case that the ToE only works if life arose from abiogenesis? It only works depending on the real existence of the common ancestor that it claims all life on earth arose from.
marc9000 Member Posts: 1536 From: Ky U.S. Joined: Member Rating: 1.0 |
You have expressed the desire to see ID research published. We are all also awaiting the exact same thing. OK, so whenever are we ever going to see such a thing? Is it the same thing as "creation science's" "mountains of evidences"? Forever promised to the faithful, but never ever delivered? I’ll be glad to let William Dembski answer you on that one, I’m glad to give him the credit;
quote: By the way, Behe was not in the movie expelled. I suspect he got offers for a prominent part in it. He probably figured he's already had enough discrimination to last him a lifetime.
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