Gee, thanks Buz for labelling me as someone who holds a "criminal idea". Thank you for suggesting that I would be someone who would not have a problem with the actions of the Nazis and thank you for implying that I'd probably participate in said actions.
What you have done here is alienate every person on this board who accepts evolution - we all hold criminal beliefs, according to you.
What happens when we look at atrocities committed in the name of religion? It's even worse, because often the perpetrators state that they're doing it for God. Does that make Christianity a "criminal idea"? By your logic it does and so from now on we can consider you to be a holder of a "criminal idea".
You are so far off base here that I find it hard to see any charitable reason to explain what you've just said. God forbid that you ever end up in a position of power any higher than weeding the garden, you'd have all acceptors of evolution locked up for conspiracy to commit atrocities.
Your view is utterly repugnant, bigotted and hateful (as in full of hate). What happened to all the love? You know, what God tries to teach us? You call yourself a Christian, yet you spout garbage like this that any self-respecting human, let alone Christian, would not. If you hate us all so much, us criminally inclined people who "preach" a criminal idea, why don't you just bugger off? We don't need or want your bile, venom and insulting false accusations thrown at us. Go lie somewhere else.