You nor anyone else will never counter it, because it's factual
The premise of your argument is that because evolution was described, the Nazis became evil and did bad things to the Jews.
However, the Jews would not have existed if it wasn't for their religion, therefore it's just as coherent an argument that the Jews caused the Nazis to do bad things to the Jews.
After all, no Jews, no Nazis attacking Jews.
The assumption in both arguments is that the Nazis couldn't possibly have come up with a different reason to be angry post WWI and couldn't come up with a different group (Gypsies, Dwarves, Homos, The Left Handed, People who's named end in Vowels, etc) to target.
Flawed argument.
Further, if you really want to play the "this fruit is rotten, cut down the tree" game, all roads lead to religion.