It is another case of an unreasonable creationist demanding the biologists use his definition of information by using a definition that no one but creationists use.
One common theme that I run across in discussions with creationists is that they define "new information" in such a way that evolution does not need to produce it in order for evolution to occur. In fact, using the creationist definitions evolution actually needs to produce a loss in information in order for complex life to evolve. Why? Any mutation is considered to be a loss in information, or at most no net change. What we need to do, IMHO, is challenge the contention that evolution requires an increase in information as defined by creationists.
For example, pick any stretch of homologous DNA for humans and chimps. Ask them which differences represent an increase in information. I have yet to find a single creationist that is capable of determining which differences represent an increase or decrease in information. It just shows how meaningless the creationist argument is.