Hello Ludwik,
If you click on the name of the person in the post you replied to, you can find their posting history and see that they haven't posted here in 3.5 years.
Also, if you type:
[qs]"How can anyone argue using the Bible (or any other holy book) as fact when;
a) They can't provide evidence that there is a god of any sort."[/qs]
Then it will look like:
"How can anyone argue using the Bible (or any other holy book) as fact when;
a) They can't provide evidence that there is a god of any sort."
"qs" means "quote, shaded". The "[qs]" goes at the beginning of what you want quoted and the "[/qs]" part goes at the end.
Bible is a book, not a fact.
To "use a book as fact" means that they're accepting what is written in the book as being factual. Its not a claim that the book, itself, can be considered a fact.
What kind of "evidence" do you want? God is spiritual entity.
I suppose repeatable empirical evidence would be what is wanted.
How do you know that God is spiritual entity?