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Author Topic:   Un-conversion
Posts: 6223
From: Sidney, BC, Canada
Joined: 05-22-2005

Message 62 of 76 (658780)
04-09-2012 2:48 PM
Reply to: Message 54 by Tangle
04-09-2012 3:21 AM

Re: Which Christianity
Tangle writes:
It's what makes us human. It's gives us Theory of Mind, the knowledge that others have minds too, you know, consciouness - everything flows from that. Altrusm is a by-product of empathy. Without empathy why would we do anything for someone else?
It's a brain condition that resides in the frontal cortex - it's not an idea or something we learn, it's hardwired. If the cortex is damaged, we lose it and behave like sociopaths.
You may find the story of Fred interesting.
Interesting story and there is no doubt that our brains are subject to disease in the same way as is the rest of our body. I had a close friend who committed suicide as a result of being severely bi-polar. (He had a great mind in other ways. He had a PHD in physics and we both played in the music group at church.) My point is that he died from a diseased brain.
I'm not sure at all though that you can tie it into consciousness. From the online dictionary:
a. Having an awareness of one's environment and one's own existence, sensations, and thoughts.
I don't think that a diseased brain has anything to do with self awareness. A diseased brain, or drugs for that matter, can cause us to do things that we wouldn't otherwise do. The point is though that without the tumour Fred wouldn't have done what he did. The actual moral code that Fred lived by was something other than what he exhibited with his diseased brain. If my friend wasn't bi-polar he would be alive today.
Frankly I think that your point about Fred actually is an indication that there is more going on that just what comes from the meat that makes up our brain.
Tangle writes:
It's not at all inconsistent with Christianity, it just makes it redundant. Christianity, along with most religions, just adopted something that is intrinsic to humanity and built a huge pile of ritual, myth and nonsense around it. We can throw it all away and start thinking on human terms about these things now. We don't need the crap anymore.
We can do that and you have. Still though I go back to the point I’ve made before. Is it more plausible that intelligence and morality had an intelligent and moral first cause or is it more plausible that intelligence and morality had a non-intelligent, non-moral random collection of particles as a first cause.
If the latter is correct then obviously you are right and there is no need for further discussion. If however we conclude that it is more plausible or even somewhat plausible that there might be an intelligent and moral prime mover, it seems rational to me that we would want to find out what we can about that prime mover.
Even then we can take the deistic position that this prime mover got things going and then headed off to parts unknown. In my view that is a cop-out. This is an anthropomorphic point of view but it seems likely to me that an intelligence that brought all of this into existence would have an ongoing interest and involvement in what he/she/it had brought about. I think the theistic view makes sense.
Yes, I agree that if religions are all about being moral then mostly they are all pretty much the same and there is no real difference in adhering to any one of them or to atheism for that matter. Let’s just all be nice. Mind you, without a moral and intelligent first cause I still fail to see how we would be able to have a concept of nice. I agree that it works well within a tribe but there are times when the interests of my tribe will interfere with the interest of yours.
As Christianity is the religion that we are talking about I’ll go back to what I said. The writers of the gospels and the epistles all agreed that Jesus of Nazareth, was the Jewish Messiah and that God had resurrected Him to new life after death, in the same manner that at the end of time there will be a resurrection or re-creation of all creation. If this is all true then it isn’t redundant. There are all sorts of things that flow from this that can be found in the Bible and frankly in our hearts. Ultimately — Love Wins.

He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

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Posts: 6223
From: Sidney, BC, Canada
Joined: 05-22-2005

Message 63 of 76 (658781)
04-09-2012 2:58 PM
Reply to: Message 59 by Kairyu
04-09-2012 4:30 AM

Re: Planting?
Kairyu writes:
I might add that humanity's 'golden rule hardwiring'' has some.. limitations, that speak against divine orgin. It's presence seems to vary among humans af far I'm aware, and this literally concerns everyone(and their morality!). Not to mention, as noted, it can be absent entirely. This is troubling for the notion God planted this, as it's plainly not a even constant. It also causes problems for soul/body dualism, but that's off topic.
The second point is humanity's other major hardwiring: thinking in groups. Although some people might do not have this as strongly as others, it's well known that people tend to apply the golden rule to their own group, but not others. This especially becomes a problem if somebody invokes this effect. This includes Nazi-germany of course, but it's still often used in nationalistic thinking. And there also a well known experiment done by a teacher, that some of you might already know: the third wave movement. By invoking group culture in his class, before long, group effects not unlike those in Nazi-germany started to surface. I did just look it up, but it grew from 30 to 200 in just 4 days, and the teacher cut it off out of fear it would spiral out of his control. Did God plant those dangerous group mechanics on purpose as well? Strong enough for a history teacher to easily mold a student movement that felt better then the rest?
I'm skeptical on the notion of God being the designer of our psyche because of these two factors. You can't examine human qualities unless you're willing to look at the entire picture.
Actually, I think your well made point actually leans towards there being an intelligent moral first cause. If morality evolved from a non-intelligent non-moral first cause I would expect there to be a consistent result within humanity. If however our morality is the result of an intelligent moral first cause who has given us the ability to choose between the common interest and self interest then what we see in the world is entirely what I would expect.

He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

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 Message 59 by Kairyu, posted 04-09-2012 4:30 AM Kairyu has replied

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 Message 64 by hooah212002, posted 04-09-2012 3:13 PM GDR has replied
 Message 65 by dwise1, posted 04-09-2012 3:18 PM GDR has not replied
 Message 74 by Kairyu, posted 04-09-2012 4:10 PM GDR has replied

Posts: 6223
From: Sidney, BC, Canada
Joined: 05-22-2005

Message 67 of 76 (658785)
04-09-2012 3:28 PM
Reply to: Message 64 by hooah212002
04-09-2012 3:13 PM

Re: Planting?
hooah212002 writes:
Mind explaining why you think this? It would seem (and this happens to jive with what we see) that since morality evolved along with us and is almost necessary in order to survive as a communal species, it is inevitably going to be different among different sorts of people.
This is painful but you're right, which means I was wrong. Just as we have evolved differently physically then we should expect that we would evolve differently morally regardless of the first cause.
hooah212002 writes:
However, if, as you seem to think, there is some moral ghost/being/whatever, wouldn't it go to say that morality would never change? Why the trial and error if this "ultimate moral being who is more moral than anything ever" not just provide the right morals from the get go and essentially hand homo-sapiens utopia on a silver platter?
My contention is that morality has been consistent from the get go. People have always had the free will to choose that consistent morality or to reject it in favour of self-interest. If you are going to go back to quoting the OT and the instances of genocide and stoning then I would agree that that can't actually be of God in spite of their protestations that they were.
hooah212002 writes:
The rest of the time, I think you shoehorn your god guy in wherever you can because you reaaalllllllyyyy want him there.
You're probably right again but then I think we all do that. I can say though that in many cases my understanding of God and Christianity has changed as I've gained new insights, and I expect my beliefs will be adjusted again in the future.

He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

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 Message 64 by hooah212002, posted 04-09-2012 3:13 PM hooah212002 has replied

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 Message 69 by hooah212002, posted 04-09-2012 3:40 PM GDR has replied

Posts: 6223
From: Sidney, BC, Canada
Joined: 05-22-2005

Message 73 of 76 (658792)
04-09-2012 4:03 PM
Reply to: Message 69 by hooah212002
04-09-2012 3:40 PM

Re: Planting?
hooah212002 writes:
I don't need to reference a book I find to made of fairy tales, GDR. We can look to actual evidence to see that different groups of people have different standards of ethics/morality. It's not like they knew they were being immoral and chose otherwise: they actually thought what they were doing was right and just. I hate to trot out Buz, but look at how he trivializes slavery and says that "life was better for them here, as slaves". This is someone now, here, in the 21st century Imagine how slaveholders viewed it back then?
I agree that individuals and societies have the ability to rationalize immoral behaviour. Buz does it with slavery, (I didn't see the quote but I'll take your word for it), and the the nazis did in WW II. I see pedophiles that justify what they do. I still maintain that is consistent with the concept of a moral code that is fundamental to existence from the beginning of time along with our ability to over-ride that code in favour of self interest.
hooah212002 writes:
Are you saying the Mayans actually knew better, that they actually knew what they were doing was immoral but continued to do it anyways?
Are you telling me that cannibal tribes actually realize they are being immoral, but continue their traditions anyways?
Are you telling me that racists realize hating someone for the color of their skin is actually immoral, but continue doing it anyways?
Who knows? My thought would be that at some level they do but I think that a group mentality can easily allow people to stuff that fundamental morality down to the point that it is completely lost. I also suggest that we set ourselves as individuals and as societies on a moral trajectory. The more we break that fundamental moral code the easier it becomes and conversely, the more we adhere to it the easier it becomes.
hooah212002So your idea that people just choose to be immoral as a whole doesn't jive with what we actually see. Yes, there are people who do choose to be immoral, but we don't judge entire civilizations and categorize their actions based on those individuals, now do we?
Actually, I think that what we see does jibe with what I believe. People make moral choices and often we know that what we are doing doesn't adhere to the GR but we do it anyway. Life is about choices and many of those choices are moral ones.
I'm not sure about entire civilizations but there have certainly been large groups of individuals, (again the nazis, realizing that not all Germans in 1940 were nazis), that have acted in contravention of the GR in favour of their collective self interest.

He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

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 Message 69 by hooah212002, posted 04-09-2012 3:40 PM hooah212002 has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 6223
From: Sidney, BC, Canada
Joined: 05-22-2005

Message 75 of 76 (658794)
04-09-2012 4:19 PM
Reply to: Message 71 by dwise1
04-09-2012 3:51 PM

Re: Planting?
dwise1 writes:
While the details may vary, we still find in all human societies common trends in those societies' morality, which we would expect given the factors that they have in common, namely people (and human nature), group dynamics, mating, children, survival needs, property, etc. We would expect those common factors to result in common "problems" that would require common approaches in their solution. So we do find in all human societies ways to get along with each other, restrictions on killing each other, restrictions on taking somebody else's property, some form of marriage and expected conduct within marriage, the need to care for and provide for one's children, etc.
I don't see that contradicting anything I've said. The question is whether those circumstances have an intelligent moral first cause or not.
However, in your examples you are describing situations where acting in accordance with the GR is also in the collective self interest. That isn't always the case, and even within the collective there will be individuals who don't conform and will steal and murder in what they perceive as being in their individual best interest.
Societies attempt to force the GR on it's members by setting laws and instituting punishments. Christianity IMHO is about people having hearts that don't need laws. As Paul says, "the laws are written on their hearts". We are called to have hearts that find their joy in doing the "right" thing regardless of whether it is in our self interest or not.

He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

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 Message 71 by dwise1, posted 04-09-2012 3:51 PM dwise1 has not replied

Posts: 6223
From: Sidney, BC, Canada
Joined: 05-22-2005

Message 76 of 76 (658795)
04-09-2012 4:33 PM
Reply to: Message 74 by Kairyu
04-09-2012 4:10 PM

Re: Planting?
Kairyu writes:
I've got some objections against this... You see, Christian morality relies on this free choice, but recent developments in neurology have show that morality is heavily influenced by genes, development in the womb, and early upbringing. Some people end up being more selfish then others as a result. It's still possible to change , but that there is natural inequality in moral ''talent'' is pretty much proven right now. This is not a good thing, I know, but reality is harsh.. Unless you're got right genes, development as a fetus didn't run into trouble(Don't smoke mom!), and you got a stable upbringing.
Still, we should never give up on a person, nor accept immorality, and it should also be noted most humans are naturally inclined to not accept this.
I agree with all of that. Actually it is one of things that draws me to Christianity. I can't remember where and I'm paraphrasing, but somewhere in the Bible it says that to whom much is given much is expected. From that I assume that from whom little is given little is expected. In addition Jesus says this in Matthew 9:
12 On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
The Christian message is that ultimately there will be perfect justice even though we won't see it in this life time.

He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

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 Message 74 by Kairyu, posted 04-09-2012 4:10 PM Kairyu has not replied

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