In a debate about how many men had demons cast into the herd of pigs, two gospels claim it was one man, one claims it was two. So, naturally, if you accept one acount, the other must be wrong, you'd think, since they are mutually exclusive, it's either one OR two.
You'd be wrong, according to the genius I spoke to. He says both are right becase it was one or two!!! Then the site buffoon waded in and here's his little gem of reasoning.
Trixie says "If it was one person, then the verse saying it was two is wrong and vice versa, they can't both be right." This just is false and proven false here numerous times on this page, reflecting ignorance and bias on this subject. The biased assumption is that one statement excludes the other which is false, none of the accts limit their statements to only one and Fiona presupposes to know the intent and mindset of the author, more fallacious, biased methodology.