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Topic: God Is Cursing America ![]() |
Buzsaw Inactive Member
For essentially cursing Israel and for Sodomy, two biggies that tick God off.
As we throw Israel under the bus, all the while aiding and building up the armies of their enemies, we are essentially cursing Israel. Our own Pentagon, for the first time celebrated gay rights day. We are, for the first time in our history advocating gay marriage, etc. You can call me homophobic or what ever. I'm just telling you what, Biblically, ticks God off. That America is being pounded with disaster after disaster is, imo, just another evidence that he does, indeed, exist and is to be feared and acknowledge by man, whom he created in his image. BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member
Rahvin writes: I observe that the level of "disasters" befalling America today is not significantly different from before gays were accepted in the military, or society in general. In all of my 76 years I've never ever observed the rapidity and variety of disaster after disaster in this nation, i.e tornadoes, flooding, fires, hurricanes, twin towers felled by box cutters, etc.
Rahvin writes: I mean, we all know that your deity disapproves of decent moral character. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that witches and homosexuals and disobedient children are all taboo such that they should all be killed. Jesus and his apostles advocated no killing or violence by Christians. That all applied only to the nation of Israel, Gods tiny messianic nation, in a different dispensation.
Rahvin writes: But I don't feel particularly cursed. And I don't see any difference whatsoever in the nation from before the acceptance of gays and after in terms of natural disasters or wars or other great negatives. It looks to me like your deity is pretty powerless, considering his spite affects me not one bit. Or, you know...like he doesn't actually exist outside of your imagination. How old are you? If you're old enough, your head is in the sand if you can't discern an increased variety and rapidity of national, I say national disaster. You may not feel cursed as a person. This curse applies to nations. Thus America has, for two centuries been blessed of God, more-so than any other nation and is, for the first time being cursed by God. Edited by Buzsaw, : No reason given. Edited by Buzsaw, : No reason given.BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member
Tangle, Caffiene and some others, to a lesser degree, you are craping up my thread with long off topic troll messages.
My OP and Message 5 pertain to the present rapidity of a variety of distructive disasters which is a phenomenon that has never been observed in US history. This thread does not pertain to disasters which have been observed over the decades and centuries past. BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Son Goku, again, this topic is not about earthquakes, perse. It's about a conglomerate of various disasters which have happened in a relatively short period of time.
Again, a reminder of my OP message and Message 5 topic.BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member
Tangle, please do take a minute. Read my OP and Message 5
BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
nwr writes: you are very good at self-parody -- it seems to come naturally to you. There's nothing in the OP pertaing to me. This thread as strictly about Jehovah the biblical god's Abrahamic Covenant and his views on his messianic nation, Israel and sodomy.There is nothing, whatsover about me or my views.
Buzsaw Inactive Member
Oni writes: I got 9/11, Katrina, there was that nipple slip by Janet Jackson and Aerosmith playing at the Superbowl. Anything else? Hundreds of expensive homes burned up in Colorado, Millions without power in some states. Severe flooding in densely populated South Fla. Big fires in Oregon, Ca, Arizona etc. Year after year, devastaing floods, fires and crop failure due to nation-wide drought. You better stock up on food. Corn and other grain crops failing and no rain is site in many areas. Here in NY the corn got a good start, but the outlook for the future is bleak. The tropical storm & hurrican season is starting much earlier than usual this year. Every year the rapidity of various disaster is increasing, particularly at times when the US does something stupid and not only against God but against our own people. After all, it we, the people who suffer as a nation when God's wrath is kindled against a nation. This is just pertaining to this year, not to mention the last few decades of increased disaster intensity. When I was young, one Tornadoe any place was big news. Now we're having them in areas, not before experiencing tornadoes. I believe there were some in one of the New England states for the first time, this year. BTW, I am a global warmist, especially as time goes on, when, according to the prophecies, the planet will get increasingly hotter to the extent that it will "scorch" men, as per Revelation 16, about verse four or so, especially in the more temporate zones. Yes, the pole ice is increasing some, but down here in the bread basket of the US it's been hot, hot. The cold air is trapped in Alaska and the hot is trapped, more or less in the US, etc. Look what happened to the Germans for the holocaust, etc. Other nations who''ve been enemies of Israel never fare as well as Israel or the US in the decades when we armed and supported Israel. Tiny Israel has most always kicked butt on all of the large nations surrounding them, all vowing to destroy her. As for sodomy, it's pretty much a recent phemona, ever increasing since the sixties when they came out of their closets --------------------------------------------------------------------------------BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member
It appears that since a number of the respondents can't refute the substance of my OP that they are having these off topic vile discussions among themselves. They are doing their best to derail the thread.
BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Frako, if you re-read, you'll note that I cited the two as the two biggies that tick God off.
Your list, however, is significant in that it's all part of what is filling God's wrath cup to the running over, so as to fall upon the nation. We have become a bankrupt nation, morally, monetarily, culturally and you name it. We are the richest but one of the sickest among nations. Go to a Chinese Restaurant. How many obese staff do see in them? There is an epidemic of obesity among junk food consuming adults and children alike in our nation. We destroy our bodies with junk, all he while putting the best in our automobiles, so much so that our health care facilities are unable to accomodate it all. We attribute the observables of all the wonderful complexity to the created, rather than to the great designer who did the creating, like if we alleged that a beautiful turned pot designed itself, the ToE being a classic example. God requires the most from whom much has been given. That America has been so blessed of Jehovah, requires more from him of America than those who have not.BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member
This thread has been derailed from the onset. This thread pertains to two curses and only two; how, nationally, America has essentially thrown Israel under the bus while aiding their enemies, oll of whom seek to destroy her, and how, nationally, (I say nationally) America has legitimized sodomy. That's it.
Anything else posted will be considered off topic.BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
jar writes: Please provide evidence that the US has thrown Israel under the bus or that the US has legitimized sodomy Yes or no, Jar. An official recognition of [HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost] gay rights day not only in the nation's Pentagon and the nation's' White House is equivalent to legitimizing sodomy. When Benjamin Netanyahu visited our White House he was neither invited to dine with the president. His entrance into the White House was through the back door. http://www.americanthinker.com/...israel_pronouncements.http President Obama who has bowed to the king of a Muslim nation, Iraq and visited numerous Islamic national celebrities has never visited Israel, promising aid to some. http://search.mywebsearch.com/mywebsearch/redirect.http Most Islamic nations hate Israel and vow to destroy her. Six-Day War - Wikipedia Edited by Buzsaw, : fix linkBUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
ringo writes: But I don't want to see an Arab Holocaust either. When has the tiny nation of Israel (I say the nation of Israel) ever in it's history sought to conquer another nation beside it's own nation, Israel for occupation? BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
An Oversight, DA. I meant to say Saudi.
Obama, the masterful deceiver becomes both Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde, depending on the occasion. BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
frako writes: Can i just ask if you where in power what would you do to the gays and israel so magic man would not curse america? Sure, Frako. I would do nothing to gays. I would neither prosecute, officially sanction or persecute them. They, as Americans have all rights that the rest of us have, but no more than the rest of us have I would support the tiny messianic nation of Israel, providing enough armament to defend themselves. That's all Israel needs or wants. BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
rpb writes: Do you support gay marriage buz? Thats what im getting from that post. Anyone can have a private marriage contract among their own group, church etc unrecorded by the government. Some churches do this for elderly couples who co-habit. Gays/lesbians would not be denied this same option.BUZSAW B 4 U 2 C Y BUZ SAW. The Immeasurable Present Eternally Extends the Infinite Past And Infinitely Consumes The Eternal Future. Someone wisely said something ;ike, "Before fooling with a fool, make sure the fool is a fool." ![]()
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