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Author Topic:   God Is Cursing America
Posts: 18041
Joined: 01-10-2003
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Message 42 of 150 (667302)
07-05-2012 2:15 PM

God, the incompetent terrorist
A competent terrorist makes sure to claim credit for their atrocities, and publicises their grievances. Apparently Buzsaw's God can't manage to get beyond committing atrocities and hoping people figure it out...

Posts: 18041
Joined: 01-10-2003
Member Rating: 5.0

Message 87 of 150 (667384)
07-06-2012 3:21 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by Buzsaw
07-04-2012 9:01 PM

For essentially cursing Israel and for Sodomy, two biggies that tick God off.
Other posts have already pointed out that the U.S. is providing massive support to Israel. And according to you the proportion of gays in U.S. society is likely only 2-3% Message 234
It would seem rather odd for God to be especially pissed off at the U.S. for either of those.
1. Genesis 12:7 "I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;"
Wouldn't the aid sent to Israel count as a blessing ? If not, why not ?
From an Israeli news source: Globes
US President Barack Obama's budget proposal for fiscal year 2012 (which begins on October 1, 2011) keeps foreign aid for Israel, Egypt, and most other recipients unchanged, but it is not clear what the House of Representatives and the Senate will leave in.
The budget proposes $3.075 billion in US military aid for Israel, $75 million more than in fiscal year 2011. The aid proposal is based on the US-Israeli understandings signed on August 16, 2007. US military aid is set to increase by a further $25 million to $3.1 billion in fiscal year 2013, and remain at that level through 2018, assuming that the US foreign aid program remains as is. Israel is also due to receive $20 million in aid for integrating refugees.
Our own Pentagon, for the first time celebrated gay rights day. We are, for the first time in our history advocating gay marriage, etc.
You can call me homophobic or what ever. I'm just telling you what, Biblically, ticks God off.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Sodom incident triggered by a rape gang chasing an angel ? (Genesis 19). That's a far cry from a civil society accepting consensual gay sex.
That America is being pounded with disaster after disaster is, imo, just another evidence that he does, indeed, exist and is to be feared and acknowledge by man, whom he created in his image.
And of course, as others have shown any claim of an increase in disasters is also dubious.
As I said earlier, a competent terrorist is careful to claim credit for his atrocities and make his grievances clear. Since you haven't even good evidence that any atrocities are being committed or that the actuality of the supposed offences is actually severe enough to warrant this intervention, your claim is unsupported.

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 Message 1 by Buzsaw, posted 07-04-2012 9:01 PM Buzsaw has not replied

Posts: 18041
Joined: 01-10-2003
Member Rating: 5.0

Message 92 of 150 (667422)
07-07-2012 4:23 AM
Reply to: Message 88 by Buzsaw
07-06-2012 9:13 PM

The title and the OP make it plain that you are arguing that there has been an increase in disasters in the US for those reasons. The question of whether there has been an increase in disasters is therefore on topic.
Moreover, we have yet to see any significant reason to believe that the US is "cursing" Israel rather than "blessing" it through the billions of dollars of aid that is sent. Nor have we been given any reason to think that a civil government legitimising consensual homosexual relationships is something that God woul take a great interest in either. Comparisons with Sodom - where, according to the Bible, the entire male population got together to rape male visitors - hardly seem to establish the case.

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 Message 88 by Buzsaw, posted 07-06-2012 9:13 PM Buzsaw has not replied

Posts: 18041
Joined: 01-10-2003
Member Rating: 5.0

Message 118 of 150 (667482)
07-08-2012 4:44 AM
Reply to: Message 113 by Buzsaw
07-07-2012 8:43 PM

Re: Evidence Pertaining To Israel & Sodomy ]
Sure, Frako. I would do nothing to gays. I would neither prosecute, officially sanction or persecute them. They, as Americans have all rights that the rest of us have, but no more than the rest of us have

So no change of policy there. You are quite happy to legitimise sodomy, despite claiming that God is against that.
I would support the tiny messianic nation of Israel, providing enough armament to defend themselves. That's all Israel needs or wants.
Three billion dollars A YEAR in military aid isn't enough ? And even if it isn't then we still haven't had an explanation of why donations on that scale should count as a "curse" rather than a "blessing"

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 Message 113 by Buzsaw, posted 07-07-2012 8:43 PM Buzsaw has not replied

Posts: 18041
Joined: 01-10-2003
Member Rating: 5.0

Message 131 of 150 (667524)
07-09-2012 2:25 AM
Reply to: Message 129 by Buzsaw
07-08-2012 6:36 PM

Re: Rights, Etc.
As it should be. All such marriages amount to is to ligitimize the relationship in the eyes and opinion of the group, club or church and to prevent problems with sharing wealth, inheritance, etc. The heirs of the estates of each are not affected by such unions, whereas state liscensed marriages might require dividing the estate of the different families involved.
In other words you DON'T support gays having the same rights as everyone else. One of the most important benefits of marriage is to be recognised as next-of-kin - and hospital visiting rights can be denied on the basis that a gay partner is "only a friend", not a relative. Equally, why should a cohabiting gay partner, living in a relationship that is marriage in all but the legalities be denied an inheritance if their partner dies without a will ?
And we still have the fact that this is NOTHING to do with Sodom, as depicted in the Bible. There's no mention of gay weddings in Sodom. The story is that the entire male population - who would be mostly straight, not gay - got together to rape male visitors (and in this case the visitor was an angel).
Letting gay people have the legal benefits of marriage IS giving the same rights as everyone else. It is NOT anything like Sodom.

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 Message 129 by Buzsaw, posted 07-08-2012 6:36 PM Buzsaw has not replied

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 Message 134 by Lithodid-Man, posted 07-09-2012 6:41 AM PaulK has not replied

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