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Author Topic:   God Is Cursing America
Posts: 2932
From: slovenija
Joined: 09-04-2010

Message 15 of 150 (667258)
07-05-2012 4:28 AM
Reply to: Message 1 by Buzsaw
07-04-2012 9:01 PM

Yea buz RUN RUN GOD IS COMMING!!! Go and gather all the fundamentalists and creationists you from all over the world and take them to a land untouched by sin like Antarctica or something. Then brake off all contact with the rest of the world because talking to us is inviting sin in to your new promised land. Gooo before its too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. god says you should take the Muslim fundamentalists with you too
Edited by frako, : No reason given.

Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
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Posts: 2932
From: slovenija
Joined: 09-04-2010

Message 43 of 150 (667303)
07-05-2012 3:23 PM
Reply to: Message 18 by Buzsaw
07-05-2012 6:56 AM

Re: Reminder Of My Thread Topic. .
List of disasters in the United States by death toll - Wikipedia
Buzz up there you have a link to disasters in america now show me where do you see a significant rise in disasters.
bellow on that page you also have links to typs of disasters. Now the easiest way to show us some drastic increase would be to input the data in microsoft exel and make a graf showing how the number of disasters is spiking ever since obama took the wheel from Jesus lol or from whatever point in time you have in mind.
Just sying oh there is so many more disasters then i have ever seen in my 77 years on this earth is subjective my guess is you are either noticing them more for one reason or a noter or they are being reported more.

Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
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 Message 18 by Buzsaw, posted 07-05-2012 6:56 AM Buzsaw has not replied

Posts: 2932
From: slovenija
Joined: 09-04-2010

Message 65 of 150 (667342)
07-06-2012 6:36 AM
Reply to: Message 57 by Buzsaw
07-05-2012 10:54 PM

Re: Substanceless Yada
It appears that since a number of the respondents can't refute the substance of my OP that they are having these off topic vile discussions among themselves. They are doing their best to derail the thread.
Still waiting for that graph i asked you for in
Message 43 of 63 (667303)
Thursday, 05-07-2012 9:23 PM
You know the one showing a rise in natural disasters, or at least a rise in deathtoll in those natural disasters, or at least a rise in property damage or whatever you can show correlates to your god hates gays so he is punishing the America theory.
Its not that hard i provided you with the data for the past 200 years now all you have to do is input it in to excel or a similar program and make a graph. If you are right we should see a huge spike in the last years.
P.s. How can you be sure its the gays fault or not giving more support to israel. Its not like you are not doing worse things that brake the big 10 donts of your gods commandments.
1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. - Dont you americans worship money nowdays
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. - Its not like you are doing any of this right no pictures of heaven hell or underwater exploration videos right
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. - yea not like anyone says something like god dammit every once in a while.
4. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you. - today's kids dont show much respect to their elders do they?
5. remember the sabbath day - yea right how many do
6. Dont kill - yea America brakes that one 45 times per day
7. dont commit adultery - i think America basicly owns the rights to brake this one.
8. Dont steal
Every 3.2 seconds - One property crime occurs
Every 14.4 seconds - One burglary occurs
Every 4.8 seconds - One larceny-theft occurs
Every 26.4 seconds - One motor vehicle theft occurs
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. - dont have any stats on this one what do you think?
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”
- All you americans do is covet your rich peoples stuff and hot wives.
So what makes you think its the gays fault and not the list above?
Edited by frako, : No reason given.

Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
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 Message 57 by Buzsaw, posted 07-05-2012 10:54 PM Buzsaw has replied

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 Message 67 by Buzsaw, posted 07-06-2012 8:01 AM frako has replied

Posts: 2932
From: slovenija
Joined: 09-04-2010

Message 76 of 150 (667357)
07-06-2012 10:50 AM
Reply to: Message 67 by Buzsaw
07-06-2012 8:01 AM

Re: Other Factors
Frako, if you re-read, you'll note that I cited the two as the two biggies that tick God off.
No i cited the biggies you know the stuff he wrote in stone you should not do, gays are mentioned by some bigots later, the ones i cited came directly from the horses mouth.
And you still have not shown a graph that shows a significant increase in disasters, if i make one and it shows no significant increase you will probably dismiss it on the spot so i want you to do it look at the actual data so you can see with your own eyes that there is no increase in any kind of disasters.

Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
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 Message 67 by Buzsaw, posted 07-06-2012 8:01 AM Buzsaw has not replied

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 Message 78 by Panda, posted 07-06-2012 11:00 AM frako has not replied

Posts: 2932
From: slovenija
Joined: 09-04-2010

Message 85 of 150 (667375)
07-06-2012 1:24 PM
Reply to: Message 54 by Buzsaw
07-05-2012 10:43 PM

Re: Re
When I was young, one Tornadoe any place was big news.
Yea clearly supported by this graph from the National Climatic Data Center
Asheville, North Carolina
Face it buzz you are just noticing more bad stuff, or you dint get the information you do now back then.
My guess is you dint notice things like this too much back in the day because you dinn't want to. It made life sound so much better when nothing bad was happening. Now you are getting old and you want some magic sky daddy to be punishing the new generation for having more fun then you had.
Edited by frako, : No reason given.

Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
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 Message 54 by Buzsaw, posted 07-05-2012 10:43 PM Buzsaw has not replied

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 Message 86 by AdminModulous, posted 07-06-2012 2:38 PM frako has not replied

Posts: 2932
From: slovenija
Joined: 09-04-2010

Message 112 of 150 (667464)
07-07-2012 7:31 PM
Reply to: Message 106 by Buzsaw
07-07-2012 6:20 PM

Re: Evidence Pertaining To Israel & Sodomy ]
Can i just ask if you where in power what would you do to the gays and israel so magic man would not curse america?

Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
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 Message 106 by Buzsaw, posted 07-07-2012 6:20 PM Buzsaw has replied

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 Message 113 by Buzsaw, posted 07-07-2012 8:43 PM frako has replied

Posts: 2932
From: slovenija
Joined: 09-04-2010

Message 117 of 150 (667480)
07-08-2012 1:16 AM
Reply to: Message 113 by Buzsaw
07-07-2012 8:43 PM

Re: Evidence Pertaining To Israel & Sodomy ]
Sure, Frako. I would do nothing to gays. I would neither prosecute, officially sanction or persecute them. They, as Americans have all rights that the rest of us have, but no more than the rest of us have
but they have less rights then you they cannot marry the ones they love.
I would support the tiny messianic nation of Israel, providing enough armament to defend themselves. That's all Israel needs or wants.
You do know israel has one of the most armoured tank types in the world because it costs them more to train a tanker then to loose a tank.

Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
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 Message 113 by Buzsaw, posted 07-07-2012 8:43 PM Buzsaw has not replied

Posts: 2932
From: slovenija
Joined: 09-04-2010

Message 126 of 150 (667507)
07-08-2012 2:24 PM
Reply to: Message 119 by Buzsaw
07-08-2012 6:41 AM

Re: Evidence Pertaining To Israel & Sodomy ]
Anyone can have a private marriage contract among their own group, church etc unrecorded by the government. Some churches do this for elderly couples who co-habit.
Gays/lesbians would not be denied this same option.
Yea and when one coupple has an accident and is lying in a hospital room in a coma, the other couple wants to go and see him but he cant because he/she is not family.
Or joint tax returns, insurance .... and a million other things.
To me marriage is just a piece of paper but if i wanted to marry to reap some of the benifits and i could not because of some biggots i would be pissed.
What if when you got married someone would say its not legal because my magic man does not allow marries between blonds and black haired people, or skin colour or eye colour ore some other thing that applies to you. What would you tell that person?
If 2 adaults want to get married it does not affect me in any way so why would i complain.

Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
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 Message 119 by Buzsaw, posted 07-08-2012 6:41 AM Buzsaw has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 127 by Buzsaw, posted 07-08-2012 6:25 PM frako has replied

Posts: 2932
From: slovenija
Joined: 09-04-2010

Message 132 of 150 (667525)
07-09-2012 3:06 AM
Reply to: Message 127 by Buzsaw
07-08-2012 6:25 PM

Re: 'Re: Benefits and Visiting Rights]
Frako, your benefits argument is moot, because both gays and straights still share the same rights and things they can't do like get benefits or visit in hospitals.
But i just wrote to you they dont, a married couple can see each other in a hospital room if one is incapacitated they can even relay the wishes of the one incapacitated to the hospital. Gays cannot marry so they cannot do that. Married couples can flile joint tax returns gay couples cannot marie. Married people can get easier lones to buy houses gay couples cannot marrie. Married people can get discounts in hotels gay people cannot marrie. Married people directly inherit their dead spouses belongings gays haveto draw a will and pay larger taxes on the inheritance.
and every one of these rights they cannot get
Rights and benefits
Right to benefits while married:
employment assistance and transitional services for spouses of members being separated from military service; continued commissary privileges
per diem payment to spouse for federal civil service employees when relocating
Indian Health Service care for spouses of Native Americans (in some circumstances)
sponsor husband/wife for immigration benefits
Larger benefits under some programs if married, including:
veteran's disability
Supplemental Security Income
disability payments for federal employees
property tax exemption for homes of totally disabled veterans
income tax deductions, credits, rates exemption, and estimates
wages of an employee working for one's spouse are exempt from federal unemployment tax[3]
Joint and family-related rights:
joint filing of bankruptcy permitted
joint parenting rights, such as access to children's school records
family visitation rights for the spouse and non-biological children, such as to visit a spouse in a hospital or prison
next-of-kin status for emergency medical decisions or filing wrongful death claims
custodial rights to children, shared property, child support, and alimony after divorce
domestic violence intervention
access to "family only" services, such as reduced rate memberships to clubs & organizations or residency in certain neighborhoods
Preferential hiring for spouses of veterans in government jobs
Tax-free transfer of property between spouses (including on death) and exemption from "due-on-sale" clauses.
Special consideration to spouses of citizens and resident aliens
Threats against spouses of various federal employees is a federal crime
Right to continue living on land purchased from spouse by National Park Service when easement granted to spouse
Court notice of probate proceedings
Domestic violence protection orders
Existing homestead lease continuation of rights
Regulation of condominium sales to owner-occupants exemption
Funeral and bereavement leave
Joint adoption and foster care
Joint tax filing
Insurance licenses, coverage, eligibility, and benefits organization of mutual benefits society
Legal status with stepchildren
Making spousal medical decisions
Spousal non-resident tuition deferential waiver
Permission to make funeral arrangements for a deceased spouse, including burial or cremation
Right of survivorship of custodial trust
Right to change surname upon marriage
Right to enter into prenuptial agreement
Right to inheritance of property
Spousal privilege in court cases (the marital confidences privilege and the spousal testimonial privilege)
For those divorced or widowed, the right to many of ex- or late spouse's benefits, including:
Social Security pension
veteran's pensions, indemnity compensation for service-connected deaths, medical care, and nursing home care, right to burial in veterans' cemeteries, educational assistance, and housing
survivor benefits for federal employees
survivor benefits for spouses of longshoremen, harbor workers, railroad workers
additional benefits to spouses of coal miners who die of black lung disease
$100,000 to spouse of any public safety officer killed in the line of duty
continuation of employer-sponsored health benefits
renewal and termination rights to spouse's copyrights on death of spouse
continued water rights of spouse in some circumstances
payment of wages and workers compensation benefits after worker death
making, revoking, and objecting to post-mortem anatomical gifts

Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
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 Message 127 by Buzsaw, posted 07-08-2012 6:25 PM Buzsaw has replied

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 Message 133 by Buzsaw, posted 07-09-2012 6:24 AM frako has not replied

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