Whether or not a grip is a pistol grip is determined by its size.
No, it's determined by whether or not it is a pistol grip. Something else of the same size which was not a pistol grip would not be a pistol grip. I myself own numerous objects of about the same size as a pistol grip which are not in fact pistol grips.
Whether or not a stock is folding or telescopic is determined by its shape.
No, it's determined by whether or not it's a folding or telescopic stock. Something else of the same shape which neither folded nor telescoped would not be folding or telescopic.
This is where you weren't wrong, but only because it doesn't pertain to rifles...
"You weren't wrong when you said 'four', but
only because we were talking about what two plus two was."
A pistol can be classified as an "assault weapon", according to the AWB, if it takes the mag somwhere other than the grip.
Not so. It also needs other properties. Here,
let me help you.