Myth. Anyone with actual experience will attest to that Source I can find many more sources if needed
Yea we have the same myth well almost the same not run directly down but diagonally down a steep hil making the bear tumble down or whatever. Me thinks who ever thought about this never saw how agile bears are. We have brown bares in my country and a whole lot of them because they are semi protected and the government cant get it trough its thick scull that not enough are being shot off every year.
As for being the fucking only person who lives amidst a Forrest while my countrymen live among vineyards i can dish out a bit of advice that work on brown bears.
1. If a brown bear seas you stay still 99.9% of the time it will walk away. the other 0.1% of the time its probably a female and her cubs are behind you so you are screwed.
2. If you are walking in a bear infested region talk loudly or sing or whatever if you are alone the bear will avoid confrontation so you wont even see it and your pants will remain fecal matter free
3. If you crashed your car into a bear cub drive away fast do not exit do not look around DRIVE AWAY. and then call the hunters to make sure its dead. You dont i repeat YOU DONT want to be anywhere near the cub when the mother realizes what happened to it, iv seen a a brown bear mother rip of a tree stump and chasing a car that hit a cub of hers.
4. Dont try to outrun a bear or at least not our bears i clocked one at 55Kmh while he was running alongside my car
5. dont try to fight a bear it only works in movies and commercials
in real life you will be lucky if you survive or keep your lower jaw.
Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand