I declared the topic title question to be off-topic
As I see it, this question should be approached as a philosophical and/or theological discussion. I want to isolate it from scientific evidence considerations - It is NOT going into the science "The Bible: Accuracy and Inerrancy" forum.
I think the topic title, "Why would God write a book of lies and why would you worship such a being?", actually sets the "what if" premise that some of the information in the Bible is factually wrong - It is in conflict with worldly evidence. Then the question is, then what is the Bible's philosophical and/or theological value?
Of course, Jar's first message is going to be:
Jar writes:
God didn't write the Bible, man did.
Let's see if this prophesy comes true.

ps: And dammit, everyone be nice or I'm going to have to kill someone.

Edited by Adminnemooseus, : ps.
Or something like that.