Here is why he received a jeer.
As Percy mentioned the Cosmological Statement is off-topic. Limp is just continuing the Gish Gallop he is doing on multiple threads. Then when he is asked to clarify and explain what he is talking about he conveniently refuses.
Some people around here think it is ok to just post random assertions and crap without anything to back it up. That isn't debating. That is throwing random crap against the wall to see what sticks.
He seems to be like the classical fundie/creo that finds stuff on the web and just throws it up for any old discussion.
A couple things people should try to do.
If you can't support what your posting, don't post it.
If you don't understand what your posting don't post it.
If it is off topic don't post it.
I like others are guilty of following others down off-topic rabbit holes, but evidenceless assertions need to be pointed out
I find it difficult to see how you can cheer off-topic gish gallop.
Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts
"God did it" is not an argument. It is an excuse for intellectual laziness.