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Author Topic:   Conservapedia declares victory over EvC Forum
Inactive Member

Message 61 of 84 (674481)
09-29-2012 10:17 AM
Reply to: Message 46 by Bolder-dash
09-27-2012 11:48 AM

Re: stats and bullshit
All creationists suspensions add up to-1 month plus 6 weeks plus 13 day
A large portion of which are times when you earned suspensions, and upon the end of the suspensions, returned and deliberately acted out and justly received an even longer suspension.
I am suspended indefinitely from the biology forums and buzz is suspended indefinitely from science forums, and I am probably missing some other hidden suspensions.
You are no longer suspended from from the biology forums. Percy reinstated after your last tirade. I think he rewarded you for throwing a fit in the 'Throw a fit' forum. You might remember the thread in which I demonstrated that you were not telling the truth about the reason for your suspension from the biology forums.
I note that you have yet to make any posts in the biological forums even though you have had posting permissions for nearly two months.
I'll also note that the list does not include non-Creationists who are indefinitely suspended from all forums on the board. So yeah, there may be some unaccounted for suspensions in the list.
Edited by NoNukes, : No reason given.

Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also in prison. Thoreau: Civil Disobedience (1846)
The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and hasten the resurrection of the dead. William Lloyd Garrison.
It's not too late to register to vote. State Registration Deadlines

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 Message 46 by Bolder-dash, posted 09-27-2012 11:48 AM Bolder-dash has not replied

Member (Idle past 4508 days)
Posts: 2347
From: United States
Joined: 10-06-2007

Message 62 of 84 (674518)
09-29-2012 8:57 PM
Reply to: Message 60 by Dr Adequate
09-28-2012 9:30 PM

Re: Are they interested in serious debate... I think not
Dr. Adequate writes:
Yeah, there's that stuff about not bearing false witness.
From what I have seen, they evidently skipped over that one.

There is no better love between 2 people than mutual respect for each other WT Young, 2002
Who gave anyone the authority to call me an authority on anything. WT Young, 1969
Since Evolution is only ~90% correct it should be thrown out and replaced by Creation which has even a lower % of correctness. W T Young, 2008

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 Message 60 by Dr Adequate, posted 09-28-2012 9:30 PM Dr Adequate has not replied

Member (Idle past 172 days)
Posts: 4000
From: Liverpool
Joined: 09-16-2005

Message 63 of 84 (675715)
10-15-2012 7:03 AM
Reply to: Message 4 by NoNukes
09-24-2012 6:04 PM

Ray was an absolute hoot. Evolution (which his soon to be published essay would demolish) was God's punishment for believing in er, evolution.
He would practically froth at the mouth.

The above ontological example models the zero premise to BB theory. It does so by applying the relative uniformity assumption that the alleged zero event eventually ontologically progressed from the compressed alleged sub-microscopic chaos to bloom/expand into all of the present observable order, more than it models the Biblical record evidence for the existence of Jehovah, the maximal Biblical god designer.
-Attributed to Buzsaw Message 53
The explain to them any scientific investigation that explains the existence of things qualifies as science and as an explanation
-Attributed to Dawn Bertot Message 286
Does a query (thats a question Stile) that uses this physical reality, to look for an answer to its existence and properties become theoretical, considering its deductive conclusions are based against objective verifiable realities.
-Attributed to Dawn Bertot Message 134

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 Message 4 by NoNukes, posted 09-24-2012 6:04 PM NoNukes has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 64 by NoNukes, posted 10-15-2012 10:17 PM Larni has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 64 of 84 (675791)
10-15-2012 10:17 PM
Reply to: Message 63 by Larni
10-15-2012 7:03 AM

Ray was an absolute hoot.
What was his screen name?

Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also in prison. Thoreau: Civil Disobedience (1846)
The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and hasten the resurrection of the dead. William Lloyd Garrison.
Well, you may still have time to register to vote. Even North Carolinians can still register for early voting. State Registration Deadlines

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 Message 63 by Larni, posted 10-15-2012 7:03 AM Larni has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 65 by jar, posted 10-15-2012 10:20 PM NoNukes has seen this message but not replied
 Message 66 by New Cat's Eye, posted 10-16-2012 1:16 AM NoNukes has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 65 of 84 (675792)
10-15-2012 10:20 PM
Reply to: Message 64 by NoNukes
10-15-2012 10:17 PM

Willowtree, Cold Foreign Object, Herepton and others I've forgotten.

Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!

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 Message 64 by NoNukes, posted 10-15-2012 10:17 PM NoNukes has seen this message but not replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 66 of 84 (675797)
10-16-2012 1:16 AM
Reply to: Message 64 by NoNukes
10-15-2012 10:17 PM

Here ya go:
Cold Foreign Object

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 Message 64 by NoNukes, posted 10-15-2012 10:17 PM NoNukes has seen this message but not replied

Alfred Maddenstein
Member (Idle past 4286 days)
Posts: 565
Joined: 04-01-2011

Message 67 of 84 (676249)
10-21-2012 4:13 AM
Reply to: Message 26 by Jazzns
09-26-2012 3:40 PM

Suggestions for the oral debate
You have to concentrate on your strong points instead of foolishly denying the weak ones. They beat you lot on the obvious intelligence of the supposedly designed which you have to deny in order to be consistent with all of it coming from the nothing of the Big Bunk.
They can afford to assume the same hilarious bigbangist premises since they are covered there having their something instead of your nothing in the shape of their putative designer. So they beat you on the conservation laws, entropy, memory, information, etc. which you deny against all logic and evidence.
Therefore, you have to shift the debate towards moral grounds where you lot have indisputable advantage over the ID theorists.
Given the reality of the intricate death avoiding machines forever at cross purposes with one another, i.e., the machines having no other chance to obtain the fuel apart from devouring each other, the only possible designer of such a system could be a clever Devil creating life for personal entertainment, experimentation and amusement. Not all-powerful and benevolent God.
That's just a rough outline from the feline. But you catch the drift.

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 Message 26 by Jazzns, posted 09-26-2012 3:40 PM Jazzns has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 68 by Dr Adequate, posted 10-21-2012 4:24 AM Alfred Maddenstein has not replied
 Message 69 by Larni, posted 10-21-2012 6:06 AM Alfred Maddenstein has not replied
 Message 70 by Admin, posted 10-21-2012 8:07 AM Alfred Maddenstein has not replied

Dr Adequate
Posts: 16113
Joined: 07-20-2006

Message 68 of 84 (676250)
10-21-2012 4:24 AM
Reply to: Message 67 by Alfred Maddenstein
10-21-2012 4:13 AM

Re: Suggestions for the oral debate
In next week's episode of How To Be An Idiot, Maddenstein will explain to us how to make yourself invisible by using ordinary household supplies such as lemon juice.

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 Message 67 by Alfred Maddenstein, posted 10-21-2012 4:13 AM Alfred Maddenstein has not replied

Member (Idle past 172 days)
Posts: 4000
From: Liverpool
Joined: 09-16-2005

Message 69 of 84 (676251)
10-21-2012 6:06 AM
Reply to: Message 67 by Alfred Maddenstein
10-21-2012 4:13 AM

Re: Suggestions for the oral debate
That's just a rough outline from the feline. But you catch the drift.
This feline does not catch your drift. You are talking bollocks. None of what you say makes any logical sense.

The above ontological example models the zero premise to BB theory. It does so by applying the relative uniformity assumption that the alleged zero event eventually ontologically progressed from the compressed alleged sub-microscopic chaos to bloom/expand into all of the present observable order, more than it models the Biblical record evidence for the existence of Jehovah, the maximal Biblical god designer.
-Attributed to Buzsaw Message 53
The explain to them any scientific investigation that explains the existence of things qualifies as science and as an explanation
-Attributed to Dawn Bertot Message 286
Does a query (thats a question Stile) that uses this physical reality, to look for an answer to its existence and properties become theoretical, considering its deductive conclusions are based against objective verifiable realities.
-Attributed to Dawn Bertot Message 134

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 Message 67 by Alfred Maddenstein, posted 10-21-2012 4:13 AM Alfred Maddenstein has not replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 70 of 84 (676256)
10-21-2012 8:07 AM
Reply to: Message 67 by Alfred Maddenstein
10-21-2012 4:13 AM

Moderator Request
Hi Alfred,
As I requested in another thread where you recently attempted to begin participation, because people are having so much trouble making sense of your posts I'd like you to restrict your participation to just a few threads. Please stop participating in this thread. Thanks.

EvC Forum Director

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 Message 67 by Alfred Maddenstein, posted 10-21-2012 4:13 AM Alfred Maddenstein has not replied

Dr Adequate
Posts: 16113
Joined: 07-20-2006

Message 71 of 84 (680342)
11-19-2012 7:46 AM

Well, I can't find where I could log in to their site. Most sites are begging for me to log into their site, but I really can't find where Conservapedia will even let me do so.
Meanwhile Conservapedia's main page of what pretends to be an encyclopeda still says:
"Claiming momentum, Romney launches ad in Pennsylvania." [112] Pennsylvania has little early voting; Romney could win the State.
Liberal-leaning Pew pollster says Obama's support is only 47% nationwide among likely voters, tied with Mitt Romney. [113] 47% support is not enough historically for an incumbent to win, as undecideds tend to vote for the challenger.
"Democrats Ground Game Hasn’t Closed Enthusiasm Gap" - Mitt Romney has a 9-point edge among voters "extremely likely" to vote in the swing states. [116]
Obama is at only 47.8% in Colorado, and thereby appears likely to lose that swing state. [122]
Obama resorts to early voting to try to win Ohio: "Ohio you can vote now, you don't have to vote later." Early voters are herded like sheep and expected to vote a certain way, either by mail or at special polling booths. "Among those who have voted early or plan to vote before Election Day, Obama holds a 59%-38% lead, with Romney up 51%-44% among those who say they'll vote on Election Day." [125]
Republicans outflank Dems by shifting focus to Wisconsin, which is free of the scourge of early voting being exploited by Dems in Ohio. Mitt Romney visits Wisconsin on Monday, and if he wins there then he does not need to win Ohio. [129]
Mitt Romney has the momentum in the United States presidential election.
Now, I haven't even quoted all the examples of them being on their main page liars and fools. And if I wanted to talk about them being liars and fools about things not on their main page, I'd die before I got through it all. Those are merely the examples of things they currently say on what is supposed to be an encyclopedia of articles which are still suggesting that the Republicans might win the Presidential election which are still on their main page on November 19th, 2012.
I'd just like to suggest that maybe those articles don't belong on their main page anymore.
Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.

Replies to this message:
 Message 72 by JonF, posted 11-19-2012 8:16 AM Dr Adequate has not replied
 Message 73 by NoNukes, posted 11-19-2012 3:11 PM Dr Adequate has not replied
 Message 74 by Shield, posted 11-19-2012 6:08 PM Dr Adequate has not replied

Member (Idle past 487 days)
Posts: 6174
Joined: 06-23-2003

Message 72 of 84 (680349)
11-19-2012 8:16 AM
Reply to: Message 71 by Dr Adequate
11-19-2012 7:46 AM

Well, I can't find where I could log in to their site.
Invitation only, of course.

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 Message 71 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-19-2012 7:46 AM Dr Adequate has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 73 of 84 (680444)
11-19-2012 3:11 PM
Reply to: Message 71 by Dr Adequate
11-19-2012 7:46 AM

Obama resorts to early voting to try to win Ohio: "Ohio you can vote now, you don't have to vote later." Early voters are herded like sheep and expected to vote a certain way, either by mail or at special polling booths. "Among those who have voted early or plan to vote before Election Day, Obama holds a 59%-38% lead, with Romney up 51%-44% among those who say they'll vote on Election Day."
I find this "resorts to early voting" comment highly amusing. It's as if early voting were some kind of nefarious plot. I also note that on Conservapedia's Presidential Election 2012 article, conservapedia pushes the same claim.
By relying on extensive early voting driven by the Democrat political machine -- which totaled more than 40% of the vote -- Barack Obama defeated Mitt Romney despite losing nearly 10 million votes from 2008.
I suppose that this is less stupid than the excuses made by a lot of pundits (52 per cent of the electorate is lazy, wants stuff, and or are women who won't listen to a man), and less stupid than the excuses Romney himself has offered (Obama bought their votes), but then, that is a very low standard for facing reality.
Edited by NoNukes, : No reason given.

Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also in prison. Thoreau: Civil Disobedience (1846)
The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and hasten the resurrection of the dead. William Lloyd Garrison.
If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning. Frederick Douglass

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 Message 71 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-19-2012 7:46 AM Dr Adequate has not replied

Member (Idle past 3181 days)
Posts: 482
Joined: 01-29-2008

Message 74 of 84 (680521)
11-19-2012 6:08 PM
Reply to: Message 71 by Dr Adequate
11-19-2012 7:46 AM

Top right corner, main page.
Also on the main page right now:
Evolutionist women are like drippy faucets
Atheist and evolutionist women are like drippy faucets! Long haired, creationist, wife sweethearts are fruitful and multiply. The righteous shall inherit the earth!
Edited by rbp, : No reason given.

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 Message 71 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-19-2012 7:46 AM Dr Adequate has not replied

Member (Idle past 4342 days)
Posts: 84
Joined: 08-20-2010

Message 75 of 84 (680524)
11-19-2012 6:56 PM

1 picture says more than a 1000 words...
If you read the Question Evolution blog that is discussed here you get the idea that atheism will die any minute and that their campaign is one giant victory march. I find it therefore very refreshing to get some insight into how they actually conduct that campaign on the ground...
Question Evolution blog writes:
The picture above is of a booth that was set up to promote biblical creation and refute Darwinism. You can see the Question Evolution! signs and the material relating to dinosaurs and man coexisting on the table along with other literature.

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 Message 76 by Taq, posted 11-20-2012 1:27 PM Dirk has seen this message but not replied

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