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Member (Idle past 4230 days) Posts: 2657 From: A Better America Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Conservapedia declares victory over EvC Forum | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
Meanwhile over a conservapedia free and open debate is flourishing. It's reminiscent of the golden age of Athens. No, wait, I mean Stalin's Russia, I keep getting those two mixed up.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
Is there any way to leave a comment there? I tried but was refused under my aim account and open user. Apparently not. I guess this is what they call "irony".
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
He seems determined to uphold the stereotype of creationists as liars and halfwits. This is unfair to the honest and intelligent creationists --- both of them.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
Yeah, EvC is just important enough for the loon to make two blog posts about it, but not quite important enough for him to substantiate anything he says. How convenient for him.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
But these are mere facts, and as such are inferior to things creationists have made up.
P.S: checking your figures, I think you must be counting Artemis as a creationist. I don't think he was. A theist, yes; a creationist ... not to my knowledge. Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
So, he's now made three posts about the forum which is so tiny and insignificant that he can't be bothered to tell the truth about it.
What does this remind me of? Ah yes, science itself. Creationists are obsessed with it, they can't stop talking about it, but they haven't the faintest interest in whether what they're saying about it is true.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
I think the Creationist Bible stops after the Flood. The rest of the Old Testament isn't much fun. Yeah, there's that stuff about not bearing false witness.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
In next week's episode of How To Be An Idiot, Maddenstein will explain to us how to make yourself invisible by using ordinary household supplies such as lemon juice.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
Well, I can't find where I could log in to their site. Most sites are begging for me to log into their site, but I really can't find where Conservapedia will even let me do so.
Meanwhile Conservapedia's main page of what pretends to be an encyclopeda still says:
"Claiming momentum, Romney launches ad in Pennsylvania." [112] Pennsylvania has little early voting; Romney could win the State. And:
Liberal-leaning Pew pollster says Obama's support is only 47% nationwide among likely voters, tied with Mitt Romney. [113] 47% support is not enough historically for an incumbent to win, as undecideds tend to vote for the challenger. And:
"Democrats Ground Game Hasn’t Closed Enthusiasm Gap" - Mitt Romney has a 9-point edge among voters "extremely likely" to vote in the swing states. [116] And:
Obama is at only 47.8% in Colorado, and thereby appears likely to lose that swing state. [122] And:
Obama resorts to early voting to try to win Ohio: "Ohio you can vote now, you don't have to vote later." Early voters are herded like sheep and expected to vote a certain way, either by mail or at special polling booths. "Among those who have voted early or plan to vote before Election Day, Obama holds a 59%-38% lead, with Romney up 51%-44% among those who say they'll vote on Election Day." [125] And:
Republicans outflank Dems by shifting focus to Wisconsin, which is free of the scourge of early voting being exploited by Dems in Ohio. Mitt Romney visits Wisconsin on Monday, and if he wins there then he does not need to win Ohio. [129] And:
Mitt Romney has the momentum in the United States presidential election. Now, I haven't even quoted all the examples of them being on their main page liars and fools. And if I wanted to talk about them being liars and fools about things not on their main page, I'd die before I got through it all. Those are merely the examples of things they currently say on what is supposed to be an encyclopedia of articles which are still suggesting that the Republicans might win the Presidential election which are still on their main page on November 19th, 2012. I'd just like to suggest that maybe those articles don't belong on their main page anymore. Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
This stuff is still there. Not the same stuff, but the same sort of stuff. It's still there on the front page of what claims to be an encyclopedia.
Mitt Romney leads in Virginia; Florida is too close to call. ---
"Voter Turnout Steady in Ohio and Pennsylvania" today -- Mitt Romney can win by taking either state. ---
Mitt Romney and Barack Hussein Obama still tied nationally and in Ohio ---
"Obama and Romney Deadlocked" ---
The pathologically narcissistic Barack Hussein Obama actually thought he had won the first presidential debate with Mitt Romney until his aides told him otherwise. His oversized ego and laziness prevented him from rigorously preparing for the debate. The lazy golf playing Obama isn't even a good golfer and the press does not know his scores. Apparently, the egotistical Obama doesn't want a golf coach or caddy telling him where is doing things wrong and could make improvements. Obama has a big problem with narcissism. Did pride come before the fall? Will Obama be re-elected? ---
The early-vote advantage Obama had in 2008 dropped 22% today ---
Liberal-leaning Pew pollster says Obama's support is only 47% nationwide among likely voters, tied with Mitt Romney. 47% support is not enough historically for an incumbent to win, as undecideds tend to vote for the challenger. ---
Barack Obama's surrogates beg for money and try to drum up volunteers to travel to battleground States. Hello! We're in the middle of a hurricane! Meanwhile, Mitt Romney tells people to cooperate with their local Red Cross, and even take in campaign yard signs so they won't turn into wind-driven missiles. Who is the better leader? ---
CBS News says Hurricane Sandy may hurt Barack Hussein Obama's re-election campaign due to Democrats having greater difficulty getting their supporters to the polls. ---
Obama is at only 47.8% in Colorado, and thereby appears likely to lose that swing state. ---
"Thousands more campaign ads coming to your TV" in the swing states. And Mitt Romney's campaign has saved more money for this final week than Obama has. ---
Obama resorts to early voting to try to win Ohio: "Ohio you can vote now, you don't have to vote later." Early voters are herded like sheep and expected to vote a certain way, either by mail or at special polling booths. "Among those who have voted early or plan to vote before Election Day, Obama holds a 59%-38% lead, with Romney up 51%-44% among those who say they'll vote on Election Day." ---
Meat Loaf -- the great, intelligent rock star -- "endorses Mitt Romney at boisterous Ohio rally." ---
There are five plausible swing state results whereby Mitt Romney and Obama would tie at 269 Electoral College votes apiece, which would then cause the newly elected House of Representatives to select the next president. ---
Mitt Romney wins big on substance and style in the final debate against Obama: for much of this debate Obama either stares, grim-faced, at Romney, or speaks in simplistic and repetitive ways. ---
Hillary Clinton, who won't begin running for president until next year, takes responsibility for the Libya scandal. But will this liberal shell game rescue Obama's declining chances to be reelected now? --- This "encyclopedia" is still explaining on its front page why Obama is going to lose and whatsisname is going to win. It is currently November 26th, and they still have on their main page articles and links explaining why the loser is going to beat out the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein!!! Obama, who won despite having a funny name and being black. Now, let me get this straight, so that no-one misinterprets me. An extremely biased website such as Conservapedia (they admit their bias in their name) might well have hoped that Romney might win. They may have believed that Romney might win. But they still, now, on November 26th, have on their main page articles and links explaining how Romney will win. And then they pass themselves off as an encyclopedia --- a compendium of actual knowledge. P.S: Romney lost. Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined:
Conservapedia defines "uncertainty principle" as "an underlying chaos (uncertainty) at the atomic level in the physical world after the Fall of man, which renders a perpetual motion machine and life beyond 120 years impossible". This is of special interest because it was written, no, what's the word? ...disgorged ... by the great Andrew Schlafly himself. He's awesome, like gazing on Niagara Falls if it had ignorance instead of water.
Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
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