Can you cite another government in the world that uses states to break up their population representation and government?
Canada has provinces with their own governments -- however these are much larger than our states and more closely represent regions -- any others?
Germany, Australia, Brazil, Russia, India, Pakistan, Argentina, Nigeria, Mexico, Ethiopia, Chad, Austria, Belgium, Somalia, Switzerland, Venezuela, Bosnia, Malaysia, the Seychelles, Colombia and, contrary to your post, Iraq, are all federal countries. I'm disappointed in your uncharacteristic display of American exceptionalism. It's reminiscent of the Big Brother contestant who opined that Britain should retain its monarchy on the basis that "we're the only country that has one".
In fact, most of the world's largest countries have federal governments, with the most notable exceptions being China and Indonesia. China does, however, have five autonomous regions, plus the Special Adminstrative Regions in Hong Kong and Macau, that have considerable legislative autonomy; and for practical reasons stemming from the sheer size of the country the provincial governors have a lot of power in the real world.