Thanks for the article, I haven't read it yet. I've been really busy in RL lately.
Two points to bear in mind. Firstly, lower status groups have higher mortality and morbidity than higher status ones, so a slightly higher fertility rate (and it is only slight) will not necessarily lead to a shift in relative proportions in the population.
I can accept that its not necessary, but I still wonder if it will.
Secondly, not all - probably not most - of the differences in social status are genetically inheritable factors. The biggest driver of decreased fertility is higher education, and education levels have much more to do with the opportunities avaiable to you than they do with any genetically inherited intelligence.
Yes, absolutely, I never thought that it was due to genetically inheritable factors. I think its a cultural problem with the education. They don't seem to have any desire to better themselves through education and seem content with what they do have... and they're crankin' out babies like nobody's business.