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Author Topic:   Creationism Road Trip
Member (Idle past 903 days)
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Message 196 of 409 (680313)
11-19-2012 1:09 AM
Reply to: Message 195 by Faith
11-19-2012 1:06 AM

Re: The ENTIRE geological column.
How did you come to that conclusion?

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 Message 195 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 1:06 AM Faith has replied

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 Message 198 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 1:27 AM foreveryoung has replied

Member (Idle past 567 days)
Posts: 99
From: Australia
Joined: 08-02-2010

Message 197 of 409 (680314)
11-19-2012 1:09 AM
Reply to: Message 193 by Faith
11-19-2012 1:04 AM

Re: The ENTIRE geological column.
Faith writes:
I'll try to get back tomorrow to answer your question.
Thanks. After you've had a bit of a look at eclogites take a quick look at the NASA website on Mars, particularly the new Curiosity rover images. Lots of pictures of conglomerates (sedimentary rocks). Then we can discuss why God caused a flood on Mars.

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 Message 193 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 1:04 AM Faith has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1765 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
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Message 198 of 409 (680315)
11-19-2012 1:27 AM
Reply to: Message 196 by foreveryoung
11-19-2012 1:09 AM

Re: The ENTIRE geological column.
That Black Sea stuff is an accommodation to the OE paradigm. The Bible SAYS "the whole world," that MEANS the WHOLE WORLD. You've bought the OE. You'd be a lot better off if you just gave up the Bible, because it's a great sin to try to conform it to such nonsense. Go whole hog and become a secular geologist, you'll be a lot safer. Maybe later on if there's still time you can rethink it all and come back to the Bible. A compromised Bible is worse than no Bible.

He who surrenders the first page of his Bible surrenders all. --John William Burgon, Inspiration and Interpretation, Sermon II.

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 Message 196 by foreveryoung, posted 11-19-2012 1:09 AM foreveryoung has replied

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 Message 216 by foreveryoung, posted 11-19-2012 8:26 AM Faith has replied
 Message 305 by GDR, posted 11-20-2012 4:19 PM Faith has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1765 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 199 of 409 (680316)
11-19-2012 1:46 AM
Reply to: Message 182 by Boof
11-19-2012 12:24 AM

Re: The ENTIRE geological column.
I don't understand your question still. This rock forms very deep in the earth. Who said it had anything to do with the Flood? What is the usual idea about how it came to the surface? I don't get the question.

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 Message 182 by Boof, posted 11-19-2012 12:24 AM Boof has replied

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 Message 201 by Boof, posted 11-19-2012 2:22 AM Faith has replied

Posts: 18053
Joined: 01-10-2003
Member Rating: 4.9

Message 200 of 409 (680317)
11-19-2012 2:10 AM
Reply to: Message 193 by Faith
11-19-2012 1:04 AM

Re: The ENTIRE geological column.
In other words, Faith, your demand to be worshipped isn't arrogant, REAL arrogance is refusing to worship you.
I hope that you see how ridiculous that is.
It isn't arrogant to look for the truth - even when it means looking at evidence that you demand we ignore.
It IS arrogant of you to attribute disagreement to stupidity - or a failure to communicate rather than consider that your arguments might be inadequate. Your arguments are typically poorly-thought out and often based on a very limited knowledge of the evidence.
It isn't arrogant to disagree with the teaching of your cult. It isn't even anti-Christian. There are other ways of looking at the Bible. In fact I would have to say that you belong to an anti-Christian cult. You certainly try to encourage people to reject Christianity. Look in your Bible - there's nothing to say that obedience to your cult's theological masters is a requirement for salvation.
It isn't arrogant to disagree with your opinions, especially when your opinions make no sense. Why does a global flood HAVE to either deposit the entire geological column or do nothing visible ? It seems to me that a global flood would be very unlikely to do either in the course of a year.
And of course it is arrogant of you to characterise disagreement with your beliefs as "telling God he's wrong" . If your HUMAN masters were here I'd tell them that THEY are wrong.

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 Message 193 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 1:04 AM Faith has replied

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 Message 209 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 7:38 AM PaulK has replied

Member (Idle past 567 days)
Posts: 99
From: Australia
Joined: 08-02-2010

Message 201 of 409 (680318)
11-19-2012 2:22 AM
Reply to: Message 199 by Faith
11-19-2012 1:46 AM

Re: The ENTIRE geological column.
Faith writes:
I don't understand your question still. This rock forms very deep in the earth. Who said it had anything to do with the Flood?
Well you did, not that long ago:
Faith writes:
Yes, the geological column all over the world had to have been formed by the Flood.
This rock is part of the 'Geological Column' yes? Or do you now retract this assertion?
What is the usual idea about how it came to the surface?
In the context of all rocks in the geological column having been formed by a flood 4000 years ago this question is irrelevant isn't it?

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 Message 199 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 1:46 AM Faith has replied

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 Message 208 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 7:37 AM Boof has replied

Dr Adequate
Posts: 16113
Joined: 07-20-2006

Message 202 of 409 (680319)
11-19-2012 3:09 AM
Reply to: Message 184 by Faith
11-19-2012 12:40 AM

Re: The ENTIRE geological column.
People are always trying to explain SOME of the layers, or just one, as formed by the Flood and the others by other means. There is no difference in their appearance one from another when you see a deep stack of them, such as in the Grand Canyon especially where the stack is a mile dee ...
Excuse me, did you just claim that the different layers in the Grand Canyon are all identical?
They're not. They're different. Some are limestone, some are sandstone, some are shale. The very names of the formations give it away. Obviously the Coconino Sandstone looks different from the Muav Limestone. The names are a big clue.
Different mechanisms for the formation of identical layers makes no sense.
Well, how about different mechanisms for different layers?
For example, real geologists say that there was one mechanisms for the Coconino Sandstone, which is made of sand, which is whitish in color, which contains cross-bedding, and which contains the footprints of land animals and no marine fossils; and another for the Muav Limestone, which is made of limestone, which is gray in color, which is which does not contain dunes, which contains marine fossils, and which contains no footprints.
Whereas apparently you clever clever flood geologists can explain why all the layers are identical, which isn't true. It's as I said before, it's not just that your explanations are bad, they're explanations for things which aren't remotely true. You have no idea what it is you should be trying to explain, so of course your explanations aren't any good.
And then you say that your explanations are as good as those of the experts. Well, they can't be. A non-expert explanation of why pigs have wings can never be as good as an expert explanation of why they don't, because pigs don't have wings. To even have a hope of claiming parity, the expert has to explain why they don't have wings, not why they do.

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 Message 184 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 12:40 AM Faith has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 205 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 7:26 AM Dr Adequate has replied

Member (Idle past 567 days)
Posts: 99
From: Australia
Joined: 08-02-2010

Message 203 of 409 (680322)
11-19-2012 4:15 AM
Reply to: Message 193 by Faith
11-19-2012 1:04 AM

Gods word - a lie?
Faith writes:
Let's get one thing straight. I believe the Bible is the word of God who made you, me and this entire Creation. His word has been understood for centuries by people just as "expert" as all you scientists, to show that He brought a great Flood on the earth to punish the sins of humanity and that this occurred about 4300 years ago. I do not feel I'm being arrogant in my pursuit of this because my aim is to serve Him, my Master, my Creator, and to be true to His word, and in fact if there's any arrogance in this project it's on the side of those who have the effrontery to tell God He's wrong. THAT is REAL arrogance.
Well let me get one thing straight Faith. There is no global conspiracy. The geologists are not secretly emailing the geneticists who are not in covert meetings with astronomers who are not making late night calls to palaeontologists all to make sure they are getting their lies right. They are simply and plainly reporting what is being evidenced to them in the rocks, genes, fossils and stars. The real question is - if the Earth, life and indeed the universe are all circa 6000 years old, why has God done his best to make it all look so damn old. Why is he such a liar?

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 Message 193 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 1:04 AM Faith has replied

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 Message 207 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 7:34 AM Boof has not replied

Dr Adequate
Posts: 16113
Joined: 07-20-2006

Message 204 of 409 (680332)
11-19-2012 6:32 AM
Reply to: Message 193 by Faith
11-19-2012 1:04 AM

Re: The ENTIRE geological column.
His word has been understood for centuries by people just as "expert" as all you scientists, to show that ...
To show that Protestants ought to burn Catholics alive, which they did.
And to show that Catholics ought to burn Protestants alive, which they did.

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 Message 193 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 1:04 AM Faith has replied

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 Message 206 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 7:28 AM Dr Adequate has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1765 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 205 of 409 (680336)
11-19-2012 7:26 AM
Reply to: Message 202 by Dr Adequate
11-19-2012 3:09 AM

Re: The ENTIRE geological column.
Oh for pete's sake, I know the layers are all different sediments, for crying out loud.
What I'm saying is that their general APPEARANCE, their CONDITION, is identical. There is not one iota of an appearance of difference to account for millions of years of age difference among them.
Really, this is ridiculous.

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 Message 202 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-19-2012 3:09 AM Dr Adequate has replied

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 Message 212 by JonF, posted 11-19-2012 8:09 AM Faith has not replied
 Message 213 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-19-2012 8:10 AM Faith has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1765 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 206 of 409 (680337)
11-19-2012 7:28 AM
Reply to: Message 204 by Dr Adequate
11-19-2012 6:32 AM

Re: The ENTIRE geological column.
The Catholic Church murdered some 67 million "heretics" over a six-century period of the Inquisition, most of which were Bible-believing Christians.
I can hardly think of Protestants doing anything remotely similar. Calvin having Servetus executed? The political uprising in Germany? The Salem witch trials that took 19 lives before the hysteria was stopped by the Protestant clergy?
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.

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 Message 204 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-19-2012 6:32 AM Dr Adequate has not replied

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 Message 220 by Coyote, posted 11-19-2012 10:40 AM Faith has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1765 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 207 of 409 (680339)
11-19-2012 7:34 AM
Reply to: Message 203 by Boof
11-19-2012 4:15 AM

Re: Gods word - a lie? "Science" is the liar
I didn't say there is a conspiracy and I don't doubt that most of this is done honestly. Nevertheless you all share a basic mindset. It was NOT necessary for Hutton to contradict the Bible, he could have tried to find an explanation for Siccar POint that supports the Bible, and such explanations exist, but he didn't. At every turn the choices made in the sciences that are about the prehistoric past were against the Bible when they didn't need to be. So now you've got so much stuff going in that direction you can't change back.
But there are nevertheless YECs who are also scientists. The Biblical Geology site I just found is by a geologist, and so far what I've found on his site is what I've been arguing myself. There are plenty of others. Ham who was quoted up thread somewhere named quite a few. Actual scientists, not amateurs like me.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.

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 Message 203 by Boof, posted 11-19-2012 4:15 AM Boof has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1765 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 208 of 409 (680340)
11-19-2012 7:37 AM
Reply to: Message 201 by Boof
11-19-2012 2:22 AM

Re: The ENTIRE geological column.
How is this rock part of the geological column if it's formed 45 kilometers deep in the earth?
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.

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 Message 201 by Boof, posted 11-19-2012 2:22 AM Boof has replied

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 Message 256 by Boof, posted 11-19-2012 4:23 PM Faith has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1765 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 209 of 409 (680341)
11-19-2012 7:38 AM
Reply to: Message 200 by PaulK
11-19-2012 2:10 AM

Re: The ENTIRE geological column.
Good grief, all i've asked is that hyou think about my arguments.

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 Message 200 by PaulK, posted 11-19-2012 2:10 AM PaulK has replied

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 Message 210 by PaulK, posted 11-19-2012 7:58 AM Faith has replied
 Message 214 by JonF, posted 11-19-2012 8:13 AM Faith has not replied

Posts: 18053
Joined: 01-10-2003
Member Rating: 4.9

Message 210 of 409 (680344)
11-19-2012 7:58 AM
Reply to: Message 209 by Faith
11-19-2012 7:38 AM

Re: The ENTIRE geological column.
You've also said that it is a sin and even arrogance to disagree with your religious beliefs. You told Foreveryoung to abandon Christianity rather than to accept a view of the Bible contrary to your beliefs. You insist that it is stupid to think that a global flood would be on a scale likely for a global flood. You're not even happy if I do consider your arguments unless I agree with them. I could go on and on but I think the point is made.

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 Message 209 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 7:38 AM Faith has replied

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 Message 211 by Faith, posted 11-19-2012 8:05 AM PaulK has replied

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