Do you believe in copyright laws? Copying stuff and playing it when you could have paid for it is stealing. Now, if you copy music that has advertising you have to listen to before you hear it, that isn't stealing since the musicians get paid for the advertising.
That's all fine to believe in and if you're a musician let your lawyers do what they have to do. But to say all of that you're saying (which I in some part agree with) as a
metal band, in fact the BEST metal band of the time, makes them look like assholes. A bunch of long haired metal musicians complaining about copyright laws and how much money they'll loose is fucking weak.
Other "I disappear" what other songs by Metallica after the black album were shitty?
ALL of it from Load, Re-load to St. Anger is horse shit. Granted, it's horse shit as compaired to albums like Ride the Lightning, Justice for All and Kill'em All. There is just no comparing the shit on Re-Load to any song on for example Ride the Lightning.
It pisses me off to no end being a die-hard Metallica fan how horrible they sound now.
I know some people did not like the black album because it wasn't the same style of music as before.
I've heard that too. And I get it. But I really liked the Black album. Enter Sandman is sick, Nothing Else Matters, Unforgiven, Sad But True, Wherever I May Roam...they're all pretty sick songs.
- Oni
Edited by onifre, : No reason given.