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Author Topic:   Tribute Thread for the Recently Passed Greats
Posts: 9489
From: Northwest, WI, USA
Joined: 08-15-2005

Message 226 of 1352 (683620)
12-12-2012 9:58 AM
Reply to: Message 225 by Asgara
12-12-2012 9:01 AM

Re: Ravi Shankar
I never knew till today that he was Norah Jones' father.

Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts
"God did it" is not an argument. It is an excuse for intellectual laziness.

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Member (Idle past 1831 days)
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From: Lone Star State USA
Joined: 02-19-2004

Message 227 of 1352 (683622)
12-12-2012 10:10 AM

I wonder if they play sitars in Hindi heaven rather than harps.
If so Ravi will be seriously doing some face melting solos! RIP. I enjoyed his ragas.

"You were not there for the beginning. You will not be there for the end. Your knowledge of what is going on can only be superficial and relative" William S. Burroughs

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Message 228 of 1352 (683623)
12-12-2012 10:11 AM

Patrick Moore
At my age I do what Mark Twain did. I get my daily paper, look at the obituaries page and if I'm not there I carry on as usual.
Alas, no longer carrying on as usual.

"There is no great invention, from fire to flying, which has not been hailed as an insult to some god." J. B. S. Haldane

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Message 229 of 1352 (689555)
02-01-2013 12:15 AM

Patty Andrews, the last surviving sister, dead at 94. Unless I'm mistaken, she's the one with the short solo in the middle of this:

Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. -- Thomas Jefferson
We see monsters where science shows us windmills. -- Phat
It has always struck me as odd that fundies devote so much time and effort into trying to find a naturalistic explanation for their mythical flood, while looking for magical explanations for things that actually happened. -- Dr. Adequate
Howling about evidence is a conversation stopper, and it never stops to think if the claim could possibly be true -- foreveryoung

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Posts: 3978
From: Duluth, Minnesota, U.S. (West end of Lake Superior)
Joined: 11-11-2001

Message 230 of 1352 (692852)
03-07-2013 10:57 PM

Duane Gish, 92
The Gish Gallop finally comes to a halt
which links to
Duane T. Gish dies | National Center for Science Education
which includes
The young-earth creationist Duane T. Gish died on March 5, 2013, at the age of 92, according to Answers in Genesis's obituary.
Much more there.

Professor, geology, Whatsamatta U
Evolution - Changes in the environment, caused by the interactions of the components of the environment.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for they are subtle and will piss on your computer." - Bruce Graham
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." - John Kenneth Galbraith
"Yesterday on Fox News, commentator Glenn Beck said that he believes President Obama is a racist. To be fair, every time you watch Glenn Beck, it does get a little easier to hate white people." - Conan O'Brien
"I know a little about a lot of things, and a lot about a few things, but I'm highly ignorant about everything." - Moose

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 Message 231 by Pressie, posted 03-08-2013 8:06 AM Minnemooseus has seen this message but not replied
 Message 235 by NoNukes, posted 03-09-2013 3:12 PM Minnemooseus has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 302 days)
Posts: 2103
From: Pretoria, SA
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Message 231 of 1352 (692863)
03-08-2013 8:06 AM
Reply to: Message 230 by Minnemooseus
03-07-2013 10:57 PM

Re: Duane Gish, 92
Thanks Minnemooseus
As someone who saw him 'debate', I thought I'd write something good about him.
I could think of: well, he lived to a ripe old age.
Nothing else came up. So, I'd rather not write anything else.

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 Message 230 by Minnemooseus, posted 03-07-2013 10:57 PM Minnemooseus has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 202 days)
Posts: 4001
From: Adirondackia
Joined: 07-21-2005

Message 232 of 1352 (692865)
03-08-2013 8:32 AM
Reply to: Message 229 by subbie
02-01-2013 12:15 AM

8 to the bar, baby!
My Mom would have been about her age. She married my father just before sending him off to the Pacific theater in 1942.
She adored the Andrews Sisters: she couldn't sing much, but she was a better dancer than the Sisters It's great to have the old films that remind us our parents/grandparents were once young and funky.
Can't you just hear the rock coming, though?

"If you can keep your head while those around you are losing theirs, you can collect a lot of heads."

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Member (Idle past 3941 days)
Posts: 196
From: Honduras
Joined: 02-11-2013

Message 233 of 1352 (692985)
03-09-2013 12:41 AM


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 Message 234 by onifre, posted 03-09-2013 2:34 PM CoolBeans has not replied

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Message 234 of 1352 (693013)
03-09-2013 2:34 PM
Reply to: Message 233 by CoolBeans
03-09-2013 12:41 AM

Re: Srsly?
Hugo Chavez
I have mixed feelings about him. I mostly disliked him but he did have his moments where he said a few things that I agreed with (especially when he was critical of US foreign policy and of the Bush admin). I also like socialism at it's core so I supported that aspect of his politics.
But overall he was like most politicians, a bag of shit.
- Oni
Edited by onifre, : No reason given.

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 Message 233 by CoolBeans, posted 03-09-2013 12:41 AM CoolBeans has not replied

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 Message 243 by dronestar, posted 03-15-2013 3:48 PM onifre has replied

Inactive Member

Message 235 of 1352 (693014)
03-09-2013 3:12 PM
Reply to: Message 230 by Minnemooseus
03-07-2013 10:57 PM

Re: Duane Gish, 92 ... some balance
AIG's brief bio is a bit kinder to Dr. Gish and not overly embellished with things that ought to anger proponents of evolution. I have no doubt that every word of it is true.
Dr. Duane Gish is a man who, in addition to his accomplishments as a speaker and writer, is known by many as the foremost creationist debater in the world today. He has logged literally hundreds of thousands of miles in order to bring the truth of creation to adults and children alike. Dr. Gish's travels have taken him to virtually every state in the continental U.S. and into 25 foreign countries, including the Soviet Union.
Dr. Gish is not only a distinguished scientist, but also a gracious Christian gentleman.
Edited by NoNukes, : spell balance correctly

Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also in prison. Thoreau: Civil Disobedience (1846)
The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and hasten the resurrection of the dead. William Lloyd Garrison.
If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning. Frederick Douglass

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 Message 230 by Minnemooseus, posted 03-07-2013 10:57 PM Minnemooseus has seen this message but not replied

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 Message 236 by CoolBeans, posted 03-09-2013 8:07 PM NoNukes has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 3941 days)
Posts: 196
From: Honduras
Joined: 02-11-2013

Message 236 of 1352 (693030)
03-09-2013 8:07 PM
Reply to: Message 235 by NoNukes
03-09-2013 3:12 PM

Re: Duane Gish, 92 ... some balance
Man 92 years old. Wouldnt say that it didnt took me by surprise, though.i

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 Message 235 by NoNukes, posted 03-09-2013 3:12 PM NoNukes has seen this message but not replied

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 Message 237 by Omnivorous, posted 03-09-2013 10:18 PM CoolBeans has replied

Member (Idle past 202 days)
Posts: 4001
From: Adirondackia
Joined: 07-21-2005

Message 237 of 1352 (693034)
03-09-2013 10:18 PM
Reply to: Message 236 by CoolBeans
03-09-2013 8:07 PM

Re: Duane Gish, 92 ... some balance
CoolBeans writes:
Man 92 years old. Wouldnt say that it didnt took me by surprise, though.i
Well said.
He was an evil man consumed by his passion to do violence to the truth.
Had he not been so hapless, I'd have had to stand over his grave till I was sure he was dead.

"If you can keep your head while those around you are losing theirs, you can collect a lot of heads."

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 Message 236 by CoolBeans, posted 03-09-2013 8:07 PM CoolBeans has replied

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 Message 238 by CoolBeans, posted 03-09-2013 10:20 PM Omnivorous has replied

Member (Idle past 3941 days)
Posts: 196
From: Honduras
Joined: 02-11-2013

Message 238 of 1352 (693035)
03-09-2013 10:20 PM
Reply to: Message 237 by Omnivorous
03-09-2013 10:18 PM

Re: Duane Gish, 92 ... some balance
He was dishonest but he atleast had a great delivery.

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 Message 237 by Omnivorous, posted 03-09-2013 10:18 PM Omnivorous has replied

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 Message 239 by Omnivorous, posted 03-09-2013 10:26 PM CoolBeans has not replied
 Message 240 by dwise1, posted 03-09-2013 11:18 PM CoolBeans has replied

Member (Idle past 202 days)
Posts: 4001
From: Adirondackia
Joined: 07-21-2005

Message 239 of 1352 (693036)
03-09-2013 10:26 PM
Reply to: Message 238 by CoolBeans
03-09-2013 10:20 PM

Re: Duane Gish, 92 ... some balance
CoolBeans writes:
He was dishonest but he atleast had a great delivery.
Goebbels liked dogs.

"If you can keep your head while those around you are losing theirs, you can collect a lot of heads."

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 Message 238 by CoolBeans, posted 03-09-2013 10:20 PM CoolBeans has not replied

Posts: 6196
Joined: 05-02-2006
Member Rating: 5.4

Message 240 of 1352 (693037)
03-09-2013 11:18 PM
Reply to: Message 238 by CoolBeans
03-09-2013 10:20 PM

Re: Duane Gish, 92 ... some balance
He was dishonest but he atleast had a great delivery.
So does any competent con man.

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 Message 238 by CoolBeans, posted 03-09-2013 10:20 PM CoolBeans has replied

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 Message 242 by CoolBeans, posted 03-10-2013 12:12 PM dwise1 has not replied

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