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Author | Topic: In Memoriam - Buzsaw | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CK Member (Idle past 4448 days) Posts: 3221 Joined:
Well that's very sad news - I remember Buzsaw from my time here.
Let's hope he found what he was looking for.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
"Now hope does not disappoint. Because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts, by the Holy Spirit, which was given to us." I only feel sorry, genuinely, for those who have never experienced the Holy Spirit and don't even understand what He is. It is coming for all of us. Are you really certain that you are right, and is it really worth being wrong? "Trust in the Lord, and lean not on your own understanding." "There is no counsel or knowledge against the Lord."
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Hide and banner.
CK Member (Idle past 4448 days) Posts: 3221 Joined: |
"It is coming for all of us. Are you really certain that you are right, and is it really worth being wrong?" Ah.. the threats... it's just like the old times.. sorry I'm not buying what you are saying - I wasn't five years ago, I'm not now.
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Hide and banner. Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Forgot a detail.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
No, that wasn't a threat. And in a thread as important to me as this one, I wouldn't do that. You see, what I meant was that we not only just believe what we have proclaimed, and then die. No - we actually know it to be true, and believe it, and so death for you is the end, but not for me and Buz. So when I say it's coming to us all, that is not the same as saying, "all atheists prepare for heat". To take what I meant as a threat is either a mistake or a very devious and twisted remark. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one. It kind of shocked me when I read your response, as though I am a salesman with temporary illness. Could you have entertained for a moment, the possibility that I was 100% seriously posing that question? After all, all people on earth ask themselves those kind of questions, and at a time like this, people sometimes need reminding of those big questions.
Edited by mike the wiz, : No reason given. Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Hide and banner.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
CK mentioned, "hope".
If anything, I thought the following scripture appropriate, knowing Buz believed the same scripture; "Now HOPE does not disappoint". I'm sure Buz agrees! (Hope nobody thinks I was attempting a debate, I definitely wasn't, certainly not in this thread!, I apologise Admin, I did not know the person named, "CK" was actually Charles Knight, so I thought our conversation would be light hearted. I then hovered over the name "CK" and see that I perhaps was wrong to respond.)
petrophysics1 Inactive Member
Hi Buz,
Was very sorry to hear about your taking leave, but on the bright side at least you don't have to live through four more years of Obama. Always wanted to know why you ended up in NY while being from WY. Guess I'll find out later. What a bummer although I know the area you lived, quite nice, I've hunted around there many times. Thought you would enjoy this, you did go against the crowd trying to get them to at least consider your opinion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chk3MoUvZGA Don't share your religious viewpoint so this is how I think about you. Catch you on the next go around. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw1bHaUk1CM
Adminnemooseus Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: |
The one with the page top announcement is intended for the unregistered, not the forum membership.
AdminnemooseusOr something like that.
Shield Member (Idle past 3182 days) Posts: 482 Joined:
Bump - This is the main Buzsaw memoriam topic
Yea, the thread that his family probably didnt see..They went to EvC, saw an announcement, clicked, and saw an empty thread. This thread should just have been moved to the part of the board where registration isent required. Edited by rbp, : No reason given.
CoolBeans Member (Idle past 3935 days) Posts: 196 From: Honduras Joined:
Im new here but Im sure he feels better now. Fuck this bitch ass earth! Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Hide.
Omnivorous Member (Idle past 195 days) Posts: 4001 From: Adirondackia Joined:
CoolBeans writes: Im new here but Im sure he feels better now. Fuck this bitch ass earth! And I'm sure he feels nothing at all. As to the earth...congrats, you and your ilk are fuckin' it up pretty good. Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Hide.
onifre Member (Idle past 3271 days) Posts: 4854 From: Dark Side of the Moon Joined: |
As to the earth...congrats, you and your ilk are fuckin' it up pretty good. The industrial revolution did that, not us. But Buzsaw would probably agree with you, although not with your language. ![]() - Oni Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Hide.
CoolBeans Member (Idle past 3935 days) Posts: 196 From: Honduras Joined: |
What did hondurans' ever did to you? Edited by CoolBeans, : No reason given. Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Hide.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
Logically, and rationally, (that might be regarded as a grammatical tautology, I agree) you do KNOW certainly, that his body "feels nothing", which I concede to the level of 100%, but when it comes to whether Buz's spirit lives or does not, you have no knowledge, or you only have, "ignorance". So you are breaking into the realm of (Argumentum Ad Ignorantiam.) Think about it, if revelation of God is down to revelation as the bible says, on God's terms, then internal knowledge, not objective studies, lead us to "know" what we can not see. "For we live by faith not by sight". As Christians we can't technically, "know" according to a rational-standard, if you like, that we continue after death, but the problem we have is that if we make the following statement, then we are CERTAINLY, lying to you; "I don't know God's presence and reality in my life." You can see our predicament. Here's the logic table for you; 1. Atheist = has no revelation under "internal knowledge"2. Atheist = has no objective data under "objective knowledge" (science and logic offer NOTHING because of their own impartial rules) 3. Theist Christian = has revelation through internal knowledge. 4. Theist Christian = has no objective data under "objective knowledge" (science and logic offer NOTHING because of their own impartial rules) So according to the bible, we can conclude with inductive value, that the Christian, to some level, can "know" something, but that biblically, an atheist certainly can't "know" anything, as he has no data, either objective or subjective. Of course, the bible also says there is evidence of the creation, I doubt this comes under, "proof", but rather it comes under confirmation evidence, as a consistent tally, in inductive reasoning. (For example, laws, order and design are consistent with the Creation we are told of, if perhaps not provable evidences for technical reasons that mean little to me, naturally.) So with the very greatest excellence, on behalf of Buzsaw's name, I am assured, through revelatory knowledge, that he is feeling, and feeling pretty damn good at that! Would you DESPISE this, Omni, if it be true? Whereas you only have personal ignorance. Can you appreciate why we would find no value in your assurance? Because you are like a man who is telling us that we will be fine if we jump off the cliff, because you are assured there is no such thing as gravity. That can only be either or both, ignorance/arrogance. I know it seems highly valuable to you, your assurance subjectively, but as you can see it is based on either arrogance through subjective complacency or ignorance, based on the common ignorance of all men. Of course my previous "Christian" comments were deleted, so it is likely this post will be deleted, and all of your posts. But if I did not have my say, it would be allowed to continue, so I say it is preferable to speak, on the whole, in that they can't delete me and not delete the previous off-topic rants, as that would be a blatant double standard, even according to their own Admin-rules. P.S. Of course, in the rational sense, if I really am dust after death, I can see that you would not mean that as a disrespect, in that it would just be a fact. Personally I would prefer an END to me, in that it is an advantage over personal pain, which you can suffer if you live and which seems to have been, by and far, more prevailent in my own life more than anything else. In that sense, atheism does not scare me. Although I don't want to END because, "God has set eternity in the heart of man". I can't deny this, or I would be a liar, and I am told that all of my afflictions are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in me. So we hold on to faith, as a far more courageous undertaking than your skepticism, an easy game any man of any intelligence can play.. At least Crashfrog is honest - he always said that he had nothing to offer me with atheism. By and large I find "nothing" in it, although those who have the affliction seem to come under "pride" in that they MUST be god, they MUST dictate truth, they MUST be correct, it MUST be their way otherwise you will be insulted, personally attacked. I suppose in a way it is a kind of psychological insecurity of some sort, perhaps? I mean - why would atheists feel the need to disrespect a dead Christian anyway? Are you saying that somehow, even now, Buz grates on you in some way, because of the truth he stood for? ![]() Edited by mike the wiz, : No reason given. Edited by mike the wiz, : No reason given. Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Hide.
Theodoric Member Posts: 9489 From: Northwest, WI, USA Joined: |
It really takes a vile person to attempt to hijack a memoriam thread to spout their personal, pet views. You should be ashamed of yourself. Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Hide.
CoolBeans Member (Idle past 3935 days) Posts: 196 From: Honduras Joined:
Lol I didnt read any of that. Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Hide.
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