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Author | Topic: Report Discussion Problems Here 4.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Admin Director Posts: 13135 From: EvC Forum Joined: |
Yes, I know. But I do not usually moderate religious threads unless things get truly out of hand or the issues are very clear cut. Plus I haven't the time to take on more moderation tasks at present.
Theodoric Member Posts: 9489 From: Northwest, WI, USA Joined:
Well you need a moderator for the religious forums.
kofh2u is destroying most of the threads with the same bullshit and assertions he posts everywhere. Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts "God did it" is not an argument. It is an excuse for intellectual laziness.
Theodoric Member Posts: 9489 From: Northwest, WI, USA Joined:
kofh2u destroys thread after thread with crap like this.
Fine,... But don't stop reading now that we are back of track.The Higgs connects this "God particle" with what may well be the Urim and Thummim. The U&T allowed the high priest to discern the will of that same God which interacts with mankind, wherein using his own High Priest, Truth, all is revealed by casting this fixed pattern, as if a vail before the Temple, over everything we come to fully understand. Exodus 26:33And thou shalt hang up the vail under the taches, that thou mayest bring in thither within the vail the ark of the testimony: and the vail shall divide unto you between the holy place and the most holy. Who would guess that this is in a thread about the Higgs boson? Are we to continue to put up with this just because he is a nutball fundie/kinda creo? Are we this desperate for anti-science people on this forum, that we will notnhave any moderation for the ant-science people? People come here for intelligent, reasonable discourse, not nutball crap and trolling.Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts "God did it" is not an argument. It is an excuse for intellectual laziness.
kofh2u Member (Idle past 4135 days) Posts: 1162 From: phila., PA Joined:
Who would guess that this is in a thread about the Higgs boson?
Clearly Kofh has spent much time thinking about the Higgs particle and its ramifications for Religion and the ancient 'science" of the Kabbalah. This is evident from the all-so-ready Graphic Organizers that he has been posting in this thread. The arrogance and attempt to restrain Free Speech by you almost science-literate people is illustrated here, where you try to silence the religious side of this Higgs experiment while posting thrad that clai it is the "God Particle." You are an intellectual coward. You just have no come back to me when I post these insights that demonstrate the meaning of the Torah.It has always been people like you that have forced The Kabbalah to be called that secret knowledge of Israel. Why not try to accept the Graphic Organization of the Elemental Particles as an amazing piece of scientifically derived information? The ancient pattern of the Kabbalah is being experimentally shown to exist in this Quantum research, isn't it??? The Scientific Method is establishing the last theoretical particle needed to fill in all the Kabbalahistic spaces.
AdminNosy Administrator Posts: 4755 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Joined: |
You may rant all you want but you have avoided responding to criticisms of your posts and will not be able to continue.
kofh2u Member (Idle past 4135 days) Posts: 1162 From: phila., PA Joined:
Look Percy, just because these guys are losing and I post stuff that they can ignore or respond to, if they want, censoring this ORIGINAL and different ideas ought understandably uppset these fellows who never even imaged these perspectives.
It saying things these people have never said in the ten year gone by doesn't add to the discussion, then repeating their nonsense to themselves is all this forum has left. The Kabbalah is part of religion, and ought be welcaome in religious forums .
Straggler Member (Idle past 380 days) Posts: 10333 From: London England Joined:
I think you should propose a thread specifically dedicated to your graphical inventions. Such a thread might make it to the 'Is it science?' section of the forum. Or it might end up in the 'Free for all' area.
Eiether way it will be a place to put forward these ideas of yours without clogging up every single other thread with the same picture of inter-linked squares and triangles.
Kof writes: Why not try to accept the Graphic Organization of the Elemental Particles as an amazing piece of scientifically derived information? These self-constructed graphics linking science and religion - Did you invent them or discover them? Objectively speaking could anyone have come to the same conclusions as you and if so why haven't they? these are the questions you could start your new thread with....
Admin Director Posts: 13135 From: EvC Forum Joined:
Straggler writes: These self-constructed graphics linking science and religion - Did you invent them or discover them? I think these images that Kofh2u has posted so many times and that have become so familiar should be restricted to the Kof2hu's 22 species corresponding to Genesis thread. Anyone who notices these images being posted to any other thread should please bring it to the attention of moderators by posting a note here. Thanks.
Straggler Member (Idle past 380 days) Posts: 10333 From: London England Joined: |
Admin writes: I think these images that Kofh2u has posted so many times and that have become so familiar should be restricted to the Kof2hu's 22 species corresponding to Genesis thread. OK. But bizzarrely that seems to be the only recent thread that the elements/particles/squares&triangles pictures haven't yet been posted.
Admin Director Posts: 13135 From: EvC Forum Joined: |
Straggler writes: OK. But bizzarrely that seems to be the only recent thread that the elements/particles/squares&triangles pictures haven't yet been posted. See Message 17 - oh, never mind, you meant that other one. Edited by Admin, : Wrong image.
GrimSqueaker Member (Idle past 4003 days) Posts: 137 From: Ireland Joined: |
Could Kofh2u defend why he suggested I was unsuited for me career and called me a lame brain among other things?
AdminNosy Administrator Posts: 4755 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Joined: |
I suggest that you consider the source. Has Kofh2u gotten anything right here? Try to ignore some of what he says. If he persists or goes overboard post here again.
kofh2u Member (Idle past 4135 days) Posts: 1162 From: phila., PA Joined: |
...avoided responding to criticisms of your posts..
? Every post i have made on this site has been criticized and I have always responded to the point that much criticism is Off Topic and gets me defending against things that ought not be brought up in the first place. Eli will insist that there are only 18 grouops of chemical families, for instnce, which has nothing to do with the thread theme of whether the Higgs God-particle has religious merit.
kofh2u Member (Idle past 4135 days) Posts: 1162 From: phila., PA Joined: |
I think you should propose a thread specifically dedicated to your graphical inventions. Such a thread might make it to the 'Is it science?' section of the forum. Or it might end up in the 'Free for all' area.
I would like to do so.The situation here is that ten regulars and a rare newbie now and again, are the audience for our interactions. The unanimous rejection by these opinionate closed minded people, in general, and the overt attempts to get me suspended by intelectual cowards like Eli, appeal to administors who have no tolerance for me anyway. That has restricted the latitude of free speech and open discussion. Not that that is not always the case when new ideas are presented to old people who will rally around the Staus Quo. It is 10-1 here, and just look above in this thread, how that majority view is used asif valid the excuse to censor me. Edited by kofh2u, : No reason given.
kofh2u Member (Idle past 4135 days) Posts: 1162 From: phila., PA Joined: |
I think these images that Kofh2u has posted so many times and that have become so familiar should be restricted to the Kof2hu's 22 species corresponding to Genesis thread. Anyone who notices these images being posted to any other thread should please bring it to the attention of moderators by posting a note here. Thanks.
Really?You want to censor graphic Organizers because you already saw them when I responded to your posts? I have not posted the SAME person the Same Graphic organizer on the SAME thread ever. You unfair, bias restriction that would prohibit me from using a picture worth a thousand words when discussing an issue with some else is exactly the thing which this site does to limit fair play, open discussion, and free speech. AND,... that comes NOT from the religious sector so much where heresy was always the cry against openness, but from SUPPOSEDly educated science literate people here. Shame. NOTE: Evidence for Effectiveness of graphic Organizer across the curriculum: There is solid evidence for the effectiveness of graphic organizers in facilitating learning. Ten of the 12 studies investigating effects of graphic organizer use on learning reviewed here reported some positive learning outcome.
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