Jon writes:
I'm going to attempt an actual reply to the topic of this thread.
On-topic! Whoa. Radical.
As a nonbeliever, I take a functional, historical view of the Trinity: Judaic monotheism was hijacked by a charismatic teacher, requiring the Son; his teachings and subsequent oral history opened the door to the Holy Spirit.
Functionally, the Trinity breaks the rational mind; you cannot reason your way to the Trinity any more than you can reason your way to a God. It is a theologically useful way to say, stop thinking and just believe.
Perhaps, as women make more gains, prompting a greater recognition of the feminine creative principle (if a god created everything alone, what's more likely--male or female?), we may arrive at the Quadrinity: the Mother, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
Though the Prodigal Daughters may not be satisfied with that.
"If you can keep your head while those around you are losing theirs, you can collect a lot of heads."