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Author | Topic: Hollow Earth Expedition? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Colbard Member (Idle past 3711 days) Posts: 300 From: Australia Joined: |
Coyote writes:
The data is interesting and true, the conclusions from that data point to what is current theory, although we don't know for sure about what temperatures may be down there, unless we attribute the evidence for a softer state inside the earth to molten rock.
We can gather data through a variety of methods, and then make attempts to analyze and organize that data.Why do you say we can't do all of this?
Colbard Member (Idle past 3711 days) Posts: 300 From: Australia Joined: |
Jar writes: I've asked you before and you have never provided an answer. You must have been writing this while my previous post was on the way.So what do you think?
jar Member (Idle past 159 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
I think your point is just more nonsense.
Why can't we know temperatures or the properties of matter? Edited by jar, : appalin spallinAnyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!
Colbard Member (Idle past 3711 days) Posts: 300 From: Australia Joined: |
Jar writes:
Well according to the data it is what we predict, but the data does not prove what the temperatures are down there, it mainly reveals that the rock is plastic, rather than solid, a condition which comes about by molten rock. But the forces described by the ancients may also bring back the same readings/data. I think your point is just more nonsense.Why can't we know temperatures or the properties of matter? While there is no feasible reason for the MOHO layer, the model of ancient times predicts it as well as the interior acting like it is filled with liquid, as well as the ringing bell effect the earth has during earthquakes. If the earth's crust was sitting on top of semi molten or plastic rock, then the sound and shock waves would not propagate like they do in a hollow object, like a bell. The plastic rock would quell the waves. And yet this bell effect takes place, as well as the other effects we associate with plastic rock. So the current theory about the earth's interior, provides answers to some of the data, but not all of it. Edited by Colbard, : because I can
jar Member (Idle past 159 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
So you admit that we have partial answers, but you claim we cannot know even more in the future?
Why do you claim we cannot know about the center of the earth?Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!
JonF Member (Idle past 488 days) Posts: 6174 Joined: |
The interior of the earth cannot be fathomed or discovered, but only theorized about. Sheesh, we take pictures of the interior of the Earth all the time. Seismic tomography. Like a CAT scan except with earthquake waves instead of X-rays. E.g. a subducting slab in the South Pacific from Depth Extent of the Lau Back-Arc Spreading Center and Its Relation to Subduction Processes (free registration required) (click to embiggenize):
JonF Member (Idle past 488 days) Posts: 6174 Joined: |
unless we attribute the evidence for a softer state inside the earth to molten rock Plastic rock, not molten rock.
JonF Member (Idle past 488 days) Posts: 6174 Joined: |
the rock is plastic, rather than solid, a condition which comes about by molten rock Or, as it really is in this case, high temperature and pressure. The rock is solid but deforms plastically under those conditions.
JonF Member (Idle past 488 days) Posts: 6174 Joined: |
If the earth's crust was sitting on top of semi molten or plastic rock, then the sound and shock waves would not propagate like they do in a hollow object, like a bell. The plastic rock would quell the waves. And yet this bell effect takes place, as well as the other effects we associate with plastic rock. Gibberish and BS. Primary (P) waves are compressional waves, secondary (S) waves are shear waves. Like all mechanical waves they propagate differently through different media to different extents as long as it's not vacuum. Liquid, solid but plastic rock, air, whatever; except S waves don't propagate through liquid. (That's one way we know that the mantle and inner core are not a liquid or a gas, and the outer core is a liquid). When any kind of wave encounters a boundary between areas with different propagation characteristics (impedance) part of the wave reflects, part of the wave is transmitted across the interface. This allows us to detect interfaces. For S and P waves sometimes the nature of the transmitted or reflected wave changes. Also, when density changes (as it does with depth) the wave path may be curved by refraction. Here's a couple of images showing this visually:
Colbard Member (Idle past 3711 days) Posts: 300 From: Australia Joined: |
Jar writes: So you admit that we have partial answers, but you claim we cannot know even more in the future?Why do you claim we cannot know about the center of the earth? We can know, but not uncover or discover. You know there's a fire behind the door but you can't open the door without a blast that will kill you.according to the Bible and the ancients the interior annihilates whatever comes into contact. So why does not the crust get consumed? because the crust is made of the opposite force that's within the earth, which conserves energy. These two forces are balanced at their proximity to each other, just like they are in molecules. The effect of the "waters" inside the earth causes the opposite force the "light" to become attracted and concentrated around the "waters." This forms a gradient of energy from outer space (about 2 light years out) to the base of the earth's crust.This gradient has some effects one of which is gravity.
jar Member (Idle past 159 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
More crap from the ancients nonsense.
Have you anything but bullshit and nonsense?
So why does not the crust get consumed? because the crust is made of the opposite force that's within the earth, which conserves energy. These two forces are balanced at their proximity to each other, just like they are in molecules. But the crust does get consumed regularly. There is more than ample evidence for that. And we can even observe that happening. So again, why can't the interior of the earth be discovered?Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!
JonF Member (Idle past 488 days) Posts: 6174 Joined: |
O-O-O-KAY, we're doing the full-bore gibberish. (Backing away slowly).
Colbard Member (Idle past 3711 days) Posts: 300 From: Australia Joined: |
The two forces mentioned have a place beneath the crust where they are distinctly divided, but some of the effects created by their attempted interactions, is a layering effect, as well as vertical convolutions. The layering effects reach below the crust, through the crust, and out into our atmosphere as well as outer space.
We can see this effect in the clouds which form at specific heights and distinct levels, unlike a steamed up kitchen which would happen by the scientific model of weather. The vertical convolutions and columns reach right into the interior of the earth, and are responsible for the creases in the crust, deep crevices in the ocean etc. Our 'pictures' and models of the earth's interior, show even layers all throughout the globe beneath, major layers and minor ones, as well as deep breaks or spikes that are wider at the surface and narrower down into the earth. We also have a lot of energy being released from out of the ground, in some places higher levels than what is radiated onto the earth from outer space. Due to the spikes and layering these measurements will differ according to the visible landscape above. Places where the "waters' are prominent will produce high amounts of A and B particles to be released. places where the columns or spikes are will absorb a lot of particles from outer space. The Waters are responsible for releasing energy, which causes earthquakes and melting rocks. The Light causes energy to be retained, causing things like low pressure systems and rising moisture. The sun is constructed by the same forces. Where the Light enters, there are sun spots and fissures or creases in the surface, and where the Waters are active, there are flares and flames. The sun also demonstrates layering in the space above the surface. A flare will rise and return to the surface, and there are sometimes layers at the same height in the up and down drafts that extinguish the flame and or lessen the temperatures.
Colbard Member (Idle past 3711 days) Posts: 300 From: Australia Joined: |
Jon F writes: O-O-O-KAY, we're doing the full-bore gibberish. (Backing away slowly). No one is disagreeing with what has been observed. Your posts do not contradict what I am saying. But you are so busy cussing me over definitions that you missed that I agree with you. Just chill out.
Colbard Member (Idle past 3711 days) Posts: 300 From: Australia Joined: |
Jar writes: But the crust does get consumed regularly. There is more than ample evidence for that. And we can even observe that happening. So again, why can't the interior of the earth be discovered? The Bible says about the interior, "it is turned up as with fire"Religionists have immediately jumped onto that pagan wagon and gone the whole way calling it hell fire. But it says "AS with fire" in many other places it says that it is frozen or cold and so forth. That's because the energy or heat has been fully consumed or released into itself or back into the earth. Part of it will and can melt the rocks and even cause the recycling of the plates, like the tracks on earth moving equipment. the ocean bed shows that this happens all the time, causing continental drift. Below the crust and all its hot and cold spots, is a state which is not hollow, but mimics partial solidity to varying degrees in different places. It is only an effect, and does not necessarily mean that the insides are as such. But if we were to be in it, we would turn into nothing. The conditions of this force within, can be changed and caused to erupt, in which case whole mountain chains would disappear, islands would vanish, and there would be places where it the earth has deep cavities in the crust. If the other force - the light went out off control, the earth would stop and spin in the other direction and reel around like a drunkard.
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