Phat writes:
They simply regurgitate the blogs and posts that they wish the internet-at-large to read for some odd reason. I am losing patience with these people and unless they actually take the time to have a normal conversation with us that cannot be googled elsewhere, I vote to permanently ban them. Percy, if you see this, what do YOU think?
If Bob Bobber has been cut-n-pasting from other sites, no matter whether his own words, and if he's continued doing it in the face of nearly continuous objections from participants and a couple warnings from moderators, then this would explain why he's not making sense or responding to what was said. Some people just want their words on as many websites as possible, and perhaps he's one of them.
I've been leaning toward taking action soon. Maybe I would have posted a note to the thread asking participants if they wanted to continue trying to find common ground with Bob. Faith has been carrying a heavy load here, and only by reading Faith's posts have I been able to grasp some of what Bob has been trying to say.
Hopefully we welcome people of all points of view, but if they can't or won't express themselves coherently or engage in a back-and-forth dialog then board moderation has to take action. Bob Bobber seems on the road to an indefinite suspension, but we should see what he says and how he acts upon his return.
-- | Percy |
| EvC Forum Director |