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Author | Topic: People ARE Mixing the Gospels Together! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
So-called Christendom today fails to rightly divide the word of truth, because they have mixed God’s program with Israel and his program with the Body of Christ and mixed dispensations together; dispensations that do not mix together, and as a result, they think they have taken on Israel’s role from the point where Israel left off.
The programs have simply been intertwined in the minds of the religious world. Any kind of works at all, even if they appear to be good works in a our minds, that are done for the purpose attaining salvation, or for the purpose of maintaining salvation, and even for the purpose of proving our salvation is a slap in the face of God, who had to provide the gift of salvation, because our righteousness would be totally incapable of meriting it.
It was God’s plan to use the faith and its resultant faithfulness of the son of God in the ultimate glorification of human-kind who would take him at his word, the union of believers to Christ is that which allows God to remain just when he credits those with the righteousness of his son.
Are we to study the Word of God as though it were a hodge-podge assortment of instructions that are all the same for all the people of all the ages? Some people study it that way, and then wonder why they can not make sense of it.
Cafeteria Christianity, each group placing on their plate the portion, or portions of Scripture that appeal most to them. We want this, but we will ignore that. We will take one of these, but we will leave the others off our plate. But we can not pick and choose whatever doctrine suits our appetites, as though it is left up to us to sere ourselves.
We have to allow God to tell us in the Word, the portions of that Word that are specifically written about and directly apply to us. If you read the words ye men of Israel, ye men of Judaea do not take from the table of that nation and put that instruction on your plate. You are not the nation Israel. You are not under the law, they were. You are under grace!
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
Jesus gave himself a ransom for MANY. Who are the many spoken of? Israel!
But a ransom for all was not testified until Paul proclaimed it, the revelation of the secret, which was kept secret since the world began. Are you sure you want to say Jesus die on the cross is good enough?
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
Paul’s message is unique and distinct from the message of Jesus Christ and the 12 apostles, there is difference in God’s earthly program and God’s heavenly program, what traditions of people must be left behind if we take the doctrine of Paul seriously?
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
Today, for the most part, we are also an unbelieving people. Instead of trusting in God’s word and resting in the glories of his grace that we’re shown through the word, we are even now continually looking for signs, continually looking for visual evidences of God’s presence and his approval in the day-to-day circumstance of our lives.
The body of Christ is not the sign nation, and we have not become the assumers and fulfillers of God’s program with that sign-nation. Many think we have, that program has been placed on hold while God completes his plan and purpose for the saints of this dispensation.
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
But many of them, as their faith gives way to feeling, people begin to base their faith on feeling. They want a God they can move to, and they want teachers who can make them feel good in the process. They find themselves on an endless quest for emotional satisfaction, because they relate their closeness to God upon feeling.
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
The only component of Paul’s good news Satan needs to focus on today to keep people in a lost condition, is the reality of reconciliation, he does not need to go any further than that.
But the 12 apostles preached the reality of the resurrection of Jesus ‘the messiah’. The 12 apostles had preached the necessity of Jesus ‘the messiah’ being raised from among the dead, in order to sit on the throne of David in the promised kingdom. Salvation in the Hebrew Bible does not refer to an individual's deliverance from a sinful nature. This is not a concept that is found in the Hebrew Bible. Salvation refers instead, to the concrete, collective, communal salvation from national suffering and oppression, particularly in the form of foreign rule of enslavement. You see, if Israel could have their sins remitted nationally, then Israel could indeed become that holy nation and kingdom of priests. And if Israel could become that holy nation and kingdom of priests, then the Gentiles would be able to come to Yahweh through Israel’s rise. Seven years stood between Israel and them gaining their earthly Kingdom. But Paul taught what that resurrection meant to the Gentiles.
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
Most people think salvation is the end result, salvation is the starting point. The issue of salvation is understanding the reconciliation where our sin is concerned, do we understand that God is reconciled where all sin is concerned for all time.
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
Does God really hate man because of the actions of men? The fact is that God loves man so much that the magnitude of his love is almost incomprehensible to imagine. In the past, God stood far off from the sinner, but God’s love is so paramount that he says he loves humans who are actively his enemies.
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
But the giants, these abnormal beings, their destruction was necessary for the preservation of the human race, and for the faithfulness of Yahweh’s Word (Gen. 3:15).
If you think about, you would not even be here if God did save the human race back then.
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
Certainly, the bible shows that God does not like the actions of people, but God reconciled himself to his enemies while they are still in hostility, although this statement may appear to be strange and impossible, but it is not. These are important words; God’s reconciliation to human race took place when people was actively his enemy, not after people repented.
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
God’s reconciliation to man is from God’s side only.
God alone decided to make peace with the human race, and he did it through the death of his son, while the human race is still very much ungodly, a sinner, and while the human race is an active enemy to God. This one-sided reconciliation on God’s part is self-evident proof of God’s superabundant love to human race.
Edited by Bob Bobber, : No reason given.
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
The progeny of the fallen angels during the flood, they will not be resurrected. God made up his mind to become completely reconciled to the human race before the human race made any signs of making peace with God.
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
God has kept the fingerprints of the guilt-worthy off of the righteousness he designed for the guilt-worthy. God is not patiently waiting for us to change our mind about what we do, many have done that, thinking it gains salvation. God views us in our glorified identity, he sees us as being joined to his son.
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
Ministers of righteousness have been taught to teach what they are teaching, and in so doing, they are dis-serving what was accomplished by Christ.
Just understand, there is no additional sin question in the mind of God when it comes to his forgiveness or his righteous justice, the sin issue has been taken care of.
Bob Bobber Member (Idle past 3258 days) Posts: 187 Joined: |
But you will just yawn. There are people that live in a state that is opposite of happiness, they always seems to be down, always be angry, always be ready for disappointment. Happiness is a state of mind that can be created, happiness is a state of mind that can be mustered up, happiness is a choice.
There are many who lack joy from not understanding that justification is complete, so we can not look at people and say that person gave their life for what they believed, religious, but lost. By the way, what is a Poe?
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