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Author Topic:   Report Discussion Problems Here 4.0
Suspended Member (Idle past 1766 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
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Message 496 of 903 (786007)
06-14-2016 4:28 PM

another one
Here's another charmer from Dr. A who really should get more than a wrist slap for doing this to so many of us so frequently. This isn't debate. Perhaps it should be called hate speech.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.

Replies to this message:
 Message 497 by Admin, posted 06-14-2016 5:20 PM Faith has not replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 497 of 903 (786012)
06-14-2016 5:20 PM
Reply to: Message 496 by Faith
06-14-2016 4:28 PM

Re: another one
You've caught me a minute before dinner and I always review thread context before taking action. Perhaps another moderator can handle this. Dr A knows better, I guess he wants a vacation. If he wants to mitigate the action perhaps if he notices this he can edit his replies so that they instead read like explanations of why he found your quoted comments problematic.

EvC Forum Director

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 Message 496 by Faith, posted 06-14-2016 4:28 PM Faith has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 498 by Dr Adequate, posted 06-14-2016 7:45 PM Admin has seen this message but not replied

Dr Adequate
Posts: 16113
Joined: 07-20-2006

Message 498 of 903 (786022)
06-14-2016 7:45 PM
Reply to: Message 497 by Admin
06-14-2016 5:20 PM

Re: another one
If he wants to mitigate the action perhaps if he notices this he can edit his replies so that they instead read like explanations of why he found your quoted comments problematic.
As I indicated in my post, because they are an attempt to hijack the thread and make it about nonsense she's been corrected on a thousand times. This problem precludes me from arguing with her about the other things that make her post stupid, since if I did so I would be contributing to her derail.
Incidentally, did you read the post I was replying to? The pot is running to the head scullion and complaining "But the kettle called me b-b-b-blaaack!"

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 Message 497 by Admin, posted 06-14-2016 5:20 PM Admin has seen this message but not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1766 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 499 of 903 (787912)
07-23-2016 3:00 PM

Dr. A again
I'm debating as honestly as I can and Dr. A's typical insults are distracting and offensive: Message 30 (I responded to him in Message 31.)
Also it appears I used the wrong thread for my last objections to insults. They should have been on this thread. That's 836 and 837 on the Discuss Moderation thread.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.

Member (Idle past 160 days)
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Message 500 of 903 (788365)
07-30-2016 9:34 AM

New idiot spammer shiblukhan

My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios

Suspended Member (Idle past 1766 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
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Message 501 of 903 (788492)
08-01-2016 10:04 AM

I routinely put up with PaulK's snarling venom-dripping personal attacks, but I don't see why I should. He seems incapable of making a point about the topic without accusing me of something. I'm finally complaining about this latest one.
Thanks for your attention.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.

Replies to this message:
 Message 502 by Admin, posted 08-03-2016 8:31 AM Faith has not replied

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From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 502 of 903 (788648)
08-03-2016 8:31 AM
Reply to: Message 501 by Faith
08-01-2016 10:04 AM

Re: PaulK
Message 252, Message 254 and Message 255 do not rise to the level of requiring moderator attention.

EvC Forum Director

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 Message 501 by Faith, posted 08-01-2016 10:04 AM Faith has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1766 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 503 of 903 (789250)
08-12-2016 4:13 AM

Wish to register a complaint about dwise here

Member (Idle past 160 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
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Message 504 of 903 (789999)
08-23-2016 10:11 AM

Need some clarification on a possible topic
Could the Mods take a look at Message 230 and see if expanding into how Christianity markets Jesus would be off topic?

My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios

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 Message 505 by Phat, posted 08-23-2016 1:13 PM jar has not replied

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Message 505 of 903 (790016)
08-23-2016 1:13 PM
Reply to: Message 504 by jar
08-23-2016 10:11 AM

Re: Need some clarification on a possible topic
I would think that it fits nicely in my current thread. After all, it does pertain to Christian marketing.

Chance as a real force is a myth. It has no basis in reality and no place in scientific inquiry. For science and philosophy to continue to advance in knowledge, chance must be demythologized once and for all. —RC Sproul
"A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." —Mark Twain "
~"If that's not sufficient for you go soak your head."~Faith

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 Message 504 by jar, posted 08-23-2016 10:11 AM jar has not replied

Member (Idle past 2263 days)
Posts: 852
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Message 506 of 903 (790118)
08-25-2016 6:31 PM

"On the Origin of Life" Thread
In typical Pressie fashion, he/she/it has gone off in a rather unhinged-and-unjustified manner against Lomu. See Message 14. I suggest some sort of disciplinary action, but ofc that's up to the mods.

Suspended Member (Idle past 1766 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
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Message 507 of 903 (791146)
09-12-2016 8:28 AM

I suppose I should have a tougher hide by now but it seems to be getting thinner rather than tougher. For that reason I don't really expect anything to be done about my complaints, but it makes me feel better to register them.
In this case, Dwise at message 126 on the OEC-YEC thread for his last two sentences which in my opinion step over the line into personal attack. PaulK's message 125 right above it deserves a dishonorable mention for unfair debate tactics. And NoNukes has been way over the line just in attitude in many posts on the thread, though he seems to have had a change of heart in his latest.
Thanks for your ear.

Suspended Member (Idle past 1766 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 508 of 903 (791168)
09-12-2016 12:32 PM

Make that four
Here's one that's nothing but assertion, insinuation, accusation and foul language by jar

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 509 of 903 (791300)
09-14-2016 8:08 AM

Concerning Problems Reported at the Glenn Morton's Evidence Examined Thread
There have been a couple recent reports concerning problems at the Glenn Morton's Evidence Examined thread. Before examining the problem messages (Message 126 and Message 148) I began reading the thread from the beginning. The problems seem to begin much earlier. This is from Faith's Message 55:
Faith in Message 55 writes:
Since there is no way anyone will ever agree with me here I am reduced to simply asserting that my interpretation is the correct one and yours are all ridiculously inadequate.
...Take it or leave it.
I'm done with this.
This is from Faith's Message 56:
Faith in Message 56 writes:
One last OBVIOUS point and then you can all go back to your silly meaningless gibbering.
NOW I'm done.
It is requested that all participants make a good faith effort to concentrate discussion on the evidence and arguments and not introduce inflammatory comments that invariably distract from the topic.
I haven't posted to the thread because I may want to participate, but I haven't yet read to the end.
Edited by Admin, : Fix title.

EvC Forum Director

Member (Idle past 2427 days)
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Message 510 of 903 (791608)
09-18-2016 10:59 AM

Seems to be some problem here Message 1

Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge.
Belief gets in the way of learning--Robert A. Heinlein
In the name of diversity, college student demands to be kept in ignorance of the culture that made diversity a value--StultisTheFool
It's not what we don't know that hurts, it's what we know that ain't so--Will Rogers
If I am entitled to something, someone else is obliged to pay--Jerry Pournelle
If a religion's teachings are true, then it should have nothing to fear from science...--dwise1
"Multiculturalism" demands that the US be tolerant of everything except its own past, culture, traditions, and identity.

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 Message 511 by Admin, posted 09-18-2016 11:16 AM Coyote has not replied

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