Your entire opening post is an assertion. Look how many times you said, "invented", so as to avoid having to prove your case. Lol.
Look at all of the question-begging-epithets you used, and repeated. If you keep calling a man a woman do you think saying it over and over again proves your case?
What is, "immoral" under a Godless worldview remind us? Oh yes, I forget, it's "anything you say it is." (relativism) In which case, your opinion God is "immoral" is a matter of opinion. Which is an example of
sawing off the branch you are sitting on.
Under atheism, an implication of an accidental universe is that all morality is only relative conditioning, so to state God is, "immoral" could only be regarded as your subjective opinion, to refute you all a person has to do is literally say, "I disagree God is immoral" and who is to say they are wrong and you are right, under the logic of relativism?
First prove God is invented. All you offer so far is a generalisation-fallacy that because it seems clear gods can be invented, all gods are, and it seems even that fallacy wasn't fully formed, you kind of only got half the impression across by simply stating different examples of God, it is hard to interpret your convoluted, gibberish.
Obviously it is possible to create gods, yes, which if anything is problematic because that can in no way tell you if God does not exist, it just means a lot of shallow baloney-gods clearly invented to fill gaps, DON'T exist.
To jump to the conclusion that because we know men can invent false gods, and some clearly are, doesn't mean that all gods are false, which is a hasty generalisation.
The fact God says not to create idols or seek after other gods in the bible, can be taken as evidence that God does not want mankind to create false gods BECAUSE it will mislead them into concluding that He is not God. But of course, we instead have to GRANT your assumptions that God is not speaking. But you offer no argumentation, you just assert your beliefs He is invented.
So what!
I see that search for a god as a search for the best laws and rules to live life by
Who cares. You don't know God, have never had Him speak to you or known His presence. So why should an ignorant, relative opinion matter to me anyway? If you knew someone and knew them well and an ignorant twonk came up to you and said all false things about that person because they didn't know Him, why would you value their opinion as anything more than
ignorant drivel?
Arrogant too, given they speak confidently about knowledge they do not have.
Your post isn't going to make Him invented dude, because the butterflies and trees will still exist in the morning, which is the clear evidence of His handiwork, and a trillion scientists saying otherwise won't make those baked beans unbaked.