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Author Topic:   The Nonsense of Revelation 13 Economics
Suspended Member (Idle past 2626 days)
Posts: 1026
From: B.C Canada
Joined: 11-05-2004

Message 211 of 274 (804157)
04-07-2017 12:08 PM
Reply to: Message 207 by jar
04-07-2017 9:48 AM

Stick to Econmics and Revelation 13
Im pretty educated as to Bible Prophecy, stop whining as if there are failed prophecies, or some prophesies are not fulfilled yet etc etc.... and start a NEW THREAD on that topic and I will do my best to educate you on prophecy. Not a problem just go to NEW PROPOSED TOPICS and surely an administrator would agree, its a GREAT TOPIC.and allow its consent for posting.
WE can go over specifics rather than your false statement that the Lords prophecies fail or will fail or have failed or that you got'em all screwed up, or someone in the past screwed them up.
But WAIT, lets be on TOPIC, please be specific so you dont fliter from one excuse to another. Name a specific prophecy that failed, and I shall respond if allowed to...
See you there.
But HERE we are talking about Rev. 13 and the upcoming chip technology, tracking technology, hunt'em down and kill em technology, if you dont take the new world order MARK
Edited by Davidjay, : No reason given.

Evolution is not science and is pure religion, forced upon the young to ensure their faith in luck and chance rather than mathematics and design.
The Lord created science and all things. Laws did not create themselves. Nothing happened by chance and accident.

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 Message 207 by jar, posted 04-07-2017 9:48 AM jar has replied

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 Message 212 by jar, posted 04-07-2017 1:02 PM Davidjay has replied

Member (Idle past 136 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 212 of 274 (804158)
04-07-2017 1:02 PM
Reply to: Message 211 by Davidjay
04-07-2017 12:08 PM

Re: Stick to Econmics and Revelation 13
Davifjay writes:
But HERE we are talking about Rev. 13 and the upcoming chip technology, tracking technology, hunt'em down and kill em technology, if you dont take the new world order MARK
Yet you have failed to show any connection to chip technology, tracking technology, hunt'em down and kill em technology in Rev 13.
All of Revelations is a folk tale in apocalyptic tradition talking about what failed to happen over a thousand years ago.
Yawn. Just another example of the True Christian carny sideshow cons from you it seems.

My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios My Website: My Website

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 Message 211 by Davidjay, posted 04-07-2017 12:08 PM Davidjay has replied

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 Message 213 by Davidjay, posted 04-07-2017 11:29 PM jar has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 2626 days)
Posts: 1026
From: B.C Canada
Joined: 11-05-2004

Message 213 of 274 (804214)
04-07-2017 11:29 PM
Reply to: Message 212 by jar
04-07-2017 1:02 PM

Re: Stick to Econmics and Revelation 13
Unflipping believable , Jar, that you have ZERO reading comprehension, ZERO as in Zero.......
You dont know current events and economics and you dont know how to read, I think you need a mutation...... to get out of denial.
Revelation 12 KJV - And there appeared a great wonder in - Bible Gateway
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Etc etc etc.. simple internet search MARK OF THE BEAST.
But if you want the MARK of the Beast, the Lord lets you take it, so you can buy and sell with it, and survive another day, and eventually find out you soul your soul. Youve been warned.

Evolution is not science and is pure religion, forced upon the young to ensure their faith in luck and chance rather than mathematics and design.
The Lord created science and all things. Laws did not create themselves. Nothing happened by chance and accident.

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 Message 212 by jar, posted 04-07-2017 1:02 PM jar has replied

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 Message 214 by jar, posted 04-08-2017 8:01 AM Davidjay has replied

Member (Idle past 136 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 214 of 274 (804328)
04-08-2017 8:01 AM
Reply to: Message 213 by Davidjay
04-07-2017 11:29 PM

Re: Stick to Econmics and Revelation 13
Oh Yawn.
Come on David. Don't be so silly. You are talking to a Cradle Creedal Christian, raised in a Christian family and educated in a Christian school. Quote mining and proof texts are not gonna get anything more than laughs from me and honestly, it is not I who needs warning but all the Goats like you.
Nothing you quoted has any basis in reality and Revelations is a classic example of the apocryphal format folk tale. It was written at a period when the belief in some imminent end times. Even Jesus expected that same imminent end times and when that prophecy too failed it was the first major crisis of faith for the newly created cult. It in fact lead to the total revision of the prophecy, perhaps the first clear example of the apologists profession.
The world did not end. Rome did not fall. The apostles and companions of Jesus grew old and died off and the world went on.
There have been prophecies of apocalypse in a near continuous stream ever since then and just as Jesus prophecy and Revelations, all have been shown to be false.
Edited by jar, : appalin spallin

My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios My Website: My Website

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 Message 213 by Davidjay, posted 04-07-2017 11:29 PM Davidjay has replied

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 Message 215 by Davidjay, posted 04-08-2017 11:34 AM jar has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 2626 days)
Posts: 1026
From: B.C Canada
Joined: 11-05-2004

Message 215 of 274 (804350)
04-08-2017 11:34 AM
Reply to: Message 214 by jar
04-08-2017 8:01 AM

Re: Stick to Econmics and Revelation 13
Back to Revelations 13 .. buying and selling is ECONOMICS.
Jar ignorance of what 'buying and selling' means is not helping you asppear sane and intelligent.
IN the seven years since you started this thread, the prophesied means and methods of this MARK in the hand or forehead is in place and starting to be used, and will be installed once there is a one world government.
Jesus wins again, prophecy wins again....... but this end wont be the END, just the NEW BEGINNING of the MILLINIUM as Jesus promised.
Thank you Jesus for true economics and true living and hard work rather than luck and chance gambling and denials.

Evolution is not science and is pure religion, forced upon the young to ensure their faith in luck and chance rather than mathematics and design.
The Lord created science and all things. Laws did not create themselves. Nothing happened by chance and accident.

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 Message 214 by jar, posted 04-08-2017 8:01 AM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 216 by jar, posted 04-08-2017 11:41 AM Davidjay has not replied
 Message 217 by ringo, posted 04-08-2017 11:43 AM Davidjay has replied

Member (Idle past 136 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 216 of 274 (804351)
04-08-2017 11:41 AM
Reply to: Message 215 by Davidjay
04-08-2017 11:34 AM

Re: Stick to Econmics and Revelation 13
Davidjay writes:
Back to Revelations 13 .. buying and selling is ECONOMICS.
No it is commerce and certainly not an economic system.
Davidjay writes:
IN the seven years since you started this thread, the prophesied means and methods of this MARK in the hand or forehead is in place and starting to be used, and will be installed once there is a one world government.
Sorry but again, that is simply another of your falsehoods, commonly called lies. Nor is there any movement towards any one world governments. Yet another of your falsehoods.
Davidjay writes:
Jesus wins again, prophecy wins again....... but this end wont be the END, just the NEW BEGINNING of the MILLINIUM as Jesus promised.
Thank you Jesus for true economics and true living and hard work rather than luck and chance gambling and denials.
And then more word salad with no worth or meaning. Just as expected from True Christians.
But even if everything you said was true (and none of it is true) Revelations would STILL be failed prophecy and everyone who is honest must admit that is TRUE.

My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios My Website: My Website

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 Message 215 by Davidjay, posted 04-08-2017 11:34 AM Davidjay has not replied

Member (Idle past 709 days)
Posts: 20940
From: frozen wasteland
Joined: 03-23-2005

Message 217 of 274 (804352)
04-08-2017 11:43 AM
Reply to: Message 215 by Davidjay
04-08-2017 11:34 AM

Re: Stick to Econmics and Revelation 13
Davidjay writes:
IN the seven years since you started this thread, the prophesied means and methods of this MARK in the hand or forehead is in place and starting to be used, and will be installed once there is a one world government.
A mark is a mark. It doesn't need to be a "chip" or anything else that you project on it. There is nothing in Revelation 13 that points directly to today or our near future.

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 Message 215 by Davidjay, posted 04-08-2017 11:34 AM Davidjay has replied

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 Message 218 by Davidjay, posted 04-11-2017 1:02 AM ringo has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 2626 days)
Posts: 1026
From: B.C Canada
Joined: 11-05-2004

Message 218 of 274 (804544)
04-11-2017 1:02 AM
Reply to: Message 217 by ringo
04-08-2017 11:43 AM

Re: Stick to Econmics and Revelation 13
Go for it Ringo, your foolishness, your ignorance...but as the Lord states its your choice and your RESPONSIBILTY.
Just stick out your hand and get your chip, or let them implant it in your forehead. Youve been warned.
Anyway, this thread is already won for the Lord.
Revelation 13 is about the upcoming chip system after the dollar dies, and the NWO of ******* takes over, and demands compliance for peace and safety sake.
And those that are afraid and gutless and whimps, and want to get food and not die, just accept the MARK of the world leader ******** and his priest *********, and then turn on their neighbors who dont have the MARK, and start hunting them down as if they are the traitors to the cause.
This thread is won,
REVELATION 13 is fulfilled prophecy concerning the End Time

The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 217 by ringo, posted 04-08-2017 11:43 AM ringo has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 219 by Adminnemooseus, posted 04-11-2017 1:14 AM Davidjay has replied
 Message 221 by jar, posted 04-11-2017 7:14 AM Davidjay has replied
 Message 222 by ringo, posted 04-11-2017 11:46 AM Davidjay has replied

Posts: 3984
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 219 of 274 (804545)
04-11-2017 1:14 AM
Reply to: Message 218 by Davidjay
04-11-2017 1:02 AM

Those asterisks
Please clarify what you mean by the terms "*******", "********", and "*********".
Or are they just indicators that you are a wacko and your message(s) should be cast into the garbage heap?
Go ahead, in this case, reply to this message to clarify your topic position.

Or something like that.

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 Message 218 by Davidjay, posted 04-11-2017 1:02 AM Davidjay has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 220 by Davidjay, posted 04-11-2017 2:05 AM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 2626 days)
Posts: 1026
From: B.C Canada
Joined: 11-05-2004

Message 220 of 274 (804553)
04-11-2017 2:05 AM
Reply to: Message 219 by Adminnemooseus
04-11-2017 1:14 AM

Re: Those asterisks
Calling me a wacko, is surely not an appropriate way of getting me to tell you who ******** and ****** represent. Besides its on my website if you really want to research it and get into greater detail.
I obviously didn;t tell you because all you need to know was already present and explained.
If you have a real question concerning the topic, do consider asking more politely.
Edited by Davidjay, : No reason given.
Edited by Davidjay, : No reason given.

The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 219 by Adminnemooseus, posted 04-11-2017 1:14 AM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Member (Idle past 136 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 221 of 274 (804560)
04-11-2017 7:14 AM
Reply to: Message 218 by Davidjay
04-11-2017 1:02 AM

Re: Stick to Econmics and Revelation 13
Davidjay writes:
REVELATION 13 is fulfilled prophecy concerning the End Time
What nonsense. Your words in the very post I am responding to with this message show that even YOU know that Revelations is still nothing but another failed Biblical prophecy.
You wrote "Revelation 13 is about the upcoming chip system after the dollar dies, and the NWO of ******* takes over, and demands compliance for peace and safety sake."
Now is that what you wrote?
If has the dollar died? Is there a NMO? Has ******* (whatever that is supposed to be) taken over or demanded compliance for peace and safety sake?
You keep posting absolute absurdities and seem to expect anyone to take you seriously.
You keep claiming to have won, to have hit the target yet everyone sees that there are no holes in the target or even anywhere near the target.
Classic fail.

My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios My Website: My Website

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 Message 218 by Davidjay, posted 04-11-2017 1:02 AM Davidjay has replied

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 Message 223 by Davidjay, posted 04-12-2017 1:47 AM jar has replied

Member (Idle past 709 days)
Posts: 20940
From: frozen wasteland
Joined: 03-23-2005

Message 222 of 274 (804589)
04-11-2017 11:46 AM
Reply to: Message 218 by Davidjay
04-11-2017 1:02 AM

Re: Stick to Econmics and Revelation 13
Davidjay writes:
And those that are afraid and gutless and whimps, and want to get food and not die, just accept the MARK of the world leader ******** and his priest *********, and then turn on their neighbors who dont have the MARK, and start hunting them down as if they are the traitors to the cause.
You're not reading Revelation 13. It says that everybody, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, will get the mark. The only exceptions will be outlaws, hiding in the hills eating roots and berries. We already have those guys but not all of them are prophecy nuts. Some of them are just nuts.

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 Message 218 by Davidjay, posted 04-11-2017 1:02 AM Davidjay has replied

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 Message 224 by Davidjay, posted 04-12-2017 1:54 AM ringo has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 2626 days)
Posts: 1026
From: B.C Canada
Joined: 11-05-2004

Message 223 of 274 (804671)
04-12-2017 1:47 AM
Reply to: Message 221 by jar
04-11-2017 7:14 AM

Re: Stick to Econmics and Revelation 13
No, as no one that chooses Jesus fails. People fail, Jeus never.
None of His prophecies have ever failed, all will be fulfilled to the letter.
If you differ, just be the first one to take the MARK, your choice.
It should go without saying that none of the Lord's Prophecies shall
fail, yet some people out of fear of making a mistake in prophecy, negate
the Lord's Prophecy and make themselves willingly ignorant of His and
our Future, They even search through scriptures looking for places where
they can back up their unbelief.
They choose Paul's rather loose wording words and contradictory words in I Corinthians 13 over the Lord's direct
Words. They are very different, for first let's read what Paul said . my responses in . .( . )
1Corinthians 13:8 Charity never faileth: (Yes Love never fails because God is love...which is what Paul is trying to
emphasis) but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail;(Yes man's made-up prophecies shall fail, but NO absolutely
Not Paul, the Lord's Prophecies from His mouth straight through His prophets and prophetesses will NOT fail. You
should watch your wording much closer Paul) whether there be tongues, they shall cease; (Yes, after the Lord's return,
when He gives us a new language we probably won't be speaking in tongues anymore but until then we shall be, so Paul
can't say that after he wrote this epistle to this new babe church, that tongues were right then and there going to stop.
NO, we shall speak in tongues in the End-Time and we shall be getting more information from the Lord through
Prophecy in the End-Time) whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. (No true knowledge stays and is eternal
and besides for eternity we will never learn all the beautiful knowledge of the Lord. So again, be more specific and clear
Paul, as people easily twist your words around to something you surely didn't intend to say)
WHY...because the Lord, the King of Kings, and Almighty Father who created the
Worlds and everything that is via the WORD.said through direct prophecy through
his anointed and appointed prophet
Isaiah 34:16 Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one
of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth
it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.
None of the Lord's prophecies shall fail . ..and the vast majority of prophecies are yet to be fulfilled because All our
brethren and prophets in the past desired to be living in the Last Days to see the fulfillment of all their hopes and
dreams in the Lord making right all the wrongs of man kind . . . straight forward and simple.
Therefore the Lord shall be speaking to us more and more into the End-Time . and revealing more about prophecies
with new prophecies so we can understand what the Lord shall be doing in the Latter Days.
Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, EVEN to the time of the end: (when it has to be
opened up)
Joel 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: (We shall All prophesy)
Joel 2:29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. (To those that
Joe; 2:30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. (during the
tribulation and we shall be on Earth)
Joel 2:31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the
LORD come. (during the tribulation and we won’t have been resurrected until AFTER the Tribulation)
Joel 2:32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount
Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.
For NONE of the Lord’s Prophecies of the End-Time shall fail, they shall be fulfilled exactly. And that’s not
my opinion, that’s the Lord’s Word.
Jay (Jordan)
From NoWordshalllfail
Edited by Davidjay, : No reason given.

The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 221 by jar, posted 04-11-2017 7:14 AM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 225 by jar, posted 04-12-2017 8:11 AM Davidjay has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 2626 days)
Posts: 1026
From: B.C Canada
Joined: 11-05-2004

Message 224 of 274 (804673)
04-12-2017 1:54 AM
Reply to: Message 222 by ringo
04-11-2017 11:46 AM

Re: Stick to Econmics and Revelation 13
No ringo, NO... dont take the Mark and at least you have not sold out your soul for a piece of bread.
Yes, be a so called outlaw and run to the hills as Jesus said. Mind you, they will get you within a month or two, but if you follow the directions of the Lord, you will get His protection, and provisions until the End.
Fantastic true life story as the conclusion is a buildup that all of us that know prophecy are awaiting.
We flee via our two prophets to the wilderness....
Oh read it yourself, we fight on for three and a half years.... awesome, exciting, thrilling, not the foolishness of do nothing and get swept into the sky. We battle the evil ones....
Onward Christian Soldiers.
(not with guns)
Read it.... and get onboard.

The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 222 by ringo, posted 04-11-2017 11:46 AM ringo has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 228 by ringo, posted 04-12-2017 3:53 PM Davidjay has replied

Member (Idle past 136 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 225 of 274 (804689)
04-12-2017 8:11 AM
Reply to: Message 223 by Davidjay
04-12-2017 1:47 AM

Re: Stick to Econmics and Revelation 13
And so your response is simply the classic tactic of taking quotes out of context. Yup. Yet another fail on your part and once again, no real support.
By your own admission Revelation is failed prophecy.
There is no NWO.
The dollar has not failed.
And ******* (whatever that is supposed to be) taken over or demanded compliance for peace and safety sake.
Sorry Charley but Revelation failed over a thousand years ago.

My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios My Website: My Website

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 Message 223 by Davidjay, posted 04-12-2017 1:47 AM Davidjay has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 226 by Davidjay, posted 04-12-2017 11:29 AM jar has replied

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