I feel horrible for what I said to my parents a year ago. My attack on their faith came from every angle. I was disrespectful, hateful, inconsiderate and totally fucked. It hurt them. And for wat. This bullshit of a debate.
We haven’t spoken since. And although iv tried to justify it to myself in the last 3 months I can’t. I’m a terrible person fuckin hell.
Iv learnt what this ToE is all about. U can’t reason with a group of retarted fuckin apes with dogmatic views. And becoming frustrated with you retarted apes with tiny cranium capacities is in itself stupid of myself.
I was dumb to accept this shit without question to begin with. And u bunch of old men 40s and 50s spinning the same old childish shit. Being 19yo and agnostic ya’ll total fuckin liars. Living in a fairytale pipe dream.
Fuckin narrow minded knuckle heads lacking any dignity or culture. Spinning shit only to oppose religion.
Now my conscious is killing me. I’m the prodigal son. Must make peace asap.
Well at least you dick faces helped me see this for wat it really is i guess