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Author Topic:   Elections are won in the primaries
Member (Idle past 1159 days)
Posts: 2339
From: Socorro, New Mexico USA
Joined: 03-18-2006

Message 9 of 113 (820627)
09-24-2017 9:22 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by RAZD
09-22-2017 10:16 AM

No Quarter
I strongly disagree. In reverse order:
RAZD writes:
Time to run alternative candidates in republican primaries ...
Fiscally conservative
Working family centered
Other than Gary Johnson when he was Governor of New Mexico and a few others of this now apparently extinct species, it appears every Republican since 1980 has run as a fiscal conservative and once in office spends money like a drunk sailor in port. When out of office, it's all about squandering money on things like infrastructure but once in office, it's all more defense spending and war only and suddenly "deficits don't matter."
Do you know of any Republican office holder that is a counterexample, because I don't.
Also IMHO the same applies to all Republicans and most Democrats with regard to "working family centered." All they care about is reelection and as a result only representing and rewarding rich donors, to hell with anyone else.
They flat-out don't deserve my vote or anyone else outside of that less than 1%.
Third party challenges rarely result in victory.
Agreed, but history shows it is not impossible.
Progressives are not going to change the democratic party from the inside.
I absolutely disagree because it is already happening. For example Sander's fight for Medicare for all. It does have cosponsors, something unimaginable but a few years back. It and any other humane legislation will increase over time and the Democrats will have one choice "Adapt or Die."
We have only just started. I will likely not live to see the promised land but dammit, I will fight for it until my dying breath.
The way the gerrymandering has taken over the elections for representatives and senators -- with the tacit compliance of both parties -- it has now reached the point, imho, that the elections are won in the primaries.
I have a better idea - vote for those against gerrymandering.
In fact vote for those who oppose needless war. Vote as if Black lives do indeed matter. Vote for equal rights for all, including women, minorities soon to become pluralities, and the rights of the LBGTQ community. Vote for the environment, for science, for reason. Vote against increasing income inequality by making the welfare rich pay an equal share in taxes instead of diverting all proceeds from increasing productivity exclusively to those who don't work for a living.
For me these items are matters of justice and even survival and therefore non-negotiable.
No Nazis, no vicious stupid conservatives, no traitors, no DINOs, no quarter.
Next meeting for the Democratic Socialists of America - Permian Basin is Oct 7, first we pick up trash to serve the community. Wish it was more dramatic such as the Houston DSA being the first and often only organization to reach out and help the poor and undocumented victims of hurricane Harvey. See: Socialist ideals in practice: Democratic Socialists of America muck out flooded Houston homes.
Although either does more for the vast majority than voting Republican.

Read not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take for granted, not to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider. - Francis Bacon

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 Message 1 by RAZD, posted 09-22-2017 10:16 AM RAZD has replied

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 Message 22 by RAZD, posted 09-27-2017 2:28 PM anglagard has not replied

Member (Idle past 1159 days)
Posts: 2339
From: Socorro, New Mexico USA
Joined: 03-18-2006

Message 49 of 113 (821408)
10-07-2017 1:05 AM
Reply to: Message 7 by Coragyps
09-24-2017 11:26 AM

Re: Voting for republicans
Coragyps writes:
Yes, we Texans hear you loud and clear. I have long voted in the Republican primaries, as those are typically the actual election out in this part of Texas. I try to pick the least repugnant repub, to at least try to mitigate damage - but with this area going about 85% for Trump, it doesn't help too much.
I just took the (empty) seat of County Chairman for the Democratic Party here, more to see if we can create difficulties for Ted Cruz than anything else, but I'm not very optimistic. Maybe we can get it down to 82% in 2018.
I know how difficult it is to challenge the stranglehold on West Texas rural areas the Republican Party has, which is due primarily to their racism and more generally tribalism and rejection of any concept of knowledge, empathy, or indeed the Gospels, but hell is what it is (Scurry 84%, Howard 76%).
My former post was a bit too critical in hindsight, seeing how I did the exact same thing by voting for Kay Bailey Hutchinson over indisputable and unbelievably corrupt moron Rick Perry. Your selflessness in taking on the Democratic County Chair position is commendable. The daughter has done something similar as she is now the treasurer for the black caucus of the young Democrats for Texas. Despite being white, somebody has to do it.
My point is we are, daughter and father, both DSA and trying to move the party into a more progressive, liberal, and, socialist direction (yeah I said it) despite living in this hellhole rather than trying to find the extremely rare "less evil" Republican.
As for the fascists that Trump so dearly admires and emulates, they are best suited for live target training, just as my ancestors treated them. That is where we are at.

Read not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take for granted, not to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider. - Francis Bacon

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 Message 50 by NoNukes, posted 10-07-2017 9:56 AM anglagard has not replied

Member (Idle past 1159 days)
Posts: 2339
From: Socorro, New Mexico USA
Joined: 03-18-2006

Message 66 of 113 (821817)
10-13-2017 2:46 AM
Reply to: Message 55 by RAZD
10-11-2017 12:13 PM

Re: Is "too liberal" even a thing in the US?
Well. in response to the title - I am likely considered too liberal considering I am DSA, but that is not the point I want to address.
RAZD, I have been somewhat following this thread and feel I understand how your strategy may be successful under some circumstances. However, I believe those circumstances are not presently as universal as you may believe.
You are In Rhode Island, not West Texas, so I would like to point out some other factors that diminish the strategy you propose in my situation.
These are the questions I would have to answer Yes to to have a snowball's chance in hell of even being a viable candidate for school board in this county:
1) Were you born in Howard County?
2) Have you lived in Howard County your entire life?
3) Are you a Southern Baptist or Church of Christ member in good standing who attends church regularly?
4) Do you like country music?
5) Are you a registered Republican and have been so your entire life?
6) Are you connected to the petroleum industry or cotton farming?
7) Do you have any vices? Do you smoke, drink, or do illegal drugs?
Here are my answers:
1) No, I was born in Fresno County, California in 1957.
2} No, not even the majority. My formative years were spent in San Luis Obispo County, California in the 70s. The minute I retire, the skidmarks I leave in getting the hell out of Texas will be noticeably visible until the road is repaved.
3) While a Methodist, Lutheran. or Presbyterian, may have an outside chance, they will be starting with one strike against in some voter's minds. Mandatory church attendance is non-negotiable around here. The best I could do is Unitarian Universalism, a deal breaker.
4) No, not in general. Shit, I am a deadhead (among other things), an immediate disqualifier.
5) No, not ever.
6) I am a librarian, worse I am a male librarian, which makes my masculinity and sexual orientation questionable around here.
7) , critically read the above.
As you can see, any following of your strategy on my part would be impossible under the circumstances and it would be quite difficult even to find a proxy
My current purpose is to shift the Democratic Party to the left, at least for now, given the circumstances.
However there is a possibility for me to invoke your strategy in a statewide election. Dan Patrick is running for the Democratic nomination for the Governor's race in Texas, an automatic vote in the general. Should he be a shoe-in, there is one of those rare but purportedly reasonable Republicans running in their primary namely Scott Milder (oh, the irony), that due to considerable favorable remarks on the liberal side, might have my vote if Patrick is well ahead in the polls. Since this is an open primary state, in this one instance your strategy might be workable for my support.

Read not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take for granted, not to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider. - Francis Bacon

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 Message 55 by RAZD, posted 10-11-2017 12:13 PM RAZD has replied

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 Message 67 by RAZD, posted 10-13-2017 8:32 AM anglagard has not replied

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