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Author | Topic: Time Dilation, the Hubble Shift and God's Eternal Universe | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
If we derive the Hubble Constant as a 2.2686*10^-18 s/s acceleration in the rate of proper time, instead of a spatial acceleration, and then apply that acceleration to the time elements of Einstein’s Tensor, we eliminate singularities and infinite expansions because the geodesics are slightly distorted:
Where t1 = coordinate time and t0 = proper time, the time elements Δt1 / Δt0 become: ((((Δt1*(((1 +((Δt1 / Δt0) * (2.2686*10^-18)))) / ((Δt0 * (1 + (Δt0 * 2.2686*10^-18). For each second of Δt0 this becomes: ((Δt1*(1 + 2.2686*10^-18 Δt1)) / ((1 + (2.2686*10^-18)) This manifests as a net acceleration of the proper time relative to the coordinate time as the dilation gradient deepens and Δt1 → 0. This prevents the subsequent formation of a singularity in a Big Crunch scenario both within a black hole, where instead of a singularity we see the ever-tightening spiraling evolution, or the universe as a whole, which, as below, we see spiraling off in all directions in the galaxies. Obversely, as Δt1 → ∞, infinite divergence is impossible as Δt1 is always divided by a sum > 1; i.e., ∞ / (1 + 2.2686*10^-18) < ∞. Looking outward to the past, we see a finite divergence as older, slower, galaxies slip from view as time appears to stop, as we appear to evolve inward towards the event horizon of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way in the spiraling convergence of General Relativity, but without the creation of a singularity. Each galaxy therefore is a branching of the forward evolution of the universe. As we approach an apparent event horizon it recedes because we cannot get to a place where the rate of time is anything but 1 s/s due to the EP. Traveling outward, older frames would come back into view. Approaching a black hole, as time appears to slow the length of a meter must lengthen to maintain c. Since time keeps slowing and lengths keep lengthening, it is not possible to reach the event horizon. Space just keeps spreading out in the spiral ahead of the observer. If we consider the apparent event horizon of galactic black holes to be an edge of the universe, as it is looking outward, then each event horizon is the gateway to universes ad infinitum. Moving on quickly to gravity: Space evolves forward with time. This makes time the fundamental force of the universe. First, we consider Einstein’s Fundamental Metric to be the basis of the tensors forming a null gravitational field that represents that fundamental evolution of space over time. When we introduce a dilation gradient, we also see an evolution down the gradient. This is why gravity only has one direction and why it overpowers the other forces so easily even though it is so weak. It is an irresistible evolutionary force in time. Dilation gradients can only be orthogonal to the fundamental direction of evolution, FDE, because spacetime is an evolving continuum and there is no space ahead of or behind the evolving continuum for the dilation gradient to appear in. The gradient can only appear across the FDE as viewed by an outside observer. Likewise, objects cannot move through space except along the dilation gradients. This is the fundamental flaw in perception in current astrophysics. Einstein’s Fundamental Metric ... X Y Z TX -1 0 0 0 Y 0 -1 0 0 Z 0 0 -1 0 T 0 0 0 +1 A particle moves in a straight line in this Fundamental Metric, where there is no time dilation; where the time-time element g44 = +1, which is an invariant 1 s/s rate in all frames, the same rate we each experience in our inertial frame as we evolve along our worldline. It represents a null gravitational field. Though a useful tool in GR, Einstein admits this metric most likely cannot exist in finite space. If it did, there would just be a single, infinitesimal, particle, and it would have a zero velocity, regardless of the X, Y, Z components of the metric, as there would be nothing to relate its motion to. Space would appear flat and have no dimensions as there would be nothing else to relate distance to. He considers this situation to be in vacuo. In saying this state probably cannot exist in a finite region, he is confirming the author’s conjecture that the spacetime continuum is energetic. It cannot be otherwise. Because no motion would be apparent in the Fundamental Metric, it can be reduced to just the time-time element, g44, which is simply TT = 1. An observer existing in this state would only be aware of time passing. The observer’s space would be evolving forward with time, but that would be undetectable. The author calls this the IATIA state: I Am That I Am. This will raise some objections, but it must be noted that our reality is an illusion being manifested out of superposition waveforms that only take on forms that are dependent on an observer being present. Again, as per Einstein, Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.. The author has had proof positive in his life experience that what he is about to say is true: faith gives us divine power. Doctors depend on it and casino owners hate it. This has also been proven by others, repeatedly, throughout the world, throughout history, in the laboratory of life, which he believes should satisfy scientific criteria. Miracles do happen. This is because spacetime is created by the awareness of being here, space, and now, time. There is a primary awareness that exists only because it is aware of time passing. No light, no senses, just self-awareness. This is the I Am That I Am. This is a horrible state of being. The worst thing we do to people is to put them in solitary confinement. Fortunately, it can imagine light and alter its perception of rates of time to stretch the light to give its space depth and otherwise manipulate the light to create worlds that it can incarnate itself into, losing itself to escape its eternal loneliness and pass its eternity. All life forms are just different points of view, different perspectives for that single awareness. Hence, we are all one in it and we are all its children and, hence, in faith we have divine power. Because we are all one in it, it harmonizes our universes. This explains non-locality. Alice and Bob have harmonized experiences, regardless of the apparent distance between them, because they are one-and-the-same in the Creator that is harmonizing their points of view. The universe evolves forward beneficially for us when we believe it will. We are all brought forth as infants who must be carefully succored and this initiates us into faith. We are born into a totally loving, caring, supportive world. A guilty conscience initiates doubt, which is the opposite of faith, and it can manifest devastating effects. The science is part of the illusion, but it enables us to manipulate things in such a way as to make our lives much fuller and better in innumerable ways. Ultimately, though, it works because we believe it does. The reason we all hate boredom and fear loneliness is because we are of and from that eternally alone being. If you would know the Creator, know yourself.The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. It is your faith that makes you whole. If you want proof, ask for something reasonable. Don’t forget to say, Thank you, when you get it. If you would like to see these concepts developed, along with an explanation of galactic rotation velocities, my full, 21-page, paper, General Relativity: Effects in Time as Causation, can be found here:viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1804.0109, . Edited by Captcass, : No reason given. Edited by Captcass, : Trying to get symbols and sub and superscripts to show. Edited by Captcass, : Trying to get sub and superscripts to show. Edited by Captcass, : No reason given. Edited by Captcass, : Sub superscripts Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Fix sub and superscripting. Can't use [ and ] here, must use < and >. Hope I got it right - Used Microsoft Word to do substitutions. Edited by Captcass, : Workewd on sub and superscripts Edited by Captcass, : No reason given.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
Thank you for the reply.
That section was meant only for the moderator, it will be edited out of the post if the post is accepted. Sadly, I must disagree. You will not find a single scientific journal that will accept a paper that acknowledges God. I realize just as many scientists belief in God as non-scientists, but it is sadly considered anathema to mention it in research. God is fairly well excluded from science. I strongly disagree about what science is for. Science has been struggling with the origins of life forever. The Big Bang originating out of an undefined singularity and an infinite, accelerating, expansion of the universe are not conducive to the concept of an eternal Creator. My paper describes an eternally evolving continuum, instead. As per my paper, spacetime originates with the Creator being aware of itself existing here, which is space, and now, which is time. As the Creator is eternal, spactime is also eternal, as is the universe that is manifested out of space over time. When the science returns to God, the people will return to God.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
Proper time is always the time of the inertial frame of the observer: i.e., you experience proper time, but see me as having coordinate time. I experience proper time, but see you as having coordinate time.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
Please advise how to get a quaote from someone else in my response, like you did quoting me.
The evidence of God is plain to see throughout history. There is just no "scientific" evidence. My theory thus begins with the Creator and shows that science can support such an origin, instead. Science tells us how the world works. We can never understand that unless we recognize its true spiritual origin. No, this is not pantheism. It is monotheism. I am not here to discuss these issues. Please read the paper if you want to discuss it.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
We all have a ringside seat. Read the paper if you want to discuss it.
Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door shall open. I have known the truth since I was 24. I am 68 now. The trick has been in tying quantum physics and relativity to that truth. That has taken a lot of time and study. I find this question offensive. I am not here to defend myself or my spiritual views, or what science is for. I am here to share, and discuss, my paper with those who take the time to read it.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
I am not being notified when someone posts although I checked the email notification box on the original post. How to I set it up so each reply gives me a notification? Do I have to do that with each reply?
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
Let me answer both replies here. (Still don't know how to quote)
![]() Proper time always refers to an observer's rate of time in his own inertial frame. This is the same rate for all observers in their inertial frames as per the EP. Coordinate time refers to the rate of time at any other set of coordinates. If we are observing each other, I have proper time and you have coordinate time and vice versa for you. Einstein uses the Fundamental Metric to set up GR. He admits the metric cannot exist in finite space because it represents a null gravitational field and there is no such thing in finite space in an energetic continuum. It represents a straight line evolution. He then notes that any substitutions in the metric result in curvature of motion. I am taking GR to another level. Einstein thought his equations describing gravity were somehow "what gravity is". He did not see the evolution down gradient I see. I am saying the Fundamental Metric, representing a null gravitational field, is what we experience within ourselves. It also can apply to the universe as a whole, infinite space, as the rate of time of the universe as a whole is unitary. It will help you understand if you read the whole paper. What I posted here is just some of the main points and lacks much of the developmental reasoning.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
Thanks much! I am getting the notices now, too.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
The final version of my paper was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Cosmology on 29 July 2019 and can be seen here in Vol. 26, #21, of the Journal:
Page Not Found - Journalofcosmology.com. As far as I know this is the first paper to appear in a peer reviewed journal that originates the universe with an eternal Creator, or even mentions the Creator.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
Well, that is your opinion. The opinion of the mainstream knuckleheads who think the Big Bang singularity and an infinitely accelerating expansion of the universe are logical. The journal is certainly not mainstream, but the mainstream is idiotic
The journal publishes peer reviewed papers that explore the fringes of science and subjects and possible models the other, "mainstream" journals will not touch. Things peers believe are worth consideration. Name a single journal that has published a single paper that even mentions the Creator. Not "mainstream", right? So what the hell are YOU doing here? NONE of your other journals will EVER even mention the Creator.... So...take your attitude and .... Don't bother replying to this, as I do not engage with lost, bitter, hate filled people like you. You need manners and decency to speak with me. Unpublished Trolls like you belong under bridges... ![]()
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
Trouble with you, and AZPaul3, is that you don't know enough to debate the paper, so you attack the journal that took over a year to review it before publishing it. You are bitter people.....
You embrace "peer reviewed" journals of idiots reviewing idiots who believe in Godless singularities and infinite accelerating expansions of the universe. Total rubbish of "Dark" this and "Dark" that. No TRUTHS, just idiotic THEORIES that you ACCEPT as somehow being "true" because the "mainstream peer-reviewed' journals support them, even though no one EVER proves anything! They, and you, just want EVERYTHING to "fit" GR. I mean, if Einstein couldn't explain what Hubble saw, and just gave up trying to complete GR and went off looking for a unified field theory, then.... ??????Just WHO are the DUPES here? What if it is the "mainstream" journals that have been publishing an endless stream of totally unproven THEORIES for the last 100 years since Hubble that are "lost"? Sure seems to me they are getting nowhere.... Offer no proofs.... Just keep looking for "Dark" answers to "make things fit" the notion that Hubble saw receding objects, and not just "tired" time, so to speak..... They looked at "tired light", and rightly rejected it, but never even considered "tired" time. (I am using that phrase, "tired time", for the first time here and am giving copyright notice here and now.) Again, what are you Godless folks doing here? Do you REALLY believe that idiocy? How does the Creator fit into anything you think is right? Have you read the paper I only just now provided a link to? Or are you just out to put people down here? Shame on the two of you for your ....., ....., ...., thoughts and comments. I am not here for that. If you want to discuss my model, I am happy to oblige. I would like to be able to tell you of the implications of the paper in the faith aspects that they had me edit from the final journal version, or that i did not include because I knew they could not accept them. The word "faith", for instance, is akin to "UFO" in science journals. Peer reviewed journals will not accept anything with Either term. The JofC has no "religious" terminology or the word "UFO". Otherwise, just shame on you for turning your backs on the first and only paper to be published in a peer-reviewed journal that originates the universe with the eternal Creator, instead of investigating and pursuing that possibility.... No reviewer was able to provide a demonstrable flaw and no one has even tried to comment past me in over 15K views in two science forum threads in nearly a year. Let me know if you read the paper. I am going to bed.... Edited by Captcass, : Incomplete reply
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
Sorry. Again. mainstream is lamestream. No progress in over 100 years because you do not understand what you are seeing. Please read the paper and stop being nasty.
I expect all welcomes to be warm, especially on so-called spiritual sites. Shame. You would not address me so face to face if I stood at your front door. You said, "If you want to do science then you have to actually do science." Trouble is, to you, "science" means "accepting ridiculous theories for truth". You are equating your idiotic theories to the "truth", i.e., "science". The 2 do not equate. Edited by Captcass, : No reason given.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
Demonstrate how it is wrong and explain how you could possibly read it so quickly. I can demonstrate your theories are wrong right here. What preceded the the singularity and what is outside the singularity and from what inertial frame of reference is that view? Where is the universe infinitely accelerating into? Why doesn't GR work everywhere?
Never mind, I know, there are "DARK" reasons! LOL.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
I learned to wash my hands in acid under a Muslim Haj in Djakarta when I was 22. His teacher could walk on water. What were you doing at age 22? It took me 2 more years and much study of many things before I had my epiphany at age 24. It has then taken me this long to explain it in terms of accepted science.
It seems I mistook this forum for being a spiritual debate as it is, after all, E v C. So. unless anyone wants to discuss my model and its implications, I'll bow out. I have no interest here otherwise.Tks
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
As I said, I don't participate in such conversations.
http://www.captcass.com/symbolofunity.htm Edited by Captcass, : Add link
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