I want to respond to you OP but am unable to do so since I am dead. In fact, all of us are dead. Or at least we would be if your analysis had any validity since the process that you determine to be impossible is exactly the process that our adaptive immune cells use to produce antibodies, those pesky little molecular combinations that protect us from invasive pathogens (and many causes of death). At least it’s nice to know that I didn’t die from cancer since your math proves that the molecular modifications required to mutate cells to oncogenic forms is impossible. Thank you for that.
Actually, if you are really interested in how to properly address the mathematics you are attempting you can read about the brilliant work of Andreas Wagner and his team at the University of Zurich, which is described in his very readable book: Arrival of the Fittest: How Nature Innovates.
There is an old saying: Seeing is believing.
This old saying is false.
People don’t believe what they are seeing.
People believe what they are told they are seeing.