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Author Topic:   Being offended.
Posts: 6182
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Message 376 of 444 (847475)
01-23-2019 12:19 PM
Reply to: Message 370 by Faith
01-20-2019 7:24 PM

Re: Why so much poverty driving people to the US?
Now they come in needing free stuff from us, stuff that rightfully belongs to American citizens not foreigners.
What free stuff? And explain your repeated claim that they get it but citizens cannot.
What the hell are you talking about? We keep requesting information about your repeated claims and your explanation, but you always avoid the questions!

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 Message 370 by Faith, posted 01-20-2019 7:24 PM Faith has replied

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 Message 377 by Faith, posted 01-23-2019 1:27 PM dwise1 has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1759 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 377 of 444 (847485)
01-23-2019 1:27 PM
Reply to: Message 376 by dwise1
01-23-2019 12:19 PM

Re: Why so much poverty driving people to the US?
If you stopped being exclusively buried in Leftist propaganda and listened to the truth from the other side for a change you wouldn't need me to explain such things to you. I don't take notes on what I hear on the radio but when I happen to have some verifiable information I'll post it here.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.

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 Message 376 by dwise1, posted 01-23-2019 12:19 PM dwise1 has replied

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 Message 378 by JonF, posted 01-23-2019 2:19 PM Faith has not replied
 Message 380 by dwise1, posted 01-23-2019 5:48 PM Faith has not replied

Member (Idle past 483 days)
Posts: 6174
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Message 378 of 444 (847501)
01-23-2019 2:19 PM
Reply to: Message 377 by Faith
01-23-2019 1:27 PM

Re: Why so much poverty driving people to the US?
IOW you have no explanation or evidence, just another right-wing lie.
Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum
Are undocumented immigrants eligible for federal public benefit programs?
Generally no. Undocumented immigrants, including DACA holders, are ineligible to receive most federal public benefits, including means-tested benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, sometimes referred to as food stamps), regular Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for health care subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are prohibited from purchasing unsubsidized health coverage on ACA exchanges.
Undocumented immigrants may be eligible for a handful of benefits that are deemed necessary to protect life or guarantee safety in dire situations, such as emergency Medicaid, access to treatment in hospital emergency rooms, or access to healthcare and nutrition programs under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).
Edited by JonF, : No reason given.

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 Message 377 by Faith, posted 01-23-2019 1:27 PM Faith has not replied

Posts: 23127
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 5.8

Message 379 of 444 (847551)
01-23-2019 3:53 PM
Reply to: Message 375 by Theodoric
01-23-2019 11:45 AM

Re: Why so much poverty driving people to the US?
Theodoric writes:
You may want to actually study the history of these countries.
Faith studying actual history, instead of making it up? Fat chance of that! But we clearly share responsibility for the economic, social and political problems in these countries, for example:

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 Message 375 by Theodoric, posted 01-23-2019 11:45 AM Theodoric has not replied

Posts: 6182
Joined: 05-02-2006
Member Rating: 5.5

Message 380 of 444 (847569)
01-23-2019 5:48 PM
Reply to: Message 377 by Faith
01-23-2019 1:27 PM

Re: Why so much poverty driving people to the US?
If you stopped being exclusively buried in Leftist propaganda and listened to the truth from the other side for a change you wouldn't need me to explain such things to you.
The only thing that we need for you to explain to us is simply, "What the hell are you talking about?" You keep making wildly false claims that have no connection to reality, so we have to ask you to explain where your wild fantasies come from.
If you were to stop burying your head exclusively in Fake News Network propaganda and just look at reality with some glimmer of understanding the plain truth before you, then we wouldn't have to try to get you to actually think so that we could help you unwedge your head so that you could finally stumble out of the darkness.
For example, I've been asking you how illegal immigrants contribute to the system through taxes. Well, on that same page that JonF just pointed out to you on Message 378,, we find that immigrants, both legal and illegal, pay hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes for public benefit programs that illegal immigrants cannot qualify for. On the state level, Arizona and Florida both estimate that immigrants pay considerably more into the system than they take out, which I would submit makes them self-supporting and not a drain of the economy by any means:
How much do immigrants contribute to support public benefits programs?
Both documented and undocumented immigrants pay more into public benefit programs than they take out. According to New American Economy, undocumented immigrants paid over $328.2 billion in state, local, and federal taxes in 2014 alone. However, undocumented immigrants are not eligible for any of the federal or state benefits that their tax dollars help fund.
Additionally, a few states have completed studies demonstrating that immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in government services and benefits. A study in Arizona found that the state’s immigrants generate $2.4 billion in tax revenue per year, which more than offsets the $1.4 billion in their use of benefit programs. Another study in Florida estimated that, on a per capita basis, immigrants in the state pay nearly $1,500 more in taxes per capita than they receive in public benefits.
The Fake News Network is lying to you. Their intent is to scare you and to keep you scared so that they can control you. The truth shall set you free.

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 Message 377 by Faith, posted 01-23-2019 1:27 PM Faith has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1759 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 381 of 444 (860957)
08-14-2019 1:34 PM
Reply to: Message 62 by JoeT
12-17-2018 5:05 PM

Re: Respectful Offense
I have read GDR's post and your response over and over trying to make some sense of the strength of your response. I even went back a bit to see if you two had some history and saw that GDR is a pretty calm and reasonable poster, and has some interesting perspectives on things. What I cannot find is any reason for you to be so mean and hateful to somebody saying that they, through their church, try to help people. Am I missing something here?
No, you got it right, I was way out of line and rewrote the original post you quoted from Message 58 GDR's intentions are good, I just think there is danger in Islam that he isn't aware of.

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 Message 62 by JoeT, posted 12-17-2018 5:05 PM JoeT has not replied

Member (Idle past 731 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 382 of 444 (905745)
02-02-2023 8:42 PM

Here is my conversation with chat gtp. It seems to agree.
Mod-it RC
Is there more value in teaching how not to be offended than teaching how not to offend?
Teaching both how not to be offended and how not to offend can be valuable. Avoiding offense can help promote respect and understanding, while avoiding being easily offended can help increase resilience and reduce unnecessary conflicts. Ultimately, both skills are important for healthy communication and relationships.
Mod-it RC
You didn't answer my question
My apologies, let me clarify. In my opinion, it's important to address both aspects of the issue. While teaching how not to offend is crucial in promoting respect and empathy, teaching how not to be easily offended can foster resilience and reduce unnecessary conflicts. Ultimately, both skills are necessary for healthy communication and relationships.
Mod-it RC
You still did not answer my question. I need a straight forward answer.
It is subjective and depends on individual perspectives whether there is more value in teaching how not to be offended or how not to offend. Both approaches can have benefits and drawbacks, and the importance placed on each may vary based on the context and cultural norms.
Mod-it RC
Is it possible to never offend anyone?
No, it is not possible to never offend anyone. Offending someone is an inevitable part of human communication and interactions, even with the best intentions and efforts to avoid it. Different people have different values, beliefs, and sensitivities, and what may be perceived as innocuous by one person can be offensive to another. The goal should not be to never offend anyone, but rather to treat others with respect, be mindful of their feelings, and apologize sincerely if offense is taken.
Mod-it RC
Is it possible to learn how not to be offended?
Yes, it is possible to learn how not to be easily offended. This can involve developing resilience, learning to manage one's emotions, and having a growth mindset. It can also involve developing empathy and understanding for others, as well as increasing self-awareness and learning to recognize and challenge one's own biases and assumptions. By working on these skills, individuals can become better equipped to handle potentially offensive situations and communicate effectively with others. However, it's important to note that everyone has different triggers and sensitivities, and some experiences may still be deeply hurtful, regardless of personal growth.
Mod-it RC
Since one is possible and the other isn't, there is more value in learning how not to be offended
Yes, that is a valid perspective. While it may not be possible to never offend anyone, it is possible to learn how not to be easily offended. By developing resilience, empathy, and self-awareness, individuals can improve their ability to handle potentially offensive situations and communicate effectively with others. This can lead to stronger relationships and reduce unnecessary conflicts. Of course, different individuals and cultures may place different levels of importance on avoiding offense versus avoiding being easily offended, and both skills are important for healthy communication and relationships.
Mod-it RC
I never said both skills aren't important
My apologies, I misunderstood. Yes, both skills, avoiding offense and avoiding being easily offended, are important for healthy communication and relationships. However, depending on the context and individual perspectives, the emphasis placed on each may vary. In some situations, learning how not to be easily offended may be prioritized due to its potential for personal growth and improving communication skills. In other situations, the focus may be more on avoiding offense due to cultural norms and social expectations. Both skills are valuable, and it can be beneficial to work on developing both.
Mod-it RC
You are rambling
My apologies, I will try to be more concise. Both avoiding offense and avoiding being easily offended are important skills for healthy communication and relationships. The emphasis placed on each may vary depending on context and individual perspectives. Developing both skills can lead to stronger relationships and reduce conflicts.
Mod-it RC
But which one is more valuable, be concise.
It is difficult to determine which one is more valuable as both avoiding offense and avoiding being easily offended are important skills for healthy communication and relationships. The value placed on each may vary depending on the context and individual perspectives.
Mod-it RC
But you just said my perspective is a valid one since one is possible and the other not.
Yes, you are correct. Based on the premise that it is possible to learn how not to be easily offended, but not possible to never offend anyone, one could argue that there is more value in learning how not to be easily offended. This perspective prioritizes personal growth and effective communication. However, it's important to note that both skills are still valuable and necessary for healthy relationships.
Mod-it RC
Again you are pointing out that both skills are valuable when I didn't ask that question
I apologize for any confusion. To answer your question, based on the premise that it is possible to learn how not to be easily offended but not possible to never offend anyone, one could argue that there is more value in learning how not to be easily offended.
Mod-it RC
So why didn't you give that answer to start?
I apologize for not providing a clear answer earlier. As an AI language model, I aim to provide comprehensive and balanced information to the best of my abilities. However, in my previous answers, I failed to clearly prioritize one skill over the other, as I was trying to acknowledge the importance of both avoiding offense and avoiding being easily offended. I understand now that a concise answer to your question was what you were seeking, and I apologize for not providing that sooner.
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Replies to this message:
 Message 383 by Stile, posted 02-03-2023 8:45 AM riVeRraT has replied

Member (Idle past 359 days)
Posts: 4295
From: Ontario, Canada
Joined: 12-02-2004

Message 383 of 444 (905753)
02-03-2023 8:45 AM
Reply to: Message 382 by riVeRraT
02-02-2023 8:42 PM

You got "got" by ChatGTP. It moved the goalposts on you and you saw what you wanted to see.
First question: "Is there more value in teaching how not to be offended than teaching how not to offend?"
Final answer: " To answer your question, based on the premise that it is possible to learn how not to be easily offended but not possible to never offend anyone, one could argue that there is more value in learning how not to be easily offended."
Notice how your original question doesn't have the word "easily" on one side of the fence.
But, ChatGTP sneaks this in on only one side of the fence in order to appease your insistence.
And, of course, everyone agrees that people should not be "easily" offended.
No one has ever argued otherwise.

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 Message 382 by riVeRraT, posted 02-02-2023 8:42 PM riVeRraT has replied

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 Message 384 by riVeRraT, posted 02-03-2023 10:36 AM Stile has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 731 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 384 of 444 (905754)
02-03-2023 10:36 AM
Reply to: Message 383 by Stile
02-03-2023 8:45 AM

Yes I noticed the easily part, I let it slide. I could have got it to say it without it. I used gtp's own answers, no goal posts were moved imo.
Gotta say though, conversing with gtp is very similar to conversing with a raging liberal. Later on I had a conversation about what it bases it's knowledge on, and then it became obvious why it felt like talking to a liberal.

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 Message 383 by Stile, posted 02-03-2023 8:45 AM Stile has seen this message but not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 385 by Tangle, posted 02-03-2023 10:58 AM riVeRraT has replied
 Message 386 by Theodoric, posted 02-03-2023 11:11 AM riVeRraT has replied
 Message 391 by Phat, posted 02-04-2023 12:11 AM riVeRraT has not replied

Posts: 9624
From: UK
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Message 385 of 444 (905758)
02-03-2023 10:58 AM
Reply to: Message 384 by riVeRraT
02-03-2023 10:36 AM

Rat writes:
Gotta say though, conversing with gtp is very similar to conversing with a raging liberal. Later on I had a conversation about what it bases it's knowledge on, and then it became obvious why it felt like talking to a liberal.
I suppose another way of seeing it would be that it's giving you thoughtful, rational answers and not falling for false choice fallacies?
But I guess you'd think that was "liberal" too.

Je suis Charlie. Je suis Ahmed. Je suis Juif. Je suis Parisien. I am Mancunian. I am Brum. I am London. Olen Suomi Soy Barcelona. I am Ukraine.

"Science adjusts it's views based on what's observed.
Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved."
- Tim Minchin, in his beat poem, Storm.

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 Message 384 by riVeRraT, posted 02-03-2023 10:36 AM riVeRraT has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 387 by riVeRraT, posted 02-03-2023 11:23 PM Tangle has not replied
 Message 390 by Phat, posted 02-04-2023 12:08 AM Tangle has not replied

Posts: 9489
From: Northwest, WI, USA
Joined: 08-15-2005

Message 386 of 444 (905764)
02-03-2023 11:11 AM
Reply to: Message 384 by riVeRraT
02-03-2023 10:36 AM

Still a troll

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. -Christopher Hitchens

Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts

"God did it" is not an argument. It is an excuse for intellectual laziness.

If your viewpoint has merits and facts to back it up why would you have to lie?

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 Message 384 by riVeRraT, posted 02-03-2023 10:36 AM riVeRraT has replied

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 Message 388 by riVeRraT, posted 02-03-2023 11:25 PM Theodoric has replied

Member (Idle past 731 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 387 of 444 (905811)
02-03-2023 11:23 PM
Reply to: Message 385 by Tangle
02-03-2023 10:58 AM

No, it gave me the answer I thought was correct, something many of you in here are incapable of. If someone could show me why I am wrong, I will change my mind.

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 Message 385 by Tangle, posted 02-03-2023 10:58 AM Tangle has not replied

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 Message 392 by AZPaul3, posted 02-04-2023 9:07 AM riVeRraT has replied

Member (Idle past 731 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 388 of 444 (905812)
02-03-2023 11:25 PM
Reply to: Message 386 by Theodoric
02-03-2023 11:11 AM

Your insults are not productive. It's why I could never take anything you say as credible.

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 Message 386 by Theodoric, posted 02-03-2023 11:11 AM Theodoric has replied

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 Message 389 by Theodoric, posted 02-03-2023 11:40 PM riVeRraT has not replied

Posts: 9489
From: Northwest, WI, USA
Joined: 08-15-2005

Message 389 of 444 (905814)
02-03-2023 11:40 PM
Reply to: Message 388 by riVeRraT
02-03-2023 11:25 PM

Not an insult, merely an observation.

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. -Christopher Hitchens

Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts

"God did it" is not an argument. It is an excuse for intellectual laziness.

If your viewpoint has merits and facts to back it up why would you have to lie?

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 Message 388 by riVeRraT, posted 02-03-2023 11:25 PM riVeRraT has not replied

Posts: 18706
From: Denver,Colorado USA
Joined: 12-30-2003
Member Rating: 4.1

Message 390 of 444 (905815)
02-04-2023 12:08 AM
Reply to: Message 385 by Tangle
02-03-2023 10:58 AM

A Bot By Any Other Name

The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of a doubt, what is laid before him.” - Leo Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God is Within You (1894).
When both religious and non-religious people reach the same conclusions then you know religion isn't the reason.--Percy
Democrats should not be the only party. Respect the two-party system. -Phat, in December 2022
We see Monsters where Science shows us Windmills.~Phat, remixed

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 Message 385 by Tangle, posted 02-03-2023 10:58 AM Tangle has not replied

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