Phat writes:
We can't simply make up stories without some basis of understanding the way that the hypothesis fit(s).
But that's what you both do anyway...
GDR likes to tie his evolving understanding of science in with his dogmatic beliefs, as do I. It is ironic, but your input helps to cut through some of the clutter. Being unburdened with dogma frees up your mind.
Yes, that's what religions have to do to prevent them dying when discoveries are made. If the dogma tries to hold on it just makes itself look stupid - earth being the centre of the universe, young earth, immutability of species etc
Wrong believes can't survive facts. But it takes time.
Basically, I'm attempting to keep my idea of God existing and being understood through Jesus. I think that GDR is attempting the same thing, though perhaps in a different way than am I.
Sure, but it doesn't work for at least two reasons. First, neither of you actually understand the science - and probably what science actually is (unless you've actually done any, it's hard to understand the discipline) - so you think you can just make stuff up. For scientists this sort of ad-hocery is non-scientific and/or just silly.
And second, you can't recocile the bible with science - there's no point of contact. What you're indulging in is is a weird kind of pseudo-scientific, magical thinking.
I don't want to lessen any respect that must be given to the maths in this discussion. The only comment that I would make is that there is a vast difference between knowing about something mathematically and knowing it experientially. (You also pointed this out)
Yes, exactly, but we're only ever going to experience stuff like dark matter mathematically.
On a more general note, those that refuse to acknowledge the facts of scientific discoveries are killing off religious belief because they're provably wrong. But those that accept them are having to indulge in these fantacies. It must be tricky - it would certainly have been easier a couple of hundred years ago when you could just accept what the preacher told you.
It can only get harder too. In the coming years we'll probably create life from chemicals, find life on other planets, understand the neurology of beliefs and mess about with our own genomes.
Religion is going to have to bend over backwards to keep any relevance at all. It's going to be an era of declining traditional beliefs and increasing fantastical and magical ones.
Je suis Charlie. Je suis Ahmed. Je suis Juif. Je suis Parisien. I am Mancunian. I am Brum. I am London.I am Finland. Soy Barcelona
"Life, don't talk to me about life" - Marvin the Paranoid Android
"Science adjusts it's views based on what's observed.
Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved."
- Tim Minchin, in his beat poem, Storm.