I'll just add a few brief comments about our (me and my wife's) personal tax experience this year. Because of a stock sale our gross income increased by 40%, and there was no withholding on that additional amount. We expected to owe substantial federal tax, but it turned out to be a very small amount. If it hadn't been for the stock sale we would probably have had a substantial refund.
Also, the larger standard deduction made filing taxes much easier this year. I didn't have to go back through my 2018 financial records looking for property tax payments, auto registration costs, and charitable donations.
I like the improved simplicity. Doing the taxes used to be an all day affair, now it takes me only an hour or two. If the Trump tax cuts hadn't included huge breaks for the rich and for corporations that caused a huge increase in the deficit that Trump wants to pay for by cutting programs like Social Security then I would think it a big win.
I should add that another reason for our improved tax-filing simplicity is our decreased income. I retired a few years back, cutting our household income by 2/3. I don't collect Social Security yet, and we don't yet have to begin withdrawing from our 401k's or IRA's.