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Author | Topic: Time Dilation, the Hubble Shift and God's Eternal Universe | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
quote: There were 3 revisions. As my original paper as submitted predicted black holes were empty space, and as that is what Schild's team found, I happily changed "blackhole" to "MECO". As they were considering it, I compiled some clarifications that I added as 1 revision when I did the only other revision they wanted, which was to temove "religious" terminology like "faith" and "IATIA" from the Origin section. The predited final section is in the pre-journal version on Vixra. I had originally submitted it to another journal, don't remember which, whose editor forwarded it to the Executive Editor of the J of C, who then contacted me.... Edited by Captcass, : Addition
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
quote: I was making various revisions to the vixra version before I submitted the final vixra v8 to the journal that forwarded it to J of C. You don't publish journal versions in vixra as the journal now has copyright. If I had put the final journal up I would have violated that. I can only publish it on my own site and I have registered a new domain to do just that. If they had just accepted v8, I would have had to remove it from vixra. The J of C is not a vanity journal. People only pay a reviewer's fee and a posting fee, as listed on the journal's site. They also waive those fees if the individual is from a poor country and can't afford the fee. Addition: You cannot post links to outside sites on vixra. Hence my comment in lieu of a link. I would also note that there were several papers on vixra that preceded this one over the last 5 years that helped me work through things. I completely removed each of those when i found a fatal flaw or had an inspiration to improve it in a major way. You are only allowed 9 v's on vixra per paper.... Edited by Captcass, : addition Edited by Captcass, : addition
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
quote:The vixra link was posted way before my paper had been accepted. When I returned here to this thread to note that it was accepted and published, I posted a link or info on how to get there, I forget which and am not going o go back thru all the posts. You are getting close to understanding why my formula is correct and has been accepted by everyone else reviewing the paper, now over 300.... Actually, I do not know if they all agree with my paper. I doubt it very much.But not a one has commented on your supposed "fault". Since no one has responded, I can only add to what I had so,..... I am now going to share some of what I call my "quantum tales" that demonstrate how the universe evolves forward for us, each of us, every one of us as an individual. I use these often to explain "things" to people in my museum... I have been working on further concepts implied by my theory. One of those came up in a forum the other day when someone wanted me to talk about "particles". What I told him led him to ask me if I was saying particles didn't exist and that led to me sharing these short "quantum" tales: "They don't exist as a "thing". They are evolving events. An electron is neither a particle nor a wave. It is an electron, which can display both properties depending on how we observe it. This is why I don't like discussing particles. Of course we consider a ball to be a "particle" for practical purposes, but it is not. It is an interaction of the waveform probabilities within the continuum. When you are not looking at your ball, it doesn't even exist for you. We can never find a way to formulate absolute quantum determination because our actions, including thoughts, hopes, expectations and observations, affect the next instant’s manifestation of events. For instance, I have a sea glass business and would ocean kayak to my favorite collecting site. I landed at the beach one day and found two marbles right next to each other right next to my kayak. They were just plain, colorless, well frosted, marbles but marbles are rarer than reds (which are 1 in 5,000 pieces) and to find two right next to each other is remarkable. So I said, "Lord,thank you". I sure would like to find a red marble, though. I've got a blue one, and I thank you, but I sure would like to find a red one. Please, Lord?" (the Creator is neither male nor female nor human, etc., but this is how I address It. It is simply the greater Self within us that is manifesting us. I.E., our very Life. All living things are just a different point of view for It. We instinctively roll our eyes up, even atheists, when saying, "Oh, God". That is the "3rd eye" spot, the Hindu Om chakra, the frontal lobe of the brain.). I put that thought aside and went back picking and after about 2 hours I was tired and it was time to go tide-wise, but there was just a little more beach to cover, so I decided to just make a quick pass and see if I could spot anything big just lying on top. Normally I would walk very slowly, looking for the gems amongst all the other glass. Just before I got to the end there was this huge red marble. It's 15/16ths of an inch in diameter. It is a beautiful blood red with a white swirl that forms a wave. Click on the link below to view it. http://captcass.com/images/Red%20Marble%20cropped.jpg I rolled my eyes up and went, "Lord!, Oh God! Dear Lord, etc." Then, when I bent down to pick up the marble, there were also two pieces of jewelry quality RED glass, one on either side of the marble. I went, "Oh, Lord! Dear God!, etc. a bunch more and danced around with tears in my eyes. This is how the Creator talks to me. The two red pieces, to me, were the Creator saying the marble was not a coincidence, that I asked for red and got red. The odds of finding all three together are just too vast for it to be otherwise. I would also note that I had only pictured a small, regular sized red marble when I asked. I find the Creator always gives us a much better version of what we ask for than what we imagined. I believe this is because the Creator has a by far greater imagination than we do. The point here is that neither the marble, nor even that section of beach it lay upon, existed for me until I observed them and all the superposition possibilities collapsed into my reality, which was partly determined by my wishes, faith and expectations. This eliminates the possibility of the formulation of an absolute quantum determination. It is also why I don't like discussing "particles". ![]() I don't include the above in my paper because it is indeterminate. The Girl and RedsOne day there was a girl about age 8 or 9 at the beach. She was only looking for reds (1 in 5,000 pieces). In 2 hours, she found 9 reds, whereas I, who was looking for whatever, would find a red every 3 or 4 months. At one point she came running up to me and starting talking to me and as we were finishing up she looked down and picked up a beautiful red right from right between my feet. I wanted to strangle that poor little girl. ![]() Children tend to find what they are looking for because they believe they can. A Stranger’s FaithI began my business by selling on the headlands. One day a man came down and asked me where to look. I told him there was a slag pile in the cove next to me and that because it replenished the beach he might find something rare like a red. He came back in about 15 minutes with a beautiful red and asked me where else he could look. Knowing what was happening and laughing to myself, I told him he could go to the beach behind me and that there was much more glass there and maybe he could find something even rarer, like a grape purple, which are 1 in 10,000 pieces. He came back in about 20 minutes with a beautiful grape purple. I found about 1 a year. ![]() He simply believed what I told him, as would a little child. Sound familiar? This is quantum physics, not "religion", though I expect some of the "pure" science folks will be uncomfortable. Edited by Captcass, : addition Edited by Captcass, : addition
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
The tales are true. Make of them what you will. But if you have eyes, see that the quantum field evolves forward for each of us each instant, otherwise we would cease to exist.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
In his acceptance email, the Editor-in-Chief noted:
"Your manuscript is basically a re-think and re-write of the application of the Einstein theory to our cosmological Universe. In traditional discussions of the same material, the literature is based upon a clear distinction of the experience of the local observer and a hypothetical distant observer, with the two related to one another by Lorentz transformations. Your treatment is basically the theory from the view-point of just the distant observer (though with exceptions)." I replied that I saw it more as the point of view of a hypothetical "outside" observer. Einstein is describing what we MUST see relativisticly from our inertial frame; i.e., "relative" motion. I am describing the "true" motion an observer not restricted by the postulates of relativity and constancy of c would see. I use an oil slick on water being gently heated from below in my paper. Einstein describes the point of view of an observer within the slick. I am describing the view of the whole slick from without it. I would also note, regarding the "tales", that it is a primary principle of Quantum Physics that the observer affects the observed. I am just showing how that can be ...... "harnessed"...? And how much it affects our lives. You speak of my "credentials" as if you know me. As if my education is dependent on someone else's certification.... How arrogant. My credentials are that I proved I CAN learn by graduating Cum Laude from one of the hardest (and toughest) schools in the country, where 4 years curriculum is studied in 3 years, with credits per/QUARTER ranging from 19 to 22. Where only 2/3rds of starting classes graduate. I have absolutely no friggin' need to prove to YOU what I have learned since. I have no friggin' need to show YOU any "credentials". All I need to show you is my model..... What total arrogance. Do you KNOW me? Have we friggin' met and had a conversation over drinks somewhere? "Judge not lest......" the others in this forum judge YOU.... Edited by Captcass, : Addition
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined:
Good. I am glad everyone is enjoying themselves. Science should be fun. Also so glad you can speak for everyone else who is following this thread.
I hear lots of cries of, "crackpot", but that is all I hear. No one has actually replied to what I have said. Do we affect what we observe? Can that be utilized by us as a tool? Or do you just want to ignore that part of QM? You see, I think people who "believe" in the undefinable singularity and infinitely accelerating expansion of the universe to be crackpots. What totally ludicrous beliefs!Who, in their right mind, could believe such fairy tales? LOL! And then there are those crackpots who don't even realize Life is part of the universe even though they are alive! The universe is observing itself through them and they are too blind to see that! What dummies they must be, right? And the folk here who like to humiliate people have severe social deficiencies. I don't know if you know it or not, but that is considered cruel behavior. Like schoolyard bullies and kids who like to torture small animals. There are people actually doing studies on this social derangement that has grown along with the Internet and social forums. Me, I'm an old fart who prefers simple, decent treatment of all people, and calm, thoughtful conversation. So....getting back to the conversation, how does our affecting what we observe affect what we get? When we observe something, and influence it, are we not influencing the evolution of the unverse, the quantum field? When you "will" your arm and hand to pick up a pencil, has not the continuum evolved forward for you so the pencil ends up in your hand? Have you not influenced the evolution of the universe? If we affect what we see, are we all not influencing the evolution of the universe just by opening our eyes? If you have eyes, see. ![]() Edited by Captcass, : spelling Edited by Captcass, : speelling Edited by Captcass, : addition Edited by Captcass, : No reason given.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
Sure. Do you have a proposed topic? "What are the spiritual implications of the paper "General, etc....." or something like that?
And they asked the wise man, "What about the others?. He replied, "There are no others." Hence, my explanation for non-locality. Should we discuss that in the faith or science thread? OK! This just popped into my head. How about a new, mixed, category? I am serious. I meet a lot of physicists who say they have been trying to tie the two together their whole lives, like I have.... Edited by Captcass, : No reason given.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
quote: Exactly, your model doesn't work at either end of the spectrum. You admit you are ignorant, which is a good start. Let's try to build on that. ![]() quote: Really? This is proven fact? Hell, the Standard Model is a flop. The Higg's wasn't even a Higg's. Once again you "believe" a "model" is "truth" even though it is just a poor theory that is stuck and can't go anywhere. You need to listen to yourself. You proclaim theory to be known fact over and over again.... Edited by Captcass, : additon
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
quote:The evolving quantum (spacetime) field.. no ghost or goblins there... quote: They expected either of two masses, 15 (Standard Model - 'we can figure it all out universe') or 35 (multiverses where the constants don't remain the same so 'we can never figure it all out'). They got a 26.....which supports neither model....and no other "particles" have been added to the model since then... Edited by Captcass, : addition
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
quote:I stand corrected. Been a long time since I thought about that.... quote:That is why I wrote the paper. quote:I haven't mentioned "religion" at all except to say spiritually there are gross errors. The rest of "Religion" is just the things we do or don't do for our own well being and the well being of the community at large and with some ritual and razz-a-mazz-tazz in some. I expect you brush your teeth religiously every day. Do you religiously wash your hands at certain times, before or after doing something? Do you avoid meat, or certain types of meats? Or fats? Whatever you do that way is your "religion", whether you are spiritual or not. I have mentioned none of that here.... Indeed, you don't know what my religion is. Buchrishinjewmus? That would mean I am a member of AA. ![]() So please drop the "religion" tags when you are personally attacking me. How about you "spiritual" nuts? Edited by Captcass, : No reason given. Edited by Captcass, : addition
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
quote: Certainly not "religion". All religions contain concepts of spirituality, but spirituality does not contain concepts of religion. Many concepts, correct or incorrect, in religion, such as the moral codes, derive from human perceptions of what the spiritual nature of the universe implies and therefore "requires". But it does work the other way around.
quote:Hence, the link to my paper. Really, do you read your own stuff? Let's see, how many personal insults and attacks against me, way beyond any legitimate discussion of anything, appear in your last posts? And where are the answers to any question I have posited here? Just what exactly does this say about your mental state? Are you sitting there giggling with glee that you can be so inventively insulting and demeaning and come up with such pearls of hate and derision? Are you inferring in print that I am an alcoholic? Have you heard of libel? Be careful where you tread, friend.... Like I said, there are people studying people like you to figure out just what goes wrong with peoples' sense of decency online. No one like the spiritless to spit out hate and violence against those they fail to see as kin. They are always only out for #1 in what they see as a dog-eat-dog world. Always such anger, hate and vitriol.... so sad, really. Pitiable... Normally I wouldn't take it so personally, but my mother passed yesterday and, well,.................... Edited by Captcass, : No reason given. Edited by Captcass, : No reason given.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
I have 20K visitors a year I greet and talk to in my museum each year. My point is that when I speak to them, I don't know what they are dealing with. They may have lost a loved one, human or pet, might have lost their home (we had 25K of those in the last two years due to the fires), their child might just have been diagnosed with cancer or, if they are online contacts, maybe they have the same sort of problems......
For this reason I always try to be civil with each and every one, even the grumps. So, thank for the condolences, but I was just making a point about how we treat each other. My mother did pass, but in 1995. But I DO still feel the loss.... ![]()
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
![]() See, it I was a "religious nutzo" I'd have said, "The Devil made me do it". Edited by Captcass, : No reason given.
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
Captcass Member (Idle past 1945 days) Posts: 70 Joined: |
quote:That is exactly what science is for. And it was all logical and elegant up to and including GR and became illogical when Hubble's shift was misinterpreted as an acceleration in space rather than an acceleration in time, effects in spacetime being able to be expressed in terms of either aspect (perspective). As we are the universe figuring itself out it should be doable..... I would add that my comments re my mother passing were meant to get folks to realize we should treat people decently and with civility, and we should do that......wait for it..............."religiously". ![]() Well, it is what, 14 hours later now? Ahhhhhh, a day of peace... ![]() The reason is that even those who claim to be "spiritless" feel empathy for not just other people, but dogs, cats, fish, bugs and plants and feel poorly about themselves when they feel they have hurt any of the above (or even pond scum) needlessly, and certainly don't want to be perceived by others as being such a cruel person. Pretty much all of humanity feels this way. And the other species, as well. In fact, all species can co-exist in loving relationships inter-specially. (Please search for "BLT", a bear, lion and tiger raised together in mutually loving relationships with each other and people - of course inter-species bonding is already very well known by everyone, right?) People keep pet spiders...... We don't find a lot of crazy anything running around just doing harm and trying to hurt who/what- ever. In fact, no species is like that..... We all recognize a one-ness and feel empathy for each other. As humans, we laugh at what hurts, like in slapstick, so we do not feel the other's pain. I explain this one-ness, that also explains, or, better yet, is evidenced by, non-locality.... in the Origins section... We are all of us more of us coming forth from within us. (copyright ![]() And we all begin with 1. (Even in the sense all life on Earth evolved from 1 original cell) This is not "religion", it is spirituality, happily an aspect most religions get right..... This is why I hate the phrase, "life begins..". On this planet the only scientifically appropriate completion is, "...with a single cell in the ocean." The rest is an evolutionary flow of division, near-replication and multiplication. Even from a Christian "Creationist" point of view, from whatever starting point, the rest is an evolutionary flow of division, near-replication and multiplication. Hey, Ma! Just look at us now! ![]() But I can guarantee you, no matter how you look at it, we are all one life in origin......and we have deeper, spiritual, connections the non-spiritual just aren't seeing.... Sorry, I don't mean to be condescending. Edited by Captcass, : Addition Edited by Captcass, : No reason given. Edited by Captcass, : No reason given. Edited by Captcass, : No reason given. Edited by Captcass, : No reason given. Edited by Captcass, : No reason given.
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