Twenty years ago I had a lengthy and very detailed series of dreams about living an alternate life, but I didn't remember any of these dreams until one morning I awoke with the memory of the last fresh in my mind. Memories of all the rest then came flooding back, stunningly vivid. This told me that alternate universes exist and that evolution could not possibly be true.
Another time a policeman was rude to me after pulling me over for going 81 mph in a 55 mph zone, and this confirmed for me that evolution is false.
I'm sure many others have stories confirming the deceitful dishonesty of evolution, but it goes beyond that. The antichrist lives within the walls of the world's center of power, and this proves the world is flat. UFO sightings have increased, and this proves the moon landings never happened. Last month's Quadrantid meteor show proved we live in a geocentric universe.
The conspiracies against this knowledge run deep, almost everyone will laugh at these obvious connections, but it only proves they are true. People are frightened of true knowledge.