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Author | Topic: Covid-19 and religion. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Faith ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1763 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
My problem is that there is such a constant barrage of fake news and false accusations against Trump it's hard for me to take anything seriously that anyone has to say about ways he may be mismanaging ANYTHING. I'm beyond caring.
But I am listening to the health people as much apart from all that politicizing as I can and taking THEIR advice. Edited by Faith, : No reason given.
AZPaul3 Member Posts: 8710 From: Phoenix Joined: Member Rating: 5.0 |
The German government is not known to be like the Russian Internet Research Agency spreading intellectual disease and poisonous disinformation across the globe. When the Germans say the Trump administration tried to hijack a biotech firm with a $billion scheme to move the firm to the US with an eye to securing exclusive rights to the firms possible COVID-19 vaccine they cannot be so easily dismissed.
U.S. Offered ‘Large Sum’ to German Company for Access to Coronavirus Vaccine Research, German Officials Say - The New York Times We all know the Germans have no respect for the Trump administration. They find him to be an incompetent megalomaniacal narcissistic buffoon, just like the rest of the world. But there is no reason, no need and no desire, for them to lie or exaggerate such a claim. Despite what the Trumperiesttas may try to justify or how hard they try to deflect there can be no doubt that Trump attempted to do just that. To even consider such an scheme, let alone act on it, is proof of this administration’s callous disregard for the rest of the world community and Trump’s insensitive, indeed hostile, perspective of humanity. The man is fucking evil.Eschew obfuscation. Habituate elucidation.
Faith ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1763 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
Since you are talking to yourself I hate to interrupt but since you might be indirectly talking to me my response is that I was responding to what was said in YOUR link.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.
Taq Member Posts: 10385 Joined: Member Rating: 5.7 |
Dogmafood writes: Seriously though how accurate is the estimated mortality rate given that we don't really know how many people have been infected? South Korea has had much higher levels of testing which allows for much better estimates. They are seeing about a 0.8% mortality rate. How Coronavirus Death Rate in South Korea Compares to Flu From what I can see, this is the best estimate we have right now. We probably won't know the actual mortality rate until it's over and epidemiologists have done some extensive surveys.
Larni Member (Idle past 172 days) Posts: 4000 From: Liverpool Joined: |
Yeah in England, we call public toilets 'pubic toilets'. If it is in a home we call it the toilet.
Or the loo but that just shows bad breeding.The above ontological example models the zero premise to BB theory. It does so by applying the relative uniformity assumption that the alleged zero event eventually ontologically progressed from the compressed alleged sub-microscopic chaos to bloom/expand into all of the present observable order, more than it models the Biblical record evidence for the existence of Jehovah, the maximal Biblical god designer. -Attributed to Buzsaw Message 53 The explain to them any scientific investigation that explains the existence of things qualifies as science and as an explanation-Attributed to Dawn Bertot Message 286 Does a query (thats a question Stile) that uses this physical reality, to look for an answer to its existence and properties become theoretical, considering its deductive conclusions are based against objective verifiable realities.-Attributed to Dawn Bertot Message 134
PaulK Member Posts: 18048 Joined: Member Rating: 4.9 |
quote: You can’t take the criticisms seriously because they’re probably true. I can believe that.
Faith ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1763 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
Sure you can believe that, as does the entire Left. But the level of criticism far exceeds anything any other President, or even any human being at all, has ever had to deal with. This is Leftist craziness, this is not deserved by Trump. It's impossible for anyone to deserve such treatment. Especially a President who is doing his best to serve America and Americans.
hooah212002 Member (Idle past 1120 days) Posts: 3193 Joined: |
hooah212002 Member (Idle past 1120 days) Posts: 3193 Joined: |
Greek Orthodox church says 'holy cup cannot carry disease', allows congregations to share spoon
quote: |
PaulK Member Posts: 18048 Joined: Member Rating: 4.9 |
quote: I doubt that. And it doesn’t change the fact that the criticism is very frequently true and that you falsely try to dismiss it as fake news (which is a sick joke coming from a fan of InfoWars) And I remind you that there are far worse attacks being directed at the Left for far less reason. Such as the claim that Bernie Sanders would instigate a new Holocaust - when Sanders is a Jew who lost relatives in the actual Holocaust.
quote: Since Leftists are treated worse - with no sign of complaint from you - and when the attacks are genuinely crazy I cannot believe your claim. Especially as Trump does deserve a good deal of the criticism and politicians must expect some underserved criticism, too.
quote: That would be more fairly said about Obama. It didn’t stop your attacks.
LamarkNewAge Member Posts: 2497 Joined: |
I heard some say Iran saw their early high infection rate as some sort of thing that might be able to be interpreted in a light that diminished the Twelver Shia religion.
France had a Roman Catholic religion that has historically been faithful to the religion but adverse to the Roman Popes. Anybody think this is all irrelevant or not. Might have a relevance to some.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
AnswersInGenitals writes: I wonder how many clerics (and their parishioners) notice the irony when they close their churches or cancel services because of the coronavirus. Apparently they are convinced that their all-powerful god is powerless against complex molecules. Christians are not at all convinced God does not have the power to change the molecules of which show the specified complexity, information and teleology evolution cannot answer for even with bad answers. Of course your rather predictable response would be, "then God created coronavirus you say?" But no, I don't say that, because God finished the work of creation in creation week and it was all, "very good". In case your brain capacity struggles with the obvious you should be able to see something very easy for even the most unobservant atheist; that such viruses ARISE IN TIME, not at the start of time, and it would be the genetic fallacy to insist they had the same meaning back then as they do now. They obviously didn't, and could have been neutral or symbiotic. The mutations that occur since then are if anything not a testimony to what mutations can build or design but to the harm they do with defects and diseases. So much for your great inventor. Of course if you were to ever actually open the bible you will read that Christ's predictions about the world is that people will get worse and negative events will increase on the earth. The prediction is that things will get worse. Christ said and I quote, "in this world you will have tribulation". CONCLUSION: There is NOTHING in the bible that says that generally speaking the ill effects of the curse will be remedied by God. Christ healed but what's interesting is people still got sick. Sure, He healed them but likely more went unhealed. We see if you actually read the bible about these things that some people Christ encountered such as the woman with an issue of blood, went for very many years BEFORE God healed them. But there is nothing in the bible which indicates that God NOT healing says anything about God's power since the earth is given over to sin and the world is an unsaved world. The purpose of the gospel was not to preach the world would be healed, Christ predicted many disasters and negative things would continue until the end of the world, but that the gospel is the preaching of the kingdom of God, where in Revelation we are told that there will be no more disease, sickness, pain, etc.... So I am afraid your little dig/assertion, only shows your complete lack of knowledge pertaining to the theology that deals with this. There is certainly no expectation that the world will get better and a lot of the bad things that will happen in future will be happening very much within God's will. ADVICE: Using a disease and suffering to act like an opportunist against those of faith is basically LOW moral behaviour in my view. But that's nothing new from the likes of you.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
So how about a, "covid-19 and atheism" topic? Why automatically tie covid-19 to religion?
"Religion" logically speaking, is a VERY broad term anyway. For example you can be an atheist pagan that believes crystals heal and be, "religious". So have you shown that crystals can heal covid-19? No? Then why would a bible-believing Christian have to logically defend a type of theism which does not incorporate a world of sin and the curse? Think about that.....why would I have to answer for the "atheists strawman god" when I don't believe the atheist strawman god even exists? That would be like me expecting you to now show crystals can heal because atheist pagans claim they can. You need to read my blog which deals with the "atheist strawman god" very well indeed, because the atheist version of god and what he should do, simply is nothing even close to the God of the bible, yet dim-witted atheists keep trying to send us chasing their red-herring by pretending that God is made in THEIR image, and should act as they deem fit. No, according to the bible you have a twisted, sinful mind and your human level of reason is warped gibberish at best. You can read more about your STRAWMAN version of God here, where I rip apart the atheist speaker; Creation and evolution views-arguments.html mike the wiz writes: If prayer is generally not answered, this would only disprove the atheist strawman god exists, the god they invent so they can knock him down. But since this argument is only a strawman fallacy anyway, and Christians that accept the bible are NOT arguing God would answer all prayer, then this is a WEAK and fallacious argument and;
mike the wiz writes: I remember this from an atheist celebration day, an atheist talked about God as a generalised God then explained that according to chance prayers just don't get answered. He used the analogy of God having an email spam box where there were too many requests to deal with. The problem is logically speaking there is no such thing as the "God of atheists", which is a god that everyone would pray to, and that we would all know, no matter what religion we were from Edited by mike the wiz, : No reason given.
AnswersInGenitals Member (Idle past 469 days) Posts: 673 Joined:
How appropriate that on Easter we should see that Brad McFall has yet arisen.
mike the wiz Member Posts: 4758 From: u.k Joined: |
genitalsinanswer writes: How appropriate that on Easter we should see that Brad McFall has yet arisen. In other words, "I don't have any come back, so all I have left is a wise-crack." We are given an explanation for why the world is the way it is and the bible predicts the world won't change but will get worse. Perhaps mocking God's omnipotence would have more of an effect had the bible said the world would get better and God would stop every bad thing. Now if you are saying that under a general sort of theism you would expect God to heal everyone with this disease or under Islam or under any non-biblical framework, THEN I ABSOLUTELY AGREE. Do you know why I agree? Because under any other religions, especially those that endorse an evolutionary view of the world, the present earth we live on would be how it has always been. There was no initial paradise God created under that framework. So then you are perfectly within your right to then ask, "where is God's power?" Because under that framework, why is suffering part of the, "very good" creation? Because if things have always been this way, then that means God is a crap Creator, right? He's powerless, and basically under this view of things, there's no need to even believe in the useless god of evolution. Under a general theism, why does God allow bad things? There is basically no answer. Apparently he uses ugly evolution and mutations and cancer to eventually get humanity? (Lol) What a crap god. To be honest I'd be atheist if I believed in that history. But under the bible framework the theology of the Christian bible answers for all of these basic atheist complaints. The world has gone wrong. Mutations are not the designer but part of the curse, they create disease because of the sins of mankind, which if you are honest, are pretty damn terrible when we think of some of those things, like rape, paedophiles, murders, violent crimes of every type, wicked imaginings such as acid attacks. There is a very real, very perverse sinful nature. Now we are told in Noah's day the destruction was with water but in the last days it will be with fire, and there will be pangs as the world gets worse. Worse earthquakes and natural disasters, many wars, famines, diseases, etc... But sure, under a sort of, "invented secular version of theism" where every murderer of babies gets a get out of jail free card because of his human rights and then is given a lifetime membership to the jello of the month club, sure, in that pseudo-spirtual context, we expect God to please our every whim and ignore the terrible crimes against all of the victims on this planet. We expect a "happily ever after" even for the most dispicable Godless, pride-filled anti-theists. Because under evolution, your atheist version of god has always been a useless, merciless, powerless bastard. I agree. But that atheist god just doesn't exist friend. Edited by mike the wiz, : No reason given. Edited by mike the wiz, : No reason given.
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