I'm ecstatic with Biden.
Ok, not my 1st thru 15th choice but he's not Trump and that is all that matters at this point.
If you want to complain about the DNC and the insiders influencing the choice, well, it IS their party, not yours or mine or the people's.
The Democrat elite, the controlling interests of the Democratic Party, look like they have chosen their candidate and the also-rans in the party appear to have accepted that choice.
We are stuck, as usual, with a two party system that is controlled by the parties, not by "The People". That is a reality that is not going to change anytime soon. Certainly not by November.
So now what? Waste your vote and stay home to sulk? That's pretty much what happened last time isn't it. Worked out real well for the nation and the world didn't it.
Who do you want making decisions in the Oval Office? Joe Biden and his covey of Democratic Party advisors or that Orange Bastard who listens to no one but his own narcissistic fantasies?
As I said, I am so happy to have a choice that is not Trump. I'll take it.
Edited by AZPaul3, : No reason given.
Factio Republicana delenda est.