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Author | Topic: Broken Thinking Skills & Pointless Discussion | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
jar Member (Idle past 161 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
There really is a Christian Cult of Ignorance and it has created its own parallel education system and media system and accreditation system and broadcast system and economic system and political system.
It is ubiquitous and pervasive throughout the US and also totally divorced from reality, evidence, reasoning and thinking. And in just over two months we will see whether or not it totally takes over the US.
jar Member (Idle past 161 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
The question of Creation vs Evolution really has been settled and creation lost, has been tossed onto the trash heap of really silly fantasies.
All that is left in opposition to the fact of Evolution and also over about ten years old are the liars for fun and profit, the willfully dumber than a read brick and the batshit crazy.
jar Member (Idle past 161 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Phat writes: They cannot be gluttons, arrogant, greedy for money, power, or prestige, living sinfully or thinking that all gods are relativistic concepts of human minds What does the evidence relating to gods show Phat? What evidence is that that even indicates that all gods are not relativistic concepts of human minds?
jar Member (Idle past 161 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
Phat writes: When jar says that even if Jesus was simply a mythical character told in a tale around a campfire,the message still has value he fails to realize that if Jesus is not literal and Divine the whole pack of cards does collapse. Yet the important point to remember and understand is that Christianity is just a structure built from a pack of cards. Christianity is but one path, one set of rules, one club, one vision, one set of possible choices. A set. It is not unified or unique or in any way special. It is designed and created by humans for humans. The backs of the cards might be blue or red or yellow or green but the fronts are all pretty much the same. You need to learn what literal means. Look at the Bible. There are dozens of literal description of god. Each literally describes a character that is literally different than all the other descriptions of god in the Bible. The God of Genesis 1 is not the God of Genesis 2 or the God of Exodus. This is also true of the descriptions of Jesus in the Bible. The literal descriptions literally describe different characters. The Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels is different than the Jesus of John.
jar Member (Idle past 161 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
Phat writes: The debates center around the possibility and probability of whether One God (described many different ways and interpreted to be of many varied characters) actually exists and what the implication is for humanity. Unless God is just an observer watching His kids grow up. Yet other than what is written in the basic foundational Christian books there is little material to even bring up any probability of the existence of only one God. And as always, the Bible itself is contradictory about whether there is one God or multiple Gods. In addition the God in Genesis 1 is not even an observer of the created; took one initial look, decided it was good and then took a nap.
jar Member (Idle past 161 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
Phat, Phat, Phat!
Phat writes: If you are honest, you should realize that if One God exists and became human in order to relate to humans, you first have to even want to know this God. Phat, there have been a brazillion different Gods that became human not just in order to relate to humans but to have sex with humans and fight with humans and party with humans and sleep with humans and hunt with humans and ... Phat, there is nothing unusual or unique about the stories told about Jesus.
Phat writes: Perhaps you would do well to be on the lookout yourselves for evidence...dont challenge us to provide you with ours. What makes you think that other's don't look for evidence and in fact millions find the same subjective stuff you've found but that show that Allah or Coyote or Ganesh or every other real true god ever discussed is the One True God. You need to peovide either evidence or at least reasoned argument to support the god you created and market.
jar Member (Idle past 161 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
I don't see any issue that would require giving up a god concept. After all, like Phat, I believe that there is a GOD, the creator of all that is, seen and unseen.
jar Member (Idle past 161 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
Phat writes: I know that I will never "throw God away" as jar suggests, yet am learning why I fall on this side of the fence rather than on Richard Dawkins side. You keep injecting what I post into replies to other folk while demonstrating that you are simply incapable of understanding or are unwilling to understand what I actually post. Think for a minute about "throw God away" and the many instances where that is exactly what you do while never realizing or refusing to realize that is exactly what you do do. There is a God in Genesis 1. That God is supremely competent but also aloof, apart, and has absolutely to contact or communion with what that God creates. But you throw that God away; instead you create a God that is not apart, not aloof and that has communion with some chosen few that just happens include you. There is a God in Genesis 2&3. That God is kinda incompetent, learning on the job, unsure, learning by trial and error, not fully honest and certainly not fair in its treatment of humans but it is approachable, helping and definitely in communion with Adam & Eve. But you throw that God away; instead you create a God that is not unsure, not learning on the job, not working through trial and error, fully honest and incapable of lies or deceit. The list of God(s) and god(s) that you do throw away is extensive and we have discussed many if not most of such examples. What you do is throw all God(s) and god(s) except the God you want and create away because it is the God you really really really want to be real. GOD, God god. I have never suggested that you throw GOD away. It's all the brazillion God(s) and god(s) that you and all other believers create that need to be thrown away. Stop worshipping a human creation, an idol, an ikon, coyote & raven & Loki that are what the Apologists of all time and all faiths create, costume, script and market. Believe in GOD, the creator all that is, seen and unseen, the GOD that will judge your life after you die. Or don't. But why continue to believe in some God that ALL the evidence says is just a creation of human minds?
jar Member (Idle past 161 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
Phat writes: I always keep the God I want. I throw all of the others soundly and firmly away. Exactly. You keep the God you create. But if GOD exists she is not any of the God(s) or god(s) that humans have created over the millennia. GOD, if GOD exists is what IT is; not what we really really really want to be real. AbE:
Phat writes: And I believe that GOD can be better understood through studying the Bible and Jesus than He(She,It) ever could through studying human literature. But again Phat, that is not what you do. You do not study the Bible; instead you listen without question what Apologists tell you the Bible really says instead of what is actually written. Second, there is no way to study Jesus other than through what humans have written about Jesus and even there, you do not actually study what is actually written but only what the Apologists market. The Bible is just human literature, written by humans, edited by humans, compiled by humans, revised by humans, translated by humans, interpreted & marketed by humans. Edited by jar, : fix ) Edited by jar, : see AbE:
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